Anonymous ID: b0b5c4 Sept. 21, 2018, 11:43 a.m. No.3123922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3974 >>4056 >>4164 >>4317



Does this sound like you?


I have been redpilled for a very long time. But, I was yet to learn deeply about our corrupt government until early this year via Q.


Since then, I have gone months and maybe years ahead of all my family and friends to the point that I am alone in the world on the information I now carry around in my head versus what I knew even late last year.


This has had a profound effect on my processing information. I now know so much that is below the surface, that I am constantly having EUREKA moments connecting many dots and realizing how entirely evil and corrupt the world really is.


That kind of knowledge is isolating when almost no one I know around me is truly redpilled. That is OK, but I wonder how we as Anon's will support each other if Q and QR goes away?


Not that we cannot expect some forum for us to survive, but truly even with tens of millions woke and walking around, there is still many mountains of sleeping that may or will hate being woken to really depraved conditions until the final cleansing takes place.


Thus, I have to be patient, have a laugh or at least a chuckle when I see some idiot set themself up for later prosecution by POTUS and those patriots with a direct cleanup role.


Till then, I must be happy with access here and a continuing broadening of my mind to the scope that evil has advanced to until goodness fought back.


Again, most people want nothing to do with what we know as fact, soon to be expanded knowledge, or deep and almost confirmed suspicions of Cabal/Deep State filth and mire.




Burn the Deep State - Cause a Ruckus - Cleanse the Filth!!!!!

Anonymous ID: b0b5c4 Sept. 21, 2018, 12:09 p.m. No.3124358   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why is Nancie Pulohsi so dang quiet over this Ford horseshit?


Fellow Kornifornicator. Do I hear a Nan defence?


Well, We're Waiting!