Anonymous ID: 1dffaf Sept. 24, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.3165793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5800

RACHEL BRAND | The Making Of A Deepstate Asset


The deepstate's feeling the pressure as another rat flees the administration. Rewarded for her service to the deepstate, Rachel Brand was handed a lucrative job at Walmart after she recently stepped down from her position as the United States Associate Attorney General at the Department of Justice.


Brand stepping down at this crucial time in the Russia-Trump investigation comes as no coincidence. If Trump either decided to fire Rosenstein, or if Rosenstein was called as a witness in the Mueller investigation, Brand would have been left to oversee the controversial investigation. This would have ptentually left her exposed and in a vulnerable situation.

Rachel Brand: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy - 02/09/2018


Rachel L. Brand, the No. 3 attorney at the Justice Department as Associate Attorney General, has resigned her position. What makes the surprise resignation even more interesting: It was previously thought that she could end up overseeing the investigation into Russia’s meddling in the election and possible collusion with the Donald Trump campaign if Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had to recuse himself for his role in the firing of FBI Director James Comey (or if Rosenstein were fired).



From all the news recently you would think Brand was just another Trump appointee. Although he did appoint her, this is not the first time she has work for, or resigned from, the DOJ. In 2007 she was involved in the controversial firing of several of her fellow DOJ colleagues.


Political Résumé, Not Court, Stood Out for a Contender | New York Times - 04/17/2007


WASHINGTON, April 13 — Rachel L. Brand, by her own admission, has never prosecuted so much as a traffic case. But in January 2006, when Justice Department officials began to discuss removing some United States attorneys, Ms. Brand was proposed as the top federal prosecutor in the Western District of Michigan, an e-mail message released on Friday shows.

In the end, Ms. Brand, who heads the Office of Legal Policy in the department, decided that she did not want the position and was not nominated to succeed Margaret M. Chiara, then the top prosecutor for the district. Ms. Chiara was later ousted.

The four other people proposed in the message as successors to other United States attorneys had greater experience. But it was notable that Ms. Brand, a 33-year-old cum laude graduate of the Harvard Law School, was recommended by D. Kyle Sampson, then chief of staff to Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales.


After being caught out trying to eliminate her competition for the top prosecutor position she decided to step down as the head the Office of Legal Policy at the DOJ.


Seventh official quits Justice Department | Reuters - 06/29/2007


An assistant attorney general at the Justice Department announced her resignation on Friday, becoming the seventh official to quit the department since the Democratic-led Congress launched an investigation in March into the firing of nine federal prosecutors. Rachel Brand, assistant attorney general for legal policy, said she would step down on July 9. No reason was given. Brand was nominated to her position on March 29, 2005, and confirmed by the Senate four months later.

Anonymous ID: 1dffaf Sept. 24, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.3165800   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Political Life


She started her political life in 2000 serving briefly as the associate counsel in the transition team for the infamous warmongering, and now Democrat darling, George W Bush. Then in 2003 she moved on to become the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Policy. Whilst in this position she helped the reauthorization of the Patriot Act, the most invasive laws the country has ever seen.


Following her initial resignation from the DOJ she spent a number of years quietly working in the private sector promoting multinational corporations and big business. Brand returned to politics in 2012 after she was appointed to the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board by Barrack Obama. At the time, her new position made a lot of non-deepstate Democrats uncomfortable due to her positive stance on bulk data collection and mass surveillance.


In 2012, Brand was appointed by President Barack Obama to serve on the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB). Brand dissented from several recommendations included in the PCLOB's 2014 report on NSA's bulk metadata collection program under section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act. She declined to join in the Board's view that the program was illegal as a statutory matter and argued that, in policy terms, it struck a justifiable balance between privacy and national security and, as such, should not be discontinued. The Board, for its part, had recommended the program's termination. - Wikipedia





Within hours of Brand stepping down Walmart came out with an announcement confirming she would be their next Executive Vice President for Global Governance and Corporate Secretary. Anyone that knows anything about Walmart knows that they are politically aligned with Hillary Clinton, and is also more than likely a commercial front for deepstate activities.

Walmart's Walton family backing Clinton | Washington Examiner - 09/07/2016


The heirs of late Walmart founder Sam Walton are backing Hillary Clinton for president. Collectively, the leading members of Arkansas' Walton family have given about $714,000 to the candidate and the Democratic Party during the current election cycle, federal records show.*

The donations are an example of the longstanding ties between the Walton and Clinton families. It is an awkward situation for the candidate, a former Walmart board member, since most of her allies in organized labor and the broader liberal movement detest the Waltons, mainly because of the company's anti-union stance.




In 2015, Walmart made the news after many speculated that the closure of stores in the southern states was to do with a multi discipline military exercise the was due to happen around the same time, code-named Jade Helm. It was thought the stores were being used to house hundreds of military personnel and equipment for the duration of the exercise, although Walmart has never confirmed this.

Jade Helm Walmart Conspiracy: Biggest Plumbing Job In History Or Something Far More Sinister? | The Inquisitor - 04/18/2015


Walmart closures in Texas, California, Florida, and Oklahoma have sparked mounting concerns over Operation Jade Helm. Five Walmart stores will close abruptly for the next six months. Shocked Walmart workers who have found themselves suddenly out of a job were told that “plumbing problems” are the cause of the immediate closures.




Rachel Brand has all the markings of a deepstate asset. It seems throughout her career she has said one thing but done the complete opposite. She played a vital roll in updating and promoting the Patriot Act. She's been placed into positions of real power and responsibility without having much experience in those rolls. She has worked under both the Obama and Bush administrations. She was even employed by one of the biggest deepstate assets, John McCain for a brief time during the 2008 presidential election. As with any obedient deepstate lapdog she been rewarded generously, and can now quietly slip into the background to live out the rest of her life in a comfortable, well paid job.

Anonymous ID: 1dffaf Sept. 24, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.3165913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5942

Judicial Watch Sues Secret Service Presidential Travel Expense Records

Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for Secret Service records about expense costs associated with President Trump’s travel between December 22, 2017, and April 28, 2018


Judicial Watch Sues Secret Service Presidential Travel Expense Records



Anonymous ID: 1dffaf Sept. 24, 2018, 9:43 a.m. No.3166093   🗄️.is 🔗kun