Anonymous ID: 9bb1ca found on 4chan Oct. 5, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.3349274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9298 >>9310 >>9345 >>9389

“So, I found this posted a week or 2 ago. The URL in pic related does indeed forward you to the main believe site. However, when I do a WHOIS now, the information is masked. Is there anyway to know for sure if this domain was registered to someone with a @clintonemail email address?


I keep seeing people say that Kavanaugh’s claims in his opening statements that this was done as revenge on behalf of the Clintons is a display of partisanship. However, we have a good idea that he’s exactly right and stating the facts is not a display of partisanship. But we don’t have a smoking gun. Is this a smoking gun or did some anon fake this? Do we have any paper trail tying a Clinton org to the Kavanaugh smear?”