Anonymous ID: e42ab4 Sept. 21, 2018, 11:43 a.m. No.3123916   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Many raise concerns about Israeli/ Mossad (Jews) blackmail controlling Congress members. (Wasserman/ Awan feed of their dark secrets et all); However Israel was a creation of Great Britain that owned “Palestine” (Israel 1948).


The Rothschild (Israel) banking family has controlled Britain since days of Waterloo and Queen Victoria; they have intermarried into the royal family then given titles. So the Israel story appears to be an incestuous step child of the Britain parent in terms of USA invasion.


Britain (and its satellite States - Aus, Can, NewZ) believes it still owns USA and has in a way, thru it’s banking agents JPMorgan, UK Fed Reserve private bankers, it’s current control of the Clintons (“Rhodes Scholar” oath to UK) etc. Churchill in Wall Street overseeing the day of the 1929 crash. CIA is even nicknamed “LANGLEY” meaning “The ENGLISH” in French.


The entire FiveEyes deal is a travesty to USA national sovereignty. There are 4 foreign countries (UK, Aus, Can, NewZ) with a back door into the Oval Office of the White House (which UK set on fire in 1812) and all USA secrets. They saw Trump ending UK control over USA — and joined with Hussein to prevent it.

Anonymous ID: e42ab4 Sept. 21, 2018, 12:07 p.m. No.3124317   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Realize this is only one chapter in a very long story. Some of us awoke 6 decades ago. Enjoy those you care about, protect them. Spend time in nature and read short books slowly like Grazian’s “Art of Worldly Wisdom” or Gibran’s “The Prophet”.


As one Anon frequently posts:

“God wins in the End”

Trust that thought.