Anonymous ID: 39902d Sept. 21, 2018, 11:35 a.m. No.3123819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4382

REPOSTING For visibility as kitchen smells funny


>>3123018 Taiwan police arrests American 3D-printed gun maker Cody Wilson

>>3123030 Foreign student pilot had to be dragged from aircraft in criminal attempt to steal a plane

>>3123087 Christine Ford Adviser Told Democrats in July Call About Plot to Take Down Kavanaugh (AUDIO)

>>3123147 ‘Freedom of navigation isn’t a freedom to invade & infringe upon sovereignty’ – China’s UK envoy

>>3123203 Border Patrol Agents in Texas Town Apprehend 300 Migrants in One Day

>>3123223 Released Text Messages And Emails Show Mueller Team’s Cozy Relationship With Press

>>3123346 BREAKING: Senate Republicans Make Counteroffer to Christine Blasey Ford With Friday Deadline

>>3123392 Over 200,000 Undocumented Migrants in Germany Were ‘Born’ on January 1st

>>3123435 Pentagon Hypes Taliban Body Counts to Try to Sell White House on Afghan War


>>3123533 Angered PM May Implies ‘No Deal’ Closer After EU Insults and Rejections

>>3123619 Accuser's parents Ralph & Paula Blasey + brother Ralph Blasey III missing from family letter of support

Anonymous ID: 39902d Sept. 21, 2018, 11:36 a.m. No.3123825   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: 39902d Sept. 21, 2018, 11:38 a.m. No.3123850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3894 >>4014 >>4022 >>4092 >>4215 >>4426 >>4488

Macron Vows Punishment for States Refusing Third World Migration


Emmanuel Macron has said funding should be withdrawn from pro-sovereignty nations reluctant to hand more power over to Brussels, and that countries which refuse to welcome third world migrants must be thrown out of the Schengen area.


“Europe is not a menu à la carte, it’s a political project,” the French president declared, speaking at the end of an EU mini-summit on migration in Salzburg Thursday evening.


At a press conference following the meeting of European leaders, Macron acknowledged there was “a crisis and tensions” over the topic but, crying out, “Who generates them?” the former investment banker launched a broadside at nations which reject asylum seekers and those which “refuse to let boats dock on its ports”.


Taking aim at the ex-communist Visegrad states, which are reluctant to follow the West down the road of globalist multiculturalism, he lashed out at “the leaders who tell me… ‘[I] love Europe when it gives me money, when it makes my people prosperous, when it allows my workers to make better a living in neighbouring countries,’ but at home, will not take a single migrant, not a single refugee.”


“Countries that do not want more Frontex or solidarity [in housing and feeding third world migrants] will leave Schengen. Countries that don’t want more Europe will no longer [get access to] structural funds,” he told journalists.


Turning the topic to EU Parliament elections, the banking protegé said next year’s vote would be “an historic fight [and] an election like no other”, as it would determine whether “the political project led by the founding fathers [of the union] … will prevail”.


Macron has previously summarised next year’s vote as a battle between pro-sovereignty conservatives and a “progressive” bloc which would impose his vision of a globalist, socially liberal EU superstate, which revolves around “values” and secular “human rights”, on the entire continent.


While most of the French leader’s ire at Salzburg was aimed at populists, his attack on countries “that do not want more Frontex” encompassed a much larger group at the summit, where Sebastian Kurz told reporters that southern states at the frontline of mass migration to Europe were “reluctant” over plans to massively increase the size and scope of the EU border agency.


The Austrian leader explained that in countries including Greece, Spain and Italy, there is “concern” that handing more power over to Brussels would make it “harder to wave migrants through” to other, richer EU countries.


In an interview on national radio last week, he said: “Because they were unable to persuade Hungary to let migrants in, the plan now is that they will take border protection rights away from us.


“They want no less than to send their mercenaries from Brussels to replace our Hungarians who are defending the border, and working as police and soldiers, whose homeland is important.”


Speaking at Salzburg, the populist leader told journalists that the expansion of Frontex was a “nice idea”, but said the agency had “never successfully protected a single metre of a border, while we have protected hundreds of kilometres”.


“There’s no need for them to protect the Hungarian border in our place, not to mention the questions of principle concerning the issue of sovereignty,” he said, adding that he had presented at the summit his own proposal which would “resolve this problem” to Austria, which is currently chairing the EU presidency.


Noting that the Hungarian proposal, which would see money marked for Frontex instead sent to help individual nations invest in protecting and strengthening their own external borders, had already been presented to Bulgaria, Orbán said “there are more of us who oppose” the EU plans than for, adding: “The status quo is on our side for now”.


This view was also expressed by Slovak prime minister Peter Pellegrini and his Czech counterpart Andrej Babiš, the latter of whom said on the subject: “Malta, Italy, Greece, Spain need to be told that they will get more money. They each have their own coast guard, they don’t need any Frontex.”

Anonymous ID: 39902d Sept. 21, 2018, 11:39 a.m. No.3123867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4070 >>4203

Ukrainian President Wants to Rename Street to Honor McCain


Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko wants to name a street in Kiev after the late Sen. John McCain.


"The Ukrainian president is asking the parliament's factions to support his initiative to rename the Ivan Kudrya street . . . after Senator John McCain," said Irina Lutsenko, an aide to Poroshenko, Russia's state-run media reported.


Ivan Kudrya was a Soviet intelligence officer who was executed by the Nazis in occupied Kiev in 1942. Poroshenko attended the funeral for McCain on Saturday.


McCain visited the Ukranian military on New Year's Eve 2016, in response to Russia's annexation of Crimea and invasion of eastern Ukraine.


"We stand w/ them in their fight against #Putin's aggression," McCain tweeted at the time.

Anonymous ID: 39902d Sept. 21, 2018, 11:43 a.m. No.3123917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4022 >>4215 >>4426 >>4488 >>4570

Rosenstein Proposed Secretly Recording Trump, Invoking 25th Amendment


If this latest revelation from the New York Times doesn't drive President Trump to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, or convince Congress to impeach him, then we can't imagine what would.


In a shocking report citing a bevy of anonymous DOJ officials, the NYT recounted on Friday an aborted mutiny attempt organized by Rosenstein, who allegedly tried to organize members of Trump's cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment to oust Trump from office. In an attempt to persuade the clearly reluctant members of Trump's cabinet, Rosenstein suggested that he had taped Trump "to expose the chaos" he said was engulfing the West Wing. According to NYT, the sources were either briefed on Rosenstein's plans, or learned about it from the files of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who was fired after being disgraced by an inspector general investigation. ABC News, which also reported the story, cited sources familiar with McCabe's files.


Mr. Rosenstein made the remarks about secretly recording Mr. Trump and about the 25th Amendment in meetings and conversations with other Justice Department and F.B.I. officials. Several people described the episodes, insisting on anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. The people were briefed either on the events themselves or on memos written by F.B.I. officials, including Andrew G. McCabe, then the acting bureau director, that documented Mr. Rosenstein’s actions and comments.


None of Mr. Rosenstein’s proposals apparently came to fruition. It is not clear how determined he was about seeing them through, though he did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the secretary of homeland security and now the White House chief of staff, to mount an effort to invoke the 25th Amendment.


According to the NYT, this all happened during the spring of 2017, shortly after Trump cited a letter that Rosenstein had penned criticizing former FBI Director James Comey's handling of the Clinton probe as justification to fire Comey. Rosenstein reportedly felt he had been "used" by the president as an excuse to fire Comey.


Rosenstein also tried to recruit some of his would-be co-conspirators to surreptitiously record Trump in the Oval Office.


Mr. Rosenstein then raised the idea of wearing a recording device or "wire," as he put it, to secretly tape the president when he visited the White House. One participant asked whether Mr. Rosenstein was serious, and he replied animatedly that he was.



Anonymous ID: 39902d Sept. 21, 2018, 11:46 a.m. No.3123978   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UKIP Says Anti-Extremism Manifesto is ‘Similar’ to Trump Policies


The UK Independence Party (UKIP) have launched a new interim manifesto, taking a hard line against radical Islamic terrorism, which they say has “similarities” with the policies of U.S. President Donald J. Trump.


The manifesto also proposes housing radical Islamists in separate prisons to stop them spreading extremism, and introducing special security screening for immigrants from some terror-linked states.


One paragraph states: “UKIP will end mass uncontrolled immigration, and under a security-based screening policy we restrict any limited migration from Islamic countries to those people we can be sure, as far as possible, do not follow a literalist and extremist interpretation of Islam.”


Questioned on if the policy emulated those of President Trump, a UKIP spokesman said it was “entirely homegrown” and would apply to countries such as Iran.


But he told Sky News: “Although there are similarities, there has been no conscious aping of the president of America’s policies.” Like President Trump, UKIP denies the policy represented a “Muslim ban,” with the spokesman insisting this is “clear from the wording”.


Elements of Britain’s mainstream media have characterised the new manifesto as a “lurch” to the right for UKIP.


The document also says “UKIP will legislate to ban the overseas funding of mosques and imams,” something past leader Paul Nuttall promised to do, but did not include in the 2017 manifesto because there was insufficient time to research the policy.


The new, more hard-line manifesto also proposes extra protections for free speech, rolling back “hate crime” laws that police speech, and scrapping some “equalities” legislation that allows the BBC and other organisations to openly discriminate against white people.


It takes a strong like on grooming gangs, too. It reads: “The systematic and industrialised sexual abuse of under-age and vulnerable young people is one of the greatest social scandals in English history.


“A scandal not just because it happened but because the responsible authorities swept it under the carpet for decades.”


Adding: “It is now accepted that one of the key factors that drove the cover up of this phenomenon was adherence by the authorities to political correctness and the fear of identifying the vast majority of the perpetrators as Muslims.”

Anonymous ID: 39902d Sept. 21, 2018, 11:52 a.m. No.3124084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4114 >>4215 >>4426 >>4488

Israel declares it is above the law


Israel’s critics often describe the country as being above the law, but until now this has never been brazenly declared by its government. Documents published this week shows a legal representative of the Israeli government audaciously claiming that Israel can “legislate anywhere in the world,” that it is “entitled to violate the sovereignty of foreign countries,” and that it “is allowed to ignore the directives of international law in any field it desires”.


The bold declaration was made in legal materials recently submitted to the Israeli Supreme Court in which the government representative said that the Knesset is allowed to ignore international law anywhere it desires.


These remarks were made last month in a written response the government filed to the Israeli Supreme Court relating to the petition against the Settlement Regularisation Law filed by Palestinian legal groups, Adalah, The Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Centre (JLAC), and Al Mezan Center for Human Rights (Gaza). Their petition was made on behalf of 17 local Palestinian authorities in the West Bank.

Anonymous ID: 39902d Sept. 21, 2018, 11:53 a.m. No.3124100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4215 >>4426 >>4488

May’s Statement on No-Deal Brexit Preparations is ‘Dreadful’ - Sturgeon


MOSCOW (Sputnik) - First Minister of Scotland blasted UK Prime Minister Theresa May's announcement on London continuing preparations for a no-deal Brexit and noted that "the only remotely workable way" is for the United Kingdom to stay in the Single Market and the Customs Union.


"PM [May’s] statement was dreadful. The EU view was bluntly expressed yesterday but not new — she just hasn’t been listening. If her tactic now is to double down on the Chequers dead duck and then blame EU for a no deal, she will do huge damage to all those she is supposed to serve," First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon wrote on Twitter on Friday.


There was no other option for London in Brexit than to stay both in the Single Market and the Customs Union, the Scottish minister underlined stressing that if PM was not prepared, then "Brexit shouldn’t happen".


"‘No deal’ or ‘no detail‘ Brexit simply not acceptable — especially for Scotland, where we did not vote for this," Sturgeon stressed.


Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn joined criticism of May’s plan on Brexit, calling Theresa May’s Brexit negotiating strategy "a disaster" and urging both London and Brussels to end "political games."


Corbyn also noted in a statement, released by his party’s press service, that "the Tories have spent more time arguing among themselves than negotiating with the EU" and "from day one, the Prime Minister has looked incapable of delivering a good Brexit deal for Britain."


Earlier in the day, May said that no-deal in the divorce between London and Brussels is highly likely as the European Union’s rejection of the Chequers Brexit plan has led the sides into an "impasse." The prime minister noted that Brussels' options for the United Kingdom – either staying in the European Economic Area and the Customs Union or a basic free trade agreement with Northern Ireland remaining in the Customs Union – are completely unacceptable for London.


According to the Chequers plan, adopted by the UK cabinet in July, London and Brussels could create a free trade area for goods and maintain a "common rulebook" for all goods. The European Union, however, rejected the proposal as undermining the single market.

Anonymous ID: 39902d Sept. 21, 2018, 11:55 a.m. No.3124123   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FBI Seeks to Understand Psychology of Mass Shooters; But Hasn’t Investigated Why Feds Ignored Tips That Would Have Prevented Shooting Deaths


The FBI is embarking on an effort to understand better the psychology behind mass shooters.


No mention of wheher the FBI will investigate why it ignores tips about mass shooters before they go on deadly rampages, however.


The bureau has conducted a few interviews with perpetrators of mass killings in an effort to find commonalities in what motivated them to attack. Now the agency may launch a broad-based study to interview many mass shooters and look for patterns in their backgrounds, thinking and behavior.


“We’re definitely missing a piece of the puzzle through the offenders’ eyes,” said Sarah Craun of the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit.


The potential study would be similar to research the FBI and Secret Service have conducted into serial killers, school shooters and assassins. It would likely take several years.


The FBI declined to say how many mass shooters it hopes to interview.

Anonymous ID: 39902d Sept. 21, 2018, 11:59 a.m. No.3124185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4260

Kremlin: Reacting to every single US sanction can run yourself into the ground


Russia retains the principle of reciprocity in relation to the current sanctions, but notes this tool is used so frequently by the US that responding to it every time is impossible


SOCHI, September 21. /TASS/. Russia retains the principle of reciprocity in relation to the current sanctions, but notes this tool is used so frequently by the US that responding to it every time is impossible, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.


"We will take measures, which meet the interests of the Russian Federation best," the Kremlin spokesman said in responding to a question about Moscow's reaction to the new round of restrictive measures from Washington.


He noted that the decisions made by Washington "cannot even be called sanctions - these are unilateral restrictions."


"Sanctions are actions that are legitimate under international law. Such restrictions (on the part of Washington) are not legitimate in terms of international law," Peskov noted.


"They (the US) use this practice so often that you can run yourself into the ground if you try to respond to every new unfriendly manifestation," the Kremlin spokesman emphasized.


"But the fact that we are adhering to and will adhere to the principle of reciprocity should not be doubted by anybody," the Kremlin official concluded, "but the main thing is that Moscow will do what is in its interests," he added.


When commenting on the application of US sanctions against China over the purchase of Russian military products, Peskov noted that there are different reports about it.


"In particular, there are reports that it is not the first time when they (US sanctions) were applied against a third party. That being said, they (US sanctions) were applied to that third party a few decades ago," he elaborated, adding that this information should be clarified.

Anonymous ID: 39902d Sept. 21, 2018, 12:06 p.m. No.3124298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4426 >>4488

Dirty Cop Rosenstein Denies He Wanted to Secretly Tape President Trump in 2017 — But Signed FISA Doc to Spy on Trump


As Cristina Laila reported earlier on Friday —

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last year spoke with DOJ and FBI officials about wearing a wire and secretly recording President Trump to be able to build a case that Trump is unfit to hold office.


DAG Rosenstein began plotting Trump’s removal shortly after FBI Director Comey was fired.


James Comey was fired on May 9th, 2017 and DAG Rosenstein appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate Trump-Russia collusion a week later.

Rosenstein has been acting as Attorney General since Jeff Sessions recused himself from his duties after he was sworn in.


Rod Rosenstein denied that he proposed to spy on Trump.

Bloomberg Politics reported:


Washington (AP) — Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is denying a report in The New York Times that he suggested last year he secretly record President Donald Trump in the White House to expose chaos in the administration.


Rosenstein says the story is “inaccurate and factually incorrect.”


The report also says Rosenstein floated the idea of trying to remove Trump from office through the 25th Amendment.


The Times cites several people who described the episodes but were not named in Friday’s report.


Rod Rosenstein signed a FISA warrant to spy on Trump in 2017.

Anonymous ID: 39902d Sept. 21, 2018, 12:09 p.m. No.3124343   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump admin official says that the US is ‘very, very close’ to signing a trade deal without Canada


A Trump administration official announced on Friday that a trade deal with Mexico was “very, very close” to proceeding without Canada, as the U.S. and its northern neighbor try to hash out a deal before an Oct. 1 deadline.

Is Canadian politics to blame?


During a Fox News interview on Friday, Kevin Hassett, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, said, “We’re still talking to Canada, and we’re getting very, very close to the deadline where we’re going to have to move ahead with Mexico all by themselves.”


Hassett blamed the delay on Canadian politics:


I worry that politics in Canada is trumping common sense, because there’s a very good deal that was designed by Mexico and the U.S. to appeal to Canada and they’re not signing up, and it’s got everybody over here a little bit puzzled. And so, hopefully at the last minute they’ll come in. But if they don’t we’ll just move ahead with Mexico and we’ll get Canada fixed a little bit later.


Canada has objected to the Trump administration’s request to allow tariffs on Canadian auto imports, and the two nations have disagreed over how to handle future trade dispute settlements and Canada’s massive dairy industry.


Canada strictly regulates its dairy industry and slaps heavy tariffs on dairy imports, in order to keep milk artificially more expensive thus making it more profitable for its farmers.


Canadian trade minister Chrystia Freeland has noted that even with these systems in place, Canada imported five times as much dairy products from the U.S. as it exported to the U.S.


“I would call that a pretty good deal,” Freeland told Canada’s House of Commons.

Wait…what happened to NAFTA?


Trump has dismissed the 26-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement as “the worst trade deal in history.”


During a televised call on Aug. 27 with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, Trump praised the progress the two countries had made toward creating a new trade deal. Trump said during that call that if negotiations with Canada failed, he would “like to call this deal the U.S. and Mexico Trade Agreement” because the name NAFTA “lot of bad connotations.”

Anonymous ID: 39902d Sept. 21, 2018, 12:12 p.m. No.3124398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4525

Mercenaries Leading Assault on Yemen Port City Were Trained by IDF in Israel


TEL AVIV – A new report from the Emirati news website Al-Khaleej Online has revealed that many of the mercenaries leading the assault against the Yemeni port city of Hodeida were trained in Israel by Israeli soldiers, shedding light on Israel’s covert role in the war in Yemen.


According to U.S. officials close to the House Intelligence Committee with knowledge of the operation, hundreds of mercenaries from various nationalities that fight on behalf of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Yemen had recently received “instance combat training” at training camps in the Negev desert that were created through a secret agreement was reached between the UAE and Israel. Mercenaries at the camp were trained under the “personal supervision” of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).


The camp’s creation was spearheaded by UAE Security Adviser Mohammed Dahlan, who has personally overseen the recent hiring of a fresh force of foreign mercenaries, the majority of whom are Colombian or Nepalese, to fight on the UAE’s behalf in Yemen.


Dahlan, a Palestinian, was a central figure in the U.S.-backed plot funded by the United Arab Emirates to arm and train militias to overthrow Hamas after they won Gaza elections in 2007. Dahlan has since lived in exile in the UAE where he has developed a close relationship to the Emirati royal family and now serves as one of their advisers. Dahlan also has close tiesto Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman.


The report noted that Dahlan had personally visited the training camps in Israel on more than one occasion in order to supervise the training received by mercenaries from the IDF. Al-Khaleej’s sources also stated that Dahlan had chosen the Negev desert as the site for the camps due to the similarities the region shares with Yemen in terms of its climate, environment and tribal structure.


These mercenaries, trained at IDF-led camps in Israel and funded by the UAE, are now leading the renewed assault on the Yemeni port of Hodeida, which began earlier this week on Tuesday. The UAE/Saudi Arabia coalition had previously launched an assault in Hodeida in June but that effort failed to make headway despite the coalition’s superior firepower. The new assault was launched after the coalition recently succeeded in cutting off the main road between Hodeida and the Yemeni capital of Sana’a.


Over 90% of Yemen’s food is imported through Hodeida, prompting the UN and several NGOs to warn that any disruption to food and fuel supplies coming through the Hodeida port “could cause starvation on an unprecedented scale” as the country’s humanitarian crisis – a direct consequence of the coalition’s actions – is now more dire than ever.

Anonymous ID: 39902d Sept. 21, 2018, 12:14 p.m. No.3124445   🗄️.is 🔗kun

State Department Team Led by Former Raytheon Lobbyist Pushed Mike Pompeo to Support Yemen War Because of Arms Sales


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo faced internal opposition to U.S. support for the war in Yemen from State Department staff, according to a recent report. The staffers had become concerned by the rising civilian death toll in the war being carried out by Persian Gulf monarchies, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — not only owing to bombings of densely populated areas, but also a humanitarian crisis exacerbated by the fighting, with up to 8.4 million people at risk of starvation.


Those concerns, however, were overruled after Pompeo discussed the matter with the State Department’s legislative affairs team. The legislative affairs staff, according to the Wall Street Journal, argued that restricting U.S. support would endanger billions of dollars in future weapons sales, including a massive sale of precision-guided munitions between Raytheon, a U.S. weapons manufacturer, and Saudi Arabia and the UAE.


That staff — the legislative affairs team at the State Department — is led by a former Raytheon lobbyist.


Before his presidential appointment last June, Acting Assistant Secretary of State Charles Faulkner was paid handsomely by Raytheon to lobby lawmakers on defense procurement issues, ethics records show.


Debate broke out in the State Department around a congressionally mandated deadline for Pompeo to certify that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were taking steps to reduce civilian casualties in the Yemen war. The failure to certify would have immediately banned U.S. refueling efforts to bolster the Gulf monarchies’ war, but, according to the Wall Street Journal, the legislative affairs desk argued that “lack of certification will negatively impact pending arms transfers.” The office also warned that future weapons sales could be jeopardized — and Pompeo ended up issuing the certification.


The main pending sale is a $2 billion deal to give Saudi Arabia and the UAE air-to-ground munitions produced by Raytheon. The Trump administration began moving forward with the sale in the spring, briefing the chair and ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Under U.S. law, the Senate can block arms sales and the sale is currently being held up by Sen. Bob Menendez, D.-N.J., the top Democrat on the committee, over human rights concerns.