Grassley's Trombone
Grassley has been telling us we are watching a movie!
This current script is from the Music Man.
CG is acting as a con-man, allowing delay after delay to the enemy. He orchestrates what turns out to be a false coup, in the end shutting down the scam and returning the power to the people.
We've been following Alice in Wonderland.
Our movie, the White Squall is Anons script.
The Matrix storyline runs thru everything we do.
The Music Man fits perfectly here.
Soros is a huge fan of stories and books and most, if not all, of his antics are scripted from these storylines. Is our reality formed around Predictive Programming or is it all just a show?
Predictive programming, a method of mass mind control in which people are conditioned, through works of fiction, to accept planned future scenarios through the power of suggestion using the media of fiction to create a desired outcome.
THIS ^^^ is how they've run our lives!
Our entertainment is enslaving us!
POTUS is flipping the script!
All the world's a stage, we are merely players - William Shakespeare
(read Will I Am, shakes spear)