Anonymous ID: e82466 Sept. 24, 2018, 10:15 a.m. No.3166502   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Now more than ever we have work to do.

The charges and prosecutions are just beginning

And some day they will be over

But our work is just beginning

We are Q!!!


We have to keep asking questions

To help people learn how to think again

So that new corrupt politicians and companies

Do not weasel their way

Into positions of power

We are Q!!!


The power rests with the people

As long as the people play the game of politics

Somebody needs to kick off the game

From time to time new issues will arise

Somebody needs to keep the people on their toes

By asking questions that have not yet been answered

By continuing to dig and make connections

By finding where all the small time crooks are hiding

By making a map to those hideouts

So that the people can ask the right questions

That lead true investigative jounalists to those crooks

We are Q!


Every part of society has been TAINTED by (((them)))

We need to clean all of it

We need to educate children on how to become citizens

We need to ask question after question

And drop crumb after crumb

There will always be a role for autists

Who see the pattern before everyone else

We are Q!


We ask the questions

True investigative journalists find the answers

The public examines the evidence

And takes charge of the legislatures and elected officials

To create laws that are SOLUTIONS

At every level of government

Municipal, County, State and Federal

We are Q!!!

Anonymous ID: e82466 Sept. 24, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.3166558   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Same thing with those fuzzy ones that your eyes

Cannot focus on.

It's like someone shoved a bag of stinking shit in your face

All you want to do is get away from that as fast as you can.


Good memes draw people in so they WANT to look at them

They laugh, they read it carefully looking for an additional double meaning or hidden detail in the image.

Good memes are FUN to look at.