>>3157560 lb
Years ago we were hauling Lobster traps around the boulder fields of Middle Ledge and we saw the Monkey Bizz anchored up in Cuttyhunks outer harbor. I wish I’d had a camera. The topless chicks crawling all over the upper deck were smokin hot!
The next day it was anchored outside Menamsha Bite with only a couple of (“guards”?) on watch.
As we pulled up to Pooles Fishmarket to sell our bugs Carly Simon caught the first line for us.
She often bought lobsters from us and on this day she invited us up to her shack for lemonade.
(she even came out with us once for the day)
She was a real sweet lady, real sweat!
Neither of us knew anything about the Monkey Bizz but I remember Carly’s words that day when I mentioned it had been in Buzzards the day before.
“They should name it the Bad Bizz, there will be trouble on island tonight with that bunch here”.
Nothing else was said, we finished up and steamed back home.
I haven’t thought about this for years.
Little did we know of what was and what would come of the Monkey Bizz in the future.
It’s a very small world when it comes right down to it.
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