socities= S O C I E T Ys (society is spelled with an E)
Q drop said="JFK - Secret Societies." (JFK speech about secret societies=https:// JFK was waking up his people.
I think Q is taking us toward this speech, because it is inline what the current events and why were are doing what we are doing. Listen to it. Then, listen to it again.
The question is: where do we go from here? Mass meme? IDK what Q wants from us. Im thinking GRAND SCALE of things, but not ruling anything out at this point.
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On a side note SOCIE-Statement of Changes in Equity. Not sure if this has any bearing on anything, as I would not know where to look for a change in equity. (As in, Equity in what? What grand scale of equity changes might we be looking for, if any at all?)