Anonymous ID: db0007 Sept. 21, 2018, 11:43 a.m. No.3123920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4113


When Omarosa recorded Kelly my first thought, was the recording must've been okayed by the White House, not necessarily officially, but okayed, because I assume (without any sauce) the White House would be equipped with technology to see if anyone was recording a conversation to prevent state secrets from leaving the white house. So I thought they must've picked up on the fact she was recording, and let her do it, in order to have evidence against her.


But now, seeing Rosenstein also tried to record, a guy I would assume would know the technological capacity of the WH, makes me second guess.


Either the WH has no capacity to pick up on recording devices, which is why Rosenstein would try something like this, OR, it does have such technology and RR is a fucking idiot.