Anonymous ID: f425cf Jan. 13, 2018, 12:46 p.m. No.38457   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8643

this is a long fucking post. i don't expect a swift reply (or any reply really). just sharing my thoughts.


i made the "flatbread - imnotdoinitrite" general today, and i have some feedback. the reason i made that thread was because there was a several minute gap where the current one auto-capped at 750 and there was no new general in the catalog. believe me, i refreshed the page several times. i felt it was more important for the thread to exist in a timely fashion than to take the extra minutes required to create a proper /general/. i haven't been with Q since the beginning. i've only been a part of this since 8chan. i don't really use cuckchan anymore. this gives me different viewpoints as compared to someone who migrated here from 4/pol/.


best i understand it, 4/cbts/ was heavily shilled and it reached the point where you had to have a trusted group of anons (i assume they became tripfags because of this) who could assume the responsibility of making new threads that weren't compromised or subverted with stale bread/disinfo. from what i'm seeing, this is such a habit, a carryover from 4chan, that some anons even question if the board is compromised if every. single. link. isn't cluttering up the first 4 posts. it displays a clear lack of knowledge about the principle of separate board ownership/moderation/control that didn't exist on halfchan. imo, they should stfu and lurk moar. it is that very concept of separate ownership that prevents the movement from being compromised on 8ch.


some anons, it seems, followed a link from jewtube to get here, and are so fucking new they don't even know how to create a new thread. imo, they should go back to plebbit. rude memes aside, the newfaggotry wreaks. i am at a disadvantage having to play catch-up reading the crumbs and the backstory, but the anons, on average, are also at a disadvantage of being clueless as fuck about chan culture and exactly how 8chan functions. i've taught several anons how to link properly, how to embed videos, etc. it's taken a good deal of restraint for me to not shitpost on this board telling them to stfu, gtfo, etc. there's one anon who can't distinguish between a board and a thread, ffs.


i'm not criticizing anons for the sake of criticizing anons. i'm only using it as supporting evidence that there are stark differences here they don't understand, having came from other platforms. i believe these misunderstandings are the root of division between the anons who want a lean & trim OP for the /general/ and the anons who want the behemoth 3+ post OP. my actions today in creating the truncated general thread illustrate perfectly the potential benefits of having a simplified OP. literally anyone who knows how to make a thread can bake the new bread. the pastebin presents a higher barrier of entry and i think it scares many anons away who could otherwise create the next bread with relative ease.


i have no intention of creating an alternate Q board, but if i did, this is how i would organize it:

the current OP pastebin would be its own separate thread. the top few posts could be edited on a continual basis to track current information and link to all the primary & secondary resources. the OP for the general thread would contain the pic and a subject header of /QDG/ #xx or whatever, as long as it's consistent. that's it. nothing else need be in the OP. the separate ownership of boards on 8 allows for this, where the format of 4 didn't. on halfchan, every thread had to be a self-contained whole entity. it's completely unnecessary on infintechan. if anons can't into a separate dough thread, they should gtfo or stfu and lurk moar. while i'm larping as a hypothetical board owner, i'd probably also have only one memes thread and toggle the cyclical bit with the maximum number of posts 8chan's source code will allow.


to the question of board integrity, the hypothetical separate dough thread would be the sanity check to determine if a board has been compromised or if the moderation team is inadequate/incompetent. if the mods can't or won't keep accurate updates for it, it's an indication that another migration should occur to a board with a different owner, or that the owner needs to fire his mods & hire new ones.


those are my thoughts. hope that helps. sorry for writing a fucking novel.

Anonymous ID: f425cf Jan. 13, 2018, 1:41 p.m. No.38925   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun




kek. i remember when he first made the board, before the migration to this one. apparently as soon as he linked it, people started spamming his brand new board. many keks were had this day. see:




like i said, i wasn't trying to criticize the newfags. i was just trying to help explain what i saw, and present ideas i thought might streamline it a little.

> But that doesn't mean it's not an important issue - just saying.

i'm not sure what you mean here

Anonymous ID: f425cf Jan. 14, 2018, 9:51 a.m. No.48018   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun




i didn't change much. just updated the Q posts, added a link to the new /OPS/ general in the "Tasks" section and an extra highlight for /OPS/ near the top since it's new. also added a pointer to some "side by side" memes, but it could use a few more examples if they're going to be linked in the /general/ OP at all

Anonymous ID: f425cf Jan. 15, 2018, 11:46 a.m. No.58623   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8833


>For example, OPS general should go under resources or tasks


i hate when i do that - click to upload the reply before i'm finished


the only reason i added a new line higher up in my OP pastebin was to highlight the new OPS general. i only intended it to take up that space for 24 hours at most. it was meant to be a temporary highlight, but most bakers probably err on the side of caution and keep things intact, instead only adding new things. which of course contributes to a cluttered OP.


i'm new compared to other bakers, and i consider it someone else's decision what form the template for the main general thread takes.


it could also be that anon used an older copy to create a thread, and bakers since him have just been copying what was already there.

Anonymous ID: f425cf Jan. 16, 2018, 4:55 a.m. No.64891   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5534

using the one i was given #76 - as a template, i restructured it into #77 -


changelog from 76 to 77 is as follows:

-major format changes, complete restructuring. 76 pastebin was 2 posts long without comments.

-i kept it as a 2 post structure, but all the higher priority items were moved to the OP and lower priority/off topic items moved to the 2nd post.

-removed LOTS of whitespace

-added commas to the list of example memes so that the links would display properly

-removed a few dead links

-removed the Q raw text dump as anon >>64754 said it was determined to be worthless

-added noteworthy post

-trimmed the list of "recent Q posts"

-included some thematic music videos

-added the standard baker comments back into the pastebin


i think splitting it into the 2 post main OP/off topic 2nd post might be a good format. the anons who want to get down to business (hopefully) have everything they need in the OP without being distracted by the different colors and lesser priority items. the anons who want the extra items still have it available. and if a baker doesn't want to include the extra items, he can just copy the OP post and leave the 2nd post alone.

Anonymous ID: f425cf Jan. 16, 2018, 2:01 p.m. No.68157   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8187


For now, just add the initial post >>67168 into the "recent/notable links". That should be good enough. Maybe title it "tomorrow's game plan" or something. I asked anon to post a summarized version here, but I guess bakers will have to summarize it.

Anonymous ID: f425cf Jan. 17, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.75495   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Thinking about making a pastebin with just the basic OP and simplified instructions at the top to handhold a newfag through an emergency bake. Full time bakers would be responsible for keeping it current and maybe linking the current one in the OP. If done well enough it could prevent some of the steps mods have to take when an emergency bake is made with nothing in it. On the other hand, like I mentioned above, having a pastebin at all presents a higher barrier to entry.


Thoughts? Input? Criticisms?

Anonymous ID: f425cf Jan. 20, 2018, 2:14 a.m. No.103602   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


not sure where things were when you posted this, but looking at the current general thread >>102968 some things have already been cut. i'll just toss out some general advice about what can be trimmed, though, in my opinion.


look at Q posts. how many are linked? how recent are they? check each Q post and ask yourself if it's a fair assumption that everyone has had enough time to check read them. ask yourself if the Q posts currently linked are relevant right now.


look at the "recent/notable posts" section. grade their importance and prioritize them. as an example, this one is currently linked and can got tossed in the bin:

" >>73810 Anon redpills his campus with 800 posters"

it was great at the time, worth being highlighted, but there's no long term value in it cluttering up the dough.


keep all the tools and resource library links intact. keep all the "current tasks" links intact, but don't be afraid to look them over and make sure they are still relevant.


ask yourself if some of the items mentioned can be consolidated. 2 examples come to mind for this. i put the /OPS/ general and the /Meme War Room/ on the same line to save space:

" >>47341 โ†โ€“ Memes War Room & /OPS/ General โ€“โ†’ >>47062"

the 2nd example that comes to mind is regarding the meme mega libraries and hashtag instructions for the twitter army (these are no longer listed in the current OP, but the concept still applies). these could potentially be made into their own post somewhere (/OPS/ thread?) and have a single line entry in the bread pointing to it. this same concept could also apply to a section that is in the current OP, pic related. if we're striving for a lean & trim bread, that's valuable real estate being taken up that could be devoted to other things.


basically just prioritize. ask yourself if it's relevant, if it has long term value, if it can be pointed to instead of being displayed ... things like that. that's how i do it when i want to trim it down.

Anonymous ID: f425cf Jan. 28, 2018, 2:54 p.m. No.194398   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4416 >>4451


cool. first things first, do you already know how to create a thread? if so, you're farther along than some anons. sorry if that question is insulting to you, but whatever. anyway, you'll need a copy of the pic we use for the general threads first off. there are only 2 other things you need. you need to understand how the pastebin works. and you need to monitor the current thread for updatesโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: f425cf Jan. 28, 2018, 2:59 p.m. No.194451   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4526 >>6811


the pastebin (or ghostbin) is your text based template that gives you the proper formatting.

currently, the pastebin that just got handed off is

i just took over as baker, so you'll have to be patient with me, trying to monitor the main at the same time. take a quick look through the pastebin, notice the formatting marks like double equal signs for red, triple single quotes for bold, etc.


Anonymous ID: f425cf Jan. 28, 2018, 3:03 p.m. No.194477   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4505 >>4526


the pastebin used to have extra comments in it to help explain things, but it doesn't anymore. we could add them back in, but the ones of us who bake don't need them, so we kinda don't care.

pay attention in the pastebin to the middle somewhere there will be an extra line noting the page break


////////////////////////// next post /////////////////////////


or something like that. the OP is everything above that, with all the q posts and morale message, etc. as soon as you've created the thread, make a new post with everything underneath that, containing the notable posts, current tasks, etc. that's the easy part of baking

Anonymous ID: f425cf Jan. 28, 2018, 3:10 p.m. No.194526   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4534 >>4572



actually making the posts is pretty easy. you just copy the text from the pastebin, and paste it into the text box. of course you'll need to think of "or ask for suggestions" a title to put into the "Subject" field. name your thread Q Research General #XXX - Whatever Title You Want Edition



adding quote tags is quite literal. the only hard part, if you're really new is if it's a cross-board link. if it's a post inside /qresearch/ you only need 2 greater than signs followed immediately by the post number (no spaces). if you're trying to link to /greatawakening/ then you need 3 greater than signs, a slash, greatawakening, another slash, then the post number. like this:

>>12345 (i don't know what post this is, but it's one inside /qresearch/)


if you mess it up, you'll know because it won't display properly


>> 12345




Anonymous ID: f425cf Jan. 28, 2018, 3:19 p.m. No.194588   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4638 >>4656


the hardest part about baking, IMO, isn't making the post. it's monitoring the thread for updates. when you find an update that needs included, whether it be a new Q post, a new "notable" post, new instructions from the war room, etc. you need to add that to your pastebin. i keep a browser window open the entire time i'm baking just for the pastebin, so that i can make changes to it. some bakers use notepad or gedit. basically, you have a copy open that you can make edits to somewhere. right before you're ready to create the next thread, you lock it in. you take your copy that's still being edited, and you save the file - whether that being local on your hard drive, or saving it as a new pastebin/ghostbin file in the cloud. that saved file is your template that you use to make the next thread with

Anonymous ID: f425cf Jan. 28, 2018, 3:26 p.m. No.194638   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


also see:



the faster a thread moves, the more likely it is that you'll miss something. if it's important enough, anons will sperg out until you fix it. if you've lurked long enough, and you said you have, then it should be easy for you to spot which posts are important enough to get a mention and which ones aren't.


depending on the pace of the thread, you'll have to create the next thread sooner rather than later. me, i usually make the next one when the current one is sitting around 675-720, depending on the pace. but i never link to it until approx post 730-740, because people start spamming with useless replies just to fill the current thread. it won't hurt anything to create the next thread too early. just don't link it until the current one is almost full. but make sure you link it before the current one is filled.


if you want to play around, go to >>>/test/

it's a board just for testing things out. when i want to check my post formatting, i go there and pick the last thread in the catalog, and sage my post. but whatever works for you to get the desired results

Anonymous ID: f425cf Jan. 28, 2018, 3:33 p.m. No.194685   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4717 >>4723


for pastebin, there's a button near the bottom that says "create new paste". click that, and it saves the pastebin. if you're using ghostbin, there's a button on the top right that has a save icon. click that one. some of us have been using ghostbin since about a week ago pastebin decided we were spam. lmao. but the bakers who have a pastebin account it doesn't make them fill out a captcha or anything. once you've saved the pastebin, it gives you the link. as a convenience to other bakers, in case you need to hand it off to the next guy, you should include the link to your pastebin file either at the bottom of your 2nd post, or as a new reply as early as possible in the new bread

Anonymous ID: f425cf Jan. 28, 2018, 3:38 p.m. No.194717   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



just in case i'm about to mess up, i always copy the entire pastebin into local clipboard memory before i click to save it. that way if i accidentally click to make a new one (which would nuke the pastebin), i can easily recover from it.