So the whole russian-JA heist thing - it reads like they just scraped the spitballing we had here last Dec. and swapped out DJT for Putin
great, lets make sure we get as many of us banned as possible, all at once.
I can't possibly see how that would go badly!
To be smart about when we choose to speak out, to not engage in activity that's 'clearly' against ToS - and has been for years, and to be vocal in our clear discontent with the unethical and irresponsible public statements by our political enemies.
Not to be stupid. 50 children shouting and screaming during lunch break get put in time out.
50 adults speaking clearly, eloquently and thoughtfully get heard.
The 'anons' (quotes because they're anything but true anons) posting Ford's sister-in-law's FB, suggesting we 'raid' (read: brigade) Avenatti's twatter, etc - they're shills. Either that or they're children that don't really understand how stupid either is.
Think critically - what happens if we suddenly all go hit Avenatti with a tweet storm? What voice will those involved have in 2 days?
What happens to the morons that will ( guarentee you they will ) go spam the SIL IM's?
What gets plastered all over the MSM tomorrow afternoon?
Why create their 4 am talking points for them with easy pickings…
Quit being stupid.
quit feeding shills.
they're getting smarter - at least some of them…
cmon catch up anon. we identified her as clear DS months ago - before she even took the WM job…
>California is a red state with small pockets of liberalism.
>Secure the borders and election integrity.
small but DENSE
I want to believe that - and deep down, I do, but until I see actual evidence I can't hold by it.
if Ford backs out - or even hints she may - then they should immediately call a vote. IMMEDIATELY.
not tomorrow. Not next week. Fucking right fucking now - send staffers to go drag the geriatric asses back to cast their ballot if need be.