Anonymous ID: 3fd959 Sept. 21, 2018, 11:35 a.m. No.3123818   🗄️.is 🔗kun



No takers on (lb).


Anons, I have some insider info re: fast & furious. This is all anecdotal. However, any of you than have done digs in this area, I think this will help you.

I just red pilled the shit out of my friend, and he started talking.

He is a truck driver and has FFL, sec clearance to transport weapons & hazmat materials for DOD. He told me what he could about his involvement in the fast & furious op.

Here is a transcript of our conversation.

Driver: “That they sure did and still do.

Remember a few years back the cia dudes that got shot up in Mexico in that suburban? I used to haul them to the Laredo crossing. Small world hu?

Iran contra was muh wake up call btw.”

Me: “Those guns ended up killing Americans in Mexico”

Driver: “Yup.

The fatal flaw was the door lock opens when it's in park. It's easily disabled in the settings menu but noone did.

Alot of ffl dealers were brought into the whole walking part.”

Me: “explain”

Driver: “I used to also haul DOD stuff in sealed trailers and the bill of lading only said "contents not to be disclosed" when I got pulled over or inspected at a scale I'd hand the officer my paper work and they would immediately hand it back and tell me have a great day.”

Me: “To Mexico?”

Driver: “Swear to God.

Yes to Mexico but I dropped the trailers near international bridge one in a secure yard. The ffl guys were told to sell the weapons regardless to straw buyers, that's the walking part. Along with other supply lines I'm sure.

The high security loads paid 300 a day flat. Plus per deim.”

Me: so what does walking mean in this context?”

Driver: “They were told to let the guns "walk". Ordered and or paid or both to let them "walk".”

Me: “So, you would drop trailers in yard by intl bridge. What did other FFLs do? Were they meeting with buyers? And were you going through Arizona?”

Driver: “I never saw anything. I picked up at generic yards in TX and AZ and took them to Laredo and dropped the trailers in the yard. Sometimes long island.

Everything out of LI and Columbus went to Laredo. When I wasn't on dod I hauled cash to and from denver mint.

That all went to obscure unmarked buildings and facilities all over the place.

My boss told me we were paid well for legal work and asking questions was a no no. Sometimes Philly mint. Occasionally a fed reserve depot in Ferguson Missouri but that place was shady and full of nigger thugs so we would always roll 2 trucks 4 men deep, never an exception.

This shit is as common as a cold homie.

Best place to hide shit is in plain sight. Brinks, securitas and dunbar has small lityle depots all over the place.

I've delivered cash to a place called bobs garage and service in Nebraska once. Near Omaha. Its a tangled web.”

Me: “can I share this information, if I leave your name out of it?”

Driver: “Haha!

It's all on paper.

Nothing secret.”