Anonymous ID: afd7b1 Q Research General #4243: Lunatic Liberals Edition Oct. 5, 2018, 10:16 a.m. No.3348689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9303

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Thurdsay 10.04.18

>>3337560 rt >>3337502 -————————– Are you ready to be part of history?

>>3337502 rt >>3337425 -————————– Memes ready?

>>3337425 ———-----------------------------——– Anons Ready?

>>>/patriotsfight/339 ——————————— USSS granted entry to MANY ( Cap: >>3334475, Corrected: >>3334853 )

>>>/patriotsfight/338 ——————————— NARRATIVE SHIFT IN FULL FORCE. ( Cap: >>3334434 )

>>>/patriotsfight/337 ——————————— Swamp Fighting Back. ( Cap: >>3334284 )

>>>/patriotsfight/336 ——————————— PAIN.jpg ( Cap: >>3334140 )

>>>/patriotsfight/335 ——————————— Israeli intelligence - stand down. ( Cap: >>3333966 )

>>>/patriotsfight/334 rt /pf/333/ -——————- Images. ( Cap: >>3333935 )

>>>/patriotsfight/333 ——————————— The More You Know… ( Cap: >>3342031 )

>>3331903 rt >>3331878 -————————– We do try.

>>>/patriotsfight/332 ——————————— Nothing to See Here… ( Cap: >>3331909 )

>>>/patriotsfight/331 rt /pf/330 -——————- How the [SPY OP] re: Russia hacking… was CONSTRUCTED. (Cap: >>3331068 ; >>3331084 )

>>>/patriotsfight/330 rt /pf/329 -——————- [Part re: Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie now being revealed?] ( Cap: >>3330476 )

>>>/patriotsfight/329 ——————————— Read carefully. ( Cap: >>3324299 )

>>3323818 rt >>3323746, >>3323750 -——— ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless, and FEARLESS.

>>3323704 rt >>3323661 -————————– Not what you think.


Wednesday 10.03.18

>>>/patriotsfight/328 ——————————— It takes time to reach the public domain. ( Cap: >>3322970 )

>>>/patriotsfight/327 rt /pf/324 -——————- Read Carefully. Sessions tomorrow [doc related] ( Cap: >>3322218 )

>>>/patriotsfight/326 ——————————— Tensions Flaring ( Cap: >>3318349 )

>>>/patriotsfight/325 rt /pf/324 -——————- Enjoy the show! ( Cap: >>3318267 )

>>>/patriotsfight/324 rt /pf/267 -——————- What a wonderful day ( Cap: >>3317922 )

>>3317104 ———-----------------------------——– [Pg 20 - Assange Arrest]

>>>/patriotsfight/323 ——————————— Sessions meeting Huber.. What are the odds of that? ( Cap: >>3315937 )

>>>/patriotsfight/322 ——————————— What a wonderful day. ( Cap: >>3315505, >>3316304 )

>>>/patriotsfight/321 ——————————— Ford herself coached by the C_A? ( Cap: >>3307739, >>3307756 )


Tuesday 10.02.18

>>>/patriotsfight/320 ——————————— 53-47 ( Cap: >>3298266 )

>>>/patriotsfight/319 ——————————— SAVR.jpg ( Cap: >>3297831 )

>>>/patriotsfight/318 ——————————— Are you registered to vote on Nov 6th? ( Cap: >>3296825 )

>>>/patriotsfight/317 ——————————— Symbolism will be their downfall. ( Cap: >>3310187 )


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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Anonymous ID: afd7b1 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:17 a.m. No.3348704   🗄️.is 🔗kun


are not endorsements



>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support

>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms



>>3336410 /CM/: New posting servers, load balancer, and alacrity cacher owing to uptick in 8ch traffic

NOTE TO BAKERS: Continue w/standard OP graphic, NOT anniversary CBTS, per BV request.

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created,

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)



>>3347988 Successful cloture is a sign of future confirmation.

>>3348011 Trump is setting records with Black approval ratings.

>>3348072 Information terrorists trying to reshape America.

>>3348090, >>3348114 Soros using WomensMarch database to organize protest?

>>3348128, >>3348147, >>3348211 Laufman (DOJ lawyer from FISA scandal) is representing McLean (Ford's 'beach friend').

>>3348323 Call Murkowski to counteract all of the liberal activists.

>>3348424, >>3348446 Air Force tells central CA residents to ignore the bright lights and booms.

>>3348584 SS agent that shielded Jacqueline Kennedy to be given highest honor by ND.

>>3348622 #4242



>>3347263 Image showing McLean and her supposed pressure on witness.

>>3347347 Reported demonstration in Flake's office.

>>3347702 Flake says he intends on voting yes on Kavanaugh.

>>3347879 #4241



>>3346778 DJT Tweet: "Very proud of the U.S. Senate..."

>>3346973 #4240



>>3345716 Interpol president "taken away" for questioning in China.

>>3345718 Anon deciphers possible meme request from POTUS this morning.

>>3345839 Sen. Collins to vote yes on Kavanaugh.

>>3345847 MSM narrative shift?

>>3345979 Tips to avoid social media's censorship algorithm.

>>3346166 Black market human flesh pills intercepted from China.

>>3346271 #4239



>>3344966 Judiciary Committee releases executive summary of supplemental FBI report.

>>3345005 Grassley pens a letter to Ford's attorneys, calling them out on their BS.

>>3345028 Philadelphia arrests dozens of drug traffickers.

>>3345156 New DJT Tweet: Lowest unemployment since 1969.

>>3345157 Lawyer for Clinton campaign, DNC gave FBI docs for Russia probe (Sussman).

>>3345134 DJT Tweet: Soros paid protesters...

>>3345208 DJT requested report on supply chain weaknesses published today.

>>3345262 Q clock update: Kenyan citizenship.

>>3345289, >>3345330 UK defending Amazon/Apple against China hacking allegations?

>>3344916, >>3344971, >>3345004, >>3345030, >>3345319 Planefag tracking an aircraft.

>>3345380 Ben Sasse a yes for Kavanaugh.

>>3345384, >>3345458 Chinese head of Interpol missing.

>>3345313 Alienfag updates from disclosure thread.

>>3345530 #4238


Previously Collected Notables

>>3344767 #4237,

>>3342146 #4234, >>3343164 #4235, >>3343988 #4236

>>3339617 #4231, >>3340463 #4232, >>3341233 #4233

>>3337370 #4228, >>3338099 #4229, >>3338859 #4230

>>3335083 #4225, >>3335829 #4226, >>3336593 #4227

>>3332808 #4222, >>3333571 #4223, >>3334360 #4224

>>3330543 #4219, >>3331274 #4220, >>3332022 #4221

>>3328278 #4216, >>3329009 #4217, >>3329774 #4218

>>3325929 #4213, >>3326653 #4214, >>3327500 #4215

>>3323549 #4210, >>3324313 #4211, >>3325077 #4212


Best Of Bread:

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

Anonymous ID: afd7b1 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:17 a.m. No.3348712   🗄️.is 🔗kun

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism


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Anonymous ID: afd7b1 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:17 a.m. No.3348719   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: e8e336 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.3348742   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Cabal seems to have co-opted "IBOR/ Internet Bill of Rights."

Anonymous ID: 2af653 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:20 a.m. No.3348745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8893


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 88957f No.613229

Mar 10 2018 13:04:36 (EST)


We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.




(Wind the Clock 111)



November 11, 2018

11/11/11 (2+0+1+8=11)


YOU ARE WATCHING A MOVIE: 11 11 11 (pic related)

Jack and Melissa are frightened by their son's bizarre and violent behavior; they soon learn that he is the gateway to the Apocalypse, and it will happen on his birthday, 11-11-11.




Jeremiah 11:11 Therefore this is what the Lord says: ‘I will bring on them a disaster they cannot escape. Although they cry out to me, I will not listen to them.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b452a9 No.612728

Mar 10 2018 12:29:06 (EST)






Original post here:


^ ^ ^^^^

TRIP 8's

8= # of death



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 87df69 No.351447

Feb 12 2018 11:50:26 (EST)

The end won't be for everyone.

The choice, to KNOW, will be yours.



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: dcca2c No.616806

Mar 10 2018 16:48:47 (EST)

10 to comply.

Choice is yours.




Q !UW.yye1fxo No.104

Feb 18 2018 20:41:03 (EST)


JOHN 3:16


Anonymous ID: 2965ff Oct. 5, 2018, 10:21 a.m. No.3348753   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Jordan Belfort said in one of his interviews that what really happened on this party was much worse than what was portrayed in the movie, including flying dwarves...

Anonymous ID: ad1b40 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:21 a.m. No.3348754   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3348666 lb

Why do you type such things when you know you may pay dearly for it?

This is not a game.

Bye now....bu bi

Anonymous ID: bdede6 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:21 a.m. No.3348755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8794 >>8796 >>9121

Something else occurred to me while thinking about the whole China thing and all the rest. Remember that guy who had a tattoo on his arm of him doing nasty things to a baby and then had it covered with an ostrich? I remember noticing that the baby looked asian. Chinese? Remember when China put a limit on the number of kids families could have? Not sure if still in place. Chinese culture wants MALE babies. That left a lot of unwanted female babies around. What if there was/is a huge black market being supplied by these unwanted babies? What if Feinstein and all her cronies are part of the supply pipeline for that as well?

Anonymous ID: f0b971 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:21 a.m. No.3348759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9289

Democratic Sen Ron Wyden Fumbles A Simple Question – Reveals More Than He Should


Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) refused to deny a concerted Democratic effort to deploy “delay tactics” during an interview with CNN’s Kate Bolduan on Wednesday.


Bolduan pressed the Senator from Oregon about the recent comments from Democrats concerning past FBI checks into Kavanaugh.


“Can you say when it comes to this new suggestion from Democrats tonight about the past background checks, can you say to me with 100% confidence that this late move is not a delay tactic?” Bolduan asked.


“I can’t comment on that,” Wyden replied.


Bolduan pressed Wyden on his refusal to answer her question directly. “There was a new allegation that came forward and another hearing on that and now because of that, there’s a new investigation. If there was a problem that Democrats were aware of before even the first hearing on Brett Kavanaugh, in these past background checks, why wasn’t it addressed at the time?” she asked.


“I’m not familiar with the past background checks, but I can tell you what I saw last week,” the Senator vaguely replied in conclusion.


The White House is expected to receive a report from the FBI concerning its investigation into Brett Kavanaugh’s background, with Republican leadership vowing to hold a vote on his confirmation sometime this week.

Anonymous ID: 61fab8 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:22 a.m. No.3348773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8791 >>9263 >>9405





(I posted it on QRV)



Anonymous ID: f0b971 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.3348781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8969

"The Deception Is About To Catch Up" : David Einhorn Unleashes On Elon Musk, Compares Tesla To Lehman


As we reported over the weekend, it was another bad quarter - and bad year - for David Einhorn's Greenlight, who in his latest just released letter to investors writes that he had "another difficult quarter and lost an additional (9.1)%, bringing the Greenlight Capital funds’ (the “Partnerships”) year-to-date loss to (25.7)%."


And while the letter lists the fund's various recent stock dispositions, including the sale of its last Apple shares, the exit of its multi-year long in Mylan, liquidating its stakes in Micron and Twitter, covering its 11 year old short in Martin Marietta, an amusing analysis on profitless companies…


The current market view is that profitless companies with 20-30% top-line growth are worth 12x-15x revenues, while profitable companies that lack that level of opportunity are worth only 5x-8x after tax earnings. As an arithmetic exercise, if you pay 12x revenues for a company that eventually makes a 10% after tax margin and trades at a 20x P/E, the company has to sustain a 25% growth rate for 8 years for you to break even, and for 12 years for you to make an 8% IRR (requiring 15x revenue growth). If the company is increasing the share count by paying employees in stock, the math gets worse.


… and so on (see full letter below for full details), what was most remarkable in Einhorn's latest letter was his aggressive, all-out attack on Elon Musk, and Tesla, which he minces no words and compares to Lehman Brothers.


We present the full excerpt below:


While it hasn’t led to great returns so far, our opinion expressed in 2016 that General Motors (GM) will likely earn its market capitalization before Tesla (TSLA) makes its first annual profit seems well on its way to coming true. Speaking of GM and TSLA, during the market discussion about whether TSLA should go private, Catherine Wood of ARK Investment Management, one of TSLA’s most vocal shareholders, explained why TSLA could be worth $4,000 a share or $900 billion and provided an analysis to back it up.


The interesting thing about the analysis is that 84% of the value came from the assumption that TSLA would be operating a platform of three million robo-taxis in 2023. As of today, TSLA hasn’t even announced a plan to enter the robo-taxi business, nor is it possible for the company to develop the manufacturing capability to make 3 million robo-taxis within five years. Setting that aside, GM Cruise has made significant progress towards developing robo-taxis and expects to launch commercial service in 2019. All of GM is worth $48 billion or about 6% of what ARK claims to be the value of TSLA’s robo-taxi opportunity. Recently, Honda invested $750 million into GM Cruise at a headline valuation of $14.6 billion. However, when you peel back the deal, Honda plans to contribute an additional $2 billion over 12 years for non-exclusive technology rights – e.g. the right to be a customer. To the extent Honda’s support could be thought of as equity, Cruise’s implied valuation could reach up to $50 billion. As a result, GM Cruise’s development is in the traditional sense: funding secured!


In thinking through TSLA more, it brings us back to Lehman, which went bankrupt 10 years ago. One of our key insights into Lehman was that the company had faced a credit crunch in 1998, bluffed its way through and got away with it. In fact, rather than facing regulatory, legal or even market consequences for failing to own up to reality in 1998, the company was rewarded when its business turned. This emboldened management to be even more aggressive during the next credit crunch in 2007 and 2008.


Lehman threatened short sellers, refused to raise capital (it even bought back stock), and management publicly suggested it would go private. Months later, shareholders, creditors, employees and the global economy paid a big price when management’s reckless behavior led to bankruptcy. The whole thing might have been avoided had the authorities cracked down on Lehman in 1998.

Anonymous ID: bbde60 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.3348782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8842

LIVE: Senate Debates and Votes to Confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh Nomination for Supreme Court

Who is this dude talking right now? Is he going to list every liberal shitstorm since time began?

These people are fools.

Anonymous ID: f0b971 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.3348787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9086





Then use the link below to download our work!




Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few ~~weeks~~ MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!SHARE!






P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women.


We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.




Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!

Anonymous ID: 279e9f Oct. 5, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.3348788   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Great video summing up the divide. You can see some of the protesters brain cogs actually start to move on their own after he stated just a few facts and questions. Gonna take time. Feelings aren't fact.

Anonymous ID: 2af653 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.3348795   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No.922237

Apr 6 2018 14:22:28 (EST)


Fake pic push by MSM.

Videos / backup.

Google kill.

YouTube kill.

FB kill.

Twitter kill.

Yahoo kill.

Bing kill.

Instagram kill.

Net will be paused.


On the clock.


Anonymous ID: 962d05 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.3348796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8806


Yes and also why China acquiring US ports. We need to take back all property from China and Chinese nationals. Some of the Kate Spade digs pointed at Chinese trafficking.

Anonymous ID: 07d53f Oct. 5, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.3348797   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Use this 'downtime' wisely anons.

Once you get somewhat in tune with these happenings your life will be MUCH easier. Not suggesting I or anyone else is ahead of this IN ANY WAY.

Archive…use it.

Anonymous ID: 258f94 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.3348808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8830 >>8878

It's likely that Hussein pardoned himself and his whole gang of traitors, and the pardons are not public because he did not report them to the governing body.


Such pardons probably cannot be undone, even if Hussein was ineligible to the President. This means that Trump's administration had to sting Hussein and crew for new crimes they committed after the pardon date, which takes a lot of time and planning to pull off just right…

Anonymous ID: f0b971 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.3348810   🗄️.is 🔗kun

TED MALLOCH on Eurabia in Europe


Europe is full of ‘Last men’ (and perhaps women, I suppose we are now forced to say, given the incessant demand for political correctness).


Why is this so and who will come to dwell in these territories Europeans have hitherto called — home?


We are not talking about some imaginary seven kingdoms, as in the legendary but fictional television series, Game of Thrones, either.


The point of contention is about a real place, with real peoples, and real nations that have existed for centuries on end, perhaps thousands of years—called Europa.


Trends on immigration suggest what can only be termed, a self-imposed European death wish.


Look at any demographic map, preferably an interactive color one.


Of the 7.5 billion people presently on this earth, the vast majority, mostly in the southern hemisphere, and who are generally poor and backward, are trying to get to the northern hemisphere, where there are greater opportunities and very generous welfare states.


In recent polls 7 out 10 people from these lands say, given the chance, they want to flee their plight.


The last decade has seen more refugees, migrants and economic immigrants than at any point in human history: hundreds of millions. And it continues unabated.


They are dying in transit, drowning on the Mediterranean Sea, crossing arid desserts, on the back of trucks, and in cargo holds.


Human trafficking is big business.


The International Organization for Migration estimates that more than 1,000,000 migrants arrived in Europe by sea in each of the last three years, and tens if not hundreds of thousands more by land.


The numbers are astounding and only increasing.


Some 5000 new migrants arrive on the shores of Italy alone every day. Well they did, until recently, when Matteo Salvini won an election and became deputy prime minister and minister of the interior.


The US estimates it is now also populated by millions of illegal and undocumented immigrants.


In fact, about one-fourth of the 42.4 million foreign-born people living in the United States today are illegal immigrants – this amounts to roughly 10.5 million, according to an objective by the study by Center for Immigration Studies. A Yale study recently put the number at more than twice that amount.


Geostrategists cannot comprehend billions (yes, potentially billions) of people moving from South to North.


They can’t comprehend the risk or the total effects of this — world without borders.


Yet it is something that globalist political leaders actually seek and actively endorse.

Anonymous ID: 85a176 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.3348815   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If you are going to contact Murkowskis office be polite and respectful.

Best way to stand out from the crowd and get a hearing.

Anonymous ID: 83792c Oct. 5, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.3348823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8907


There is a DOJ/FBI server on the warm springs Indian reservation in Oregon… it's in a shipping container next to a tower… I thought that seemed strange.

Anonymous ID: 93e152 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.3348829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8847 >>8904

I was at the rally last night, and I have a small dispute with what Q said.

he stated the USSS were letting many people in with Q shirts. This is false. I was there. USSS were making people remove their shirts if they saw them as you were coming in. If they caught you inside with one, you had three choices, take it off, cover it up or leave. There were only 3-4 Q shirts I saw…. and I talked to several people that had them under another shirt. If you go to a rally… Wear your q shirt under a zip down or button down shirt. Do not expose it until Donald Trump comes out on stage. The USSS are to busy once he is on stage to deal with Q shirts.

Anonymous ID: c3f454 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.3348833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8951

how much time do the senators get in post cloture debate? Are they each given a time limit? If so, all Republican's should yeild back their time and allow the vote early

Anonymous ID: 3cb163 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.3348838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8848

>>3348128 (lb)


Unreal. The DS tried to coordinate the election of Canklepotomus and FAILED, tried to frame POTUS and FAILED, yet they still plowed forward with this insanity against Kav and again, FAILED

Anonymous ID: f0b971 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.3348839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8864 >>8947 >>9289

Danske Bank Shares Plummet As More Details On $234 Billion Money Laundering Scandal Emerge


Shares of Danske bank tumbled on Friday, adding to an already sizable decline so far this year, following a Financial Times report which revealed that the bank - which has become embroiled in one of the largest money laundering scandals in European history - also executed "mirror trades" for Russian clients, raising the possibility that the bank is facing even more serious fines and sanctions.


Danske Bank executed up to €8.5 billion ($9.8 billion) in mirror trades for Russian customers in a single year, according to an internal memo cited by the FT. The memo raises "new insight into the scale and tactics behind its €200 billion money-laundering scandal." Deutsche Bank's Moscow desk also used mirror trades - wherein the same party takes both sides of a trade, selling in rubles then buying in dollars - to help criminals move money out of Russia, an activity for which it was fined more than $600 million. The bank earned some 10 million euros from the trades, it said.

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: 4329dd Oct. 5, 2018, 10:27 a.m. No.3348840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8931 >>9231

Pragmatism gets lost on abuse survivors sometimes huh

All those feels of betrayal

Second guessing

Reaching for that free candy

Heck really really hardcore sinners huff on poop in a papersack

Just keep going to those meetings

And don't forget to pay ebot

All this privacy and future finances

Leaves a lot of room in the future

Don't forget to butt fuck your iOS update

Anonymous ID: 392662 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:27 a.m. No.3348844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8882

Hey guise, just showing you what absolute delusion the Left runs with, every single day. I KEK'd!


It's time to bring this shitshow out into the open. These people will not believe a damn word, no matter how much reasoning and facts you give them.

Anonymous ID: 09c4bd Oct. 5, 2018, 10:27 a.m. No.3348849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9289

Scientist: Google manipulates 25% of the world’s elections


Just how far does the power of Google extend? Experts say that the tech behemoth has already reached tyrannical proportions, and is already manipulating the way people think, make purchases and cast votes. Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and producer of the documentary, The Creepy Line, says that Google is basically “Big Brother” come to life — but their tactics are far less overt.


Indeed, Google and other tech companies conduct their unsavory operations behind closed doors and under a cloak of ambiguity. Vague and arbitrarily enforced “community guidelines” are the new oppression — but as privately held companies, users have little to no legal recourse. They can either play ball, or get banned. These “companies” have granted themselves enormous power, including the power to take away freedom.

Anonymous ID: 3ff975 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:27 a.m. No.3348851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8883


35%/23%=55% increase

11% AA population x 55% = potential 6% national election improvement for PDT vs. 2016 from AA community alone

Anonymous ID: 07dbda Oct. 5, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.3348860   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Grassley demands correspondence between Ford legal team, Dem senators

Anonymous ID: f0b971 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:29 a.m. No.3348863   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==Give It a Rest, Pocahontas=Elizabeth Warren: Judge Kavanaugh Is a “Hitman” who Wants to “Dismantle Our Civil Rights”==


Give it a rest, Pocahontas!

Elizabeth Warren went on the warpath on Friday in her latest fundraising letter by

Warren attacked and smeared Judge Brett Kavanaugh as someone who whined, ranted, raved, and spun conspiracy theories and who acted like someone who thought he was entitled to the seat.

Warren added that Kavanaugh was a political hitman who acted like he was entitled to power.


Democrats are very upset that Brett Kavanaugh defended himself from the uncorroborated last-minute attacks and smears by the Democrat party. They wanted him to accept the fraudulent smears on his character and withdraw his nomination to the highest court.

Warren is fundraising off of the horrific assaults on Brett Kavanaugh.


From today’s email.

Anonymous ID: a46afe Oct. 5, 2018, 10:29 a.m. No.3348869   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hope they check all his emails

Anonymous ID: cac1fb Oct. 5, 2018, 10:29 a.m. No.3348879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9074






Good Question as to who Colin's could be getting pressure from?


This guy could be is a great possibility!!!!!


Susan Margaret Collins (born December 7, 1952) is an American politician serving as the senior United States Senator from Maine, a seat she was first elected to in 1996. A Republican, Collins is the Chair of the Senate Special Committee on Aging and is a former Chair of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. She also is known for her long consecutive voting streak, which reached 6,000 votes in September 2015.[1] She is the most senior Republican woman in the Senate and dean of Maine's congressional delegation. Collins has been described as the Senate's most moderate Republican. She often positions herself as a pivotal vote, thus becoming a focal point during highly watched legislation.[2]


Born in Caribou, Maine, Collins is a graduate of St. Lawrence University. Beginning her career as a staff assistant for Senator William Cohen in 1975, she later became staff director of the Oversight of Government Management Subcommittee of the Committee on Governmental Affairs (which later became the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs)[3] in 1981.

Anonymous ID: 3cb163 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.3348890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8929



What fucking hypocrites- from the story, and of course they're talking about US when it really applies to all of THEM!

Anonymous ID: 09c4bd Oct. 5, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.3348898   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Same doctors that push violence-inducing psychiatric drugs are trying to take away Second Amendment rights from Americans


A coalition of healthcare providers wants to end the “epidemic” of gun violence and implement an “evidence-based policy” on guns. The organization is called SAFE (Scrubs Addressing the Firearm Epidemic). While reducing violence is a noble goal, the group isn’t focused on eliminating the actual triggers that cause violence or the conditions of the heart that breed violent outcomes.


Instead, they want to get as many firearms out of the hands of law abiding citizens as possible. SAFE merely wants to give doctors authority over patient’s second amendment rights, to get patients to talk about the guns they have in their homes, so more action can be taken on guns. As the medical profession gathers intel about gun owners and puts firearm ownership on healthcare records, liberal doctors can make a case that certain gun owners are mentally or physically unfit to own a firearm.


Last week, thirty medical schools demonstrated at hospitals across the country. Thousands of medical students paraded the hospital halls, donning scrubs with SAFE’s bright red logo. Calling for tougher gun control and more federal funding for gun violence research, the students walked around hospitals oblivious to the actual causes of violence. SAFE wants doctors to be trained on how to talk with patients about guns, yet this group is oblivious to the damage their profession does when they prescribe psychiatric drugs to patients.

Anonymous ID: 1f4172 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.3348905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8911 >>8971

The signing of the Armistice between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers which took effect at eleven o'clock in the morning—the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" of 1918.



100 years

Anonymous ID: 258f94 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.3348909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8985


>An Illegitimate president that issues a pardon is deemed invalid.

That has not been decided, and is a gray area of constitutional law that likely goes in favor of the pardon.

Anonymous ID: 71bb63 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.3348910   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I hope he is and posts again. Missed him since the move to 8. He was telling a story then stopped and said it was probably just a rumor. Wish he would finish

Anonymous ID: 6a175c Oct. 5, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.3348914   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The University of Southern Maine Offered Course Credit to Students to Pressure Senator Collins into Voting Against Kavanaugh

Anonymous ID: bb5ad2 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.3348916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8986 >>9249 >>9451

>>3343761 previous Bread Notable: China losing trade war with US per CNBC




>> I don't think they're gonna just sit back and take this on the chin.


>>I have a feeling that with the clinton bush obama crime ring help, they have quietly been building up their arsonal.


>>Probably preparing for an invasion.


Lurking internet oldfag here. IMHO, you are correct on all three counts, but lets put some sources behind your suspicions, because it is important, in my opinion, to understand the long term CRITICAL reasons for "the wall". I am sure President Trump is aware of all of this, due to his age. It also helps us to understand WHY the globalists have kept Mexico in a state of drug war and shambles, when it would be in the best interest of the United States AND Mexico to have a healthy Mexican economy with a middle class, no drug war, no need to escape, good trade relations, as we have with Canada.


1) Assume you are correct on your invasion scenario. Would it not be wise to weaken the US economy first? Especially manufacturing? To weaken the very steel the defense department works with? Would it be wise to shut down American Steel manufacturing? To pre-plant microchips that would cause our military jets to fall out of the sky at the push of the enemy button? Maybe cut off communications between Americans who would end up fighting a gorilla war on the ground against the Chinese invasion? Would a disabling chip in American Cell phones help with that? Add the chipping of farm animals to that to get the location of the American food supply farms on a GPS system in preparation for a say...three day bombing run?


Note that we are now finding that all of these have been done.


2)Ask yourself then, if the Chinese, at the behest of the globalists plans actually have to start that invasion, what side do they invade from?

Many an old fag understood that they would have to invade from the WEST COAST, but NOT necessarily from the Heavily Armed West Coast of the United States AND..... the guns have to be confiscated first, because the hunting population alone in the United States is over 300% larger than the entire Chinese military.

(Thus the socialist, progressive, globalist constant push for disarming the population.)


Enter some old internet history. (Pic Related). This is a picture of the map of what was called the "NORTH AMERICAN HIGHWAY" actually started under the original terms of NAFTA, where China could send goods to the US by landing on the shores of Mexico. Wherever goods can be shipped, tanks can be shipped. Remember that.

If the tanks landed on the Mexican shore, they would be running up the Mexican Mainland across the border.


NOTE: By then, you would LOVE to have the United States Highway system to split our nation in half with this proposed highway that had only 8 exit ramps planned... effectively cutting off many ways for us to join in land defense. No source for this, but I happened to be in the Ohio state house testifying about NOT chipping those cows, when they started to build this huge toll highway in Texas, and I can tell you that they stopped building it when Texans started shooting people on the dozers. Memory is, two were killed. Of course the story was scrubbed, but, many an anon have kept the original map from the original NAFTA web site front page, for all of you to see, back before many of you were born.

They intended to split our nation in half from the bottom to the top by non crossable highway barrier, and they were planning to come in from the south.

This wall is not just for drugs, and immigration problems. It is to bottleneck their plans for invasion.


Now... about those "ports" the Chinese have been taking control of on the West Coast. What say anons about that? Second invasion front?

Anonymous ID: 79358b Oct. 5, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.3348917   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Race-baiting divisionfag

He should know not to be an asshole in a room full of dicks.

That sick shyt doesn't fly with this board.

Fuck off back to reddit.

Anonymous ID: 040167 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.3348919   🗄️.is 🔗kun

According to web sites, this years cola would be 2.7% !!!! Or higher!!!!!

Anonymous ID: b57b18 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.3348921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8954 >>9033




Breaking News …. from Sept 27th… What a faggot. It's time to stop posting. Srsly.


Go watch POTUS Twitter for me. Look for the message.


The storm is upon us.


Seriously. Stare at all day you fucking dumb shit.



Anonymous ID: f0b971 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.3348923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9289

Former Police Officer Charged In Second Case Of Kik Child Exploitation This Week


Kik was implicated yet again in a case of child exploitation, the second case this week alone. This time, two men from Joplin, Missouri (one a former police officer) were charged for sexual exploitation of children. The two men, Gary McKinney, 43, and Anthony Helsel, 31, had separate complaints facing them but the charges were related. McKinney is in federal custody as he awaits a detention hearing October 10, 2018. Helsel is awaiting detention hearing that will occur October 9.


McKinney was charged today. McKinney had been an officer with the Joplin Missouri Police Department for nearly seven years until May of 2006 and served elsewhere after, also as a law enforcement officer.


Both men were charged with receiving and distributing child pornography through the internet. Helsel also faces a charge of using a minor to produce child pornography. The case was busted thanks to a CyberTip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Facebook reported that Helsel had uploaded the sexual assault of a 4-year-old child.


An undercover officer contacted Helsel via the Kik messaging application at which time Helsel allegedly offered to send child sexual exploitation material to him and other members of a Kik group. When the officer received the files a search warrant was issued for Helsel's home at which point his cell phone was seized.


Helsel admitted to his sexual abuse of the 4-year-old victim and that he had taken videos and still images during the assault. Helsel added that he had been in contact with another user on Kik, the former police officer McKinney. At this point, Helsel's Kik account was commandeered by law enforcement and the Helsel decoy set out to speak with McKinney.


Forensic examination of Helse's cell phone revealed that messages between McKinney and Helsel included transfer of child pornography. A search warrant for McKinney's home was issued on October 3. McKinney's phone revealed the use of the messaging application Telegram had also been used to facilitate conversation related to child abuse and exchange of child pornography.


The Joplin Police Department issued the following statement: “We take these types of crimes and the safety of children in our community very seriously. We will always insure that we do the right thing to intervene in these cases, regardless of who the people involved are. This case is no different."


As we mentioned in the other article about child exploitation and abuse being shared on and facilitated by Kik, the problem has been known for some time. Forbes did an undercover investigation over a year ago after which Kik promised to attempt to make the platform safer for children even volunteering to earmark $10 million (10% of their $1B valuation) to invest in doing so. A month after the first undercover investigation a reporter with Forbes was able to find 10 groomers in under 2 hours.


The bust was coordinated as a part of the DOJ's Project Safe Childhood which coordinates federal, state and local authorities to identify and rescue victims of child sexual exploitation and abuse. To contact Project Safe Childhood or access information and resources, you can visit> If you'd like to learn more about the growing problem of child exploitation through social media, apps and platforms like YouTube you can learn more or get involved by visiting


You can also learn more about Project Safe Childhood by visiting the Department of Justice web page for more information on internet safety or to contact the PSC.

Anonymous ID: affb9e Oct. 5, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.3348924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9287



These people are all going to rage riot in a couple of days


And it's not going to end for them


They are going to be so disappointed, and mad, and hopeless


They have no Choice, they lost all Hope


I am sure MANY of them will resort to vandalism, violence, obscenity and all sorts of inappropriate public behavior.

Anonymous ID: 7f83b0 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.3348930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9109

Kavanaugh Charade Gives Cover For Assassination Of Russian Official Linked To Hillary Clinton Money Laundering And Trump Coup Plot


An intriguing new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the unauthorized helicopter flight death of Deputy Attorney General Saak Albertovich Karapetyan on Wednesday has been placed into the category of “likely assassination” by the Federal Security Service (FSB) as, just prior to his being killed, he had failed to attend a scheduled meeting with US Department of Justice prosecutors investigating the staggering $1 trillion money laundering scheme currently embroiling Estonia—and whose testimony before these US officials was deemed relevant due to his direct knowledge of the $84 million money laundering scheme Hillary Clinton perpetrated against her own Democratic National Committee during the 2016 US presidential election—but when it appeared likely that Donald Trump would win this election and uncover this crime, then saw Karapetyan directing Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya to meet with Trump officials in order to ensnare them in a make believe Russian collusion coup plot—that was being orchestrated by the American political opposition firm Fusion GPS whose owner, Glenn Simpson, met with Veselnitskaya both before and after her Trump Tower meeting—and whose payment for this operation saw Fusion GPS being paid millions-of-dollars by Clinton’s law firm Perkins Coie—whose top attorneys have now shockingly been revealed to have colluded with the FBI prior to the election to bring down Trump—all of which the American people are not understanding is the entire basis for the chaos they see in their nation today, and whose latest example of is the Kavanaugh Charade.

Anonymous ID: 85a176 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.3348932   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dude Fox is the worst because Americans take them seriously.

Never watch that stupid controlled faux conservative trash heap.

Occasionally Tucker maybe but that is it.

Anonymous ID: 1be971 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.3348936   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Many eyes see this board, you never know who you may help with this info. Neon Revolt has a good article about profiting from a declining stock.

Anonymous ID: 93e152 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.3348943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8993


I wouldn't call it top secret, they do seem to use things from twitter as proofs. i wish they wouldn't do that. we already believe. that comes across as trying to hard.

Anonymous ID: f0b971 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.3348949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8958 >>9289

91 Percent of Apple Contributions Went to Democrats


According to a new GovPredict study released Thursday, Apple employees heavily favored Democrats in their contributions for local, state, and federal elections. In all, 91 percent of their political giving went to Democrats, with only 9 percent going to Republicans between 2004 and 2018.


Since 2004, 95.5 percent of contributions by Apple employees to local political action committees (PACs) went to Democrats and only 4.5 percent went to Republicans. Since 2010, 91 percent of Apple employee contributions to state PACs went to Democrats. Since 2014, 100 percent of Apple employee gifts to partisan 527 organizations went to Democrats. Since 2004, 90.5 percent of Apple employee contributions to federal PACs went to Democrats.

GovPredict study screenshot showing Apple political contributions by employees.


Overall, 91 percent of Apple employee political contributions went to Democrats, while only 9 percent went to Republicans.


Among the top seven PACs to receive funds from Apple employees, six are liberal or Democrat. The Democratic National Committee took the lion’s share with $681,123, while the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee took second with $116,972, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee took $70,041. Emily’s List came next, with $62,925. Only then came the Republican National Committee with $31,778

Anonymous ID: abee53 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.3348952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9069

>>3348679 lb


At approximately 8 a.m. on the morning of December 26 1776, Washington’s remaining force, separated into two columns, reached the outskirts of Trenton and descended on the unsuspecting Hessians. Trenton’s 1,400 Hessian defenders were groggy from the previous evening’s festivities and underestimated the Patriot threat after months of decisive British victories throughout New York. Washington’s men quickly overwhelmed the Germans’ defenses, and by 9:30 a.m. the town was surrounded. Although several hundred Hessians escaped, nearly 1,000 were captured at the cost of only four American lives. However, because most of Washington’s army had failed to cross the Delaware, he was without adequate artillery or men and was forced to withdraw from the town.


The victory was not particularly significant from a strategic point of view, but news of Washington’s initiative raised the spirits of the American colonists, who previously feared that the Continental Army was incapable of victory.


To me this image echoes the idea of a perp walk. An insignificant victory that will raise the spirits of the people. So on October 19th, I expect to see some perp walks happening, but it won't mean much. We need to wait for the trials, sentencing, appeals all the way up to the Supreme Court, the final ruling from 53 and 47, and then we will finaly see some victory. It will be a couple of years from now.

Anonymous ID: cac1fb Oct. 5, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.3348957   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Make it public right after the confirmation.



Anonymous ID: 07dbda Oct. 5, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.3348965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8998


You are referring to her fist, yes?

If so, that is the iron fist of communism.

Many communist leaders have used it, Bill and Killary have used it as well.

Now the Schummers are using it as well.

They all promoted communistic ideology publicly.

Anonymous ID: 48b350 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.3348968   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3348457 (Last Bread)


I don't thing anyone was suggesting that this guy had any "preknowledge".


He is just a pissed off good ol' boy. There are many of us now.


Vegas made this personal for me. Very personal.

Anonymous ID: ed8fad Oct. 5, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.3348969   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ermph. That'll be a fucking cluster to dig through.

Tesla's bonds–

STCOK PRICE(mark cap) backing.

Stock is WORTH maybe $10.

If anyone has anything on enronesaue hinkyness, would appreciate


"Tesla Inc. first-ever pure corporate bonds are trading under water, boding ill for the Silicon Valley car maker’s next attempt to tap capital markets.


Tesla TSLA, -7.67% sold $1.8 billion in the senior notes in August at a yield of 5.300%, at the height of excitement about the Model 3 and expectations the sedan’s production ramp would run as smoothly as Chief Executive Elon Musk had predicted. "

Anonymous ID: 6a1aa2 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.3348971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9051


A couple of bread ago (3-4) an Anon posted a quote by JFK noting "every 100 years" there comes a time when we have to stand up for what we believe in (paraphrased by me)…

Anonymous ID: abee53 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.3348975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9427

>>3348004 lb

Now that QResearch allows PDF files to be attached

Here is the 7 page memo

Easier to read this way

And if you want to copy a line to quote it in a post

Much easier than retyping

Anonymous ID: 84eb0a Oct. 5, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.3348978   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is fantastic. From Mark Kern @grummz


Over a week ago I made the statement that we are in an information civil war between ideologies where one side was already shooting and the other didn't even realize the war had started.


I pointed out the the "Left" is very good at nicknames and branding, which is the equivalent of carpet bombing in an information war. Indiscriminate and brutal, snatching up broad swaths of innocent civilians. "Nazi", "Alt Righter" and "Bigot" etc. are applied with a broad brush.


Meanwhile the other side, aside from the POTOS's very effective nickname branding, seems to be largely dormant. Not realizing the conflict has already arrived, they mistakenly believe that no real harm will be done until the "shooting starts." So they lag behind.


I suggested that branding and nicknaming needed to improve in order to match the side that is already bombing everyone. I suggested "SJW" was an abstract, even positive term, that served no useful purpose in this information battle. I called for suggestions for alternative names.


Many suggestions missed the point. They were abstract, or required the reader to already have knowledge of the situation to appreciate, were too mired in humor, or simply not punitive enough. Then one suggested "Social Terrorist."

To me, this was the perfect term. Easily digestible to the masses and derogatory enough while accurately painting their tactics. "Social" identifies the group clearly as linked to "SJWS" while Terrorist highlights and blasts their hateful tactics in a social setting.


The people who were not aware they were in a war yet, complained the term was too hyperbolic, too violent to be used.


Well, use it or lose it… your enemy has no problem calling you that and far worse. Yesterday I was proved right.


The Left, via a Wired article, called everyone posting online in support of the POTUS or Judge K, "Information Terrrorists."


Called it.


They just outbranded you again. Everyone else will continue to lose the information war until you are ready to use words to push back.

So wake up. The war is now, fought over information and economics. It won't be a shooting war. Even if it becomes one, you will have lost far before then as your communication are cut off, your payment processors and jobs revoked, and you are erased from the Internet.


Fight with information, use ALL your words and your freedom of speech (while you have it) as weapons. Conservative techs, wake up, create alternative structures for communication, payment and search. Don't wait for physical warfare in an information age.


You are already behind.

Anonymous ID: 25c9d5 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.3348979   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Kav vote hasn't happened yet you massive faggot.


This isn't a game


There are 55,000 sealed indictments, and some of those are for shills like you!

Anonymous ID: afea48 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:35 a.m. No.3348985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9011


Im phonefagging now. But it is constitution 101. A number of lurking constitutional fags should be able to quote it.

Trump commented about pardoning himself and libs went shit crazy saying he cannot do that. But that is the only part that is ambiguous.

Anonymous ID: 6a175c Oct. 5, 2018, 10:36 a.m. No.3348992   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democrats Laid a ‘Perjury Trap’ for Kavanaugh and Plan to Impeach Him If They Win the House in November

Anonymous ID: d078e9 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:36 a.m. No.3348993   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q posts have almost become predictable. If I read something on Zerohedge in the morning, it's

a good bet Q will post something related…if it is


Anonymous ID: 9d6a2e Oct. 5, 2018, 10:36 a.m. No.3348996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9010 >>9018 >>9031 >>9126

So…. They sank the Titanic killing the committee members opposed to the Fed reserve private bank ruling over us. They sank the titanic on April 15 and now we pay taxes on April 15 as a big fuck you and in our faces.


Around the same time was Red October in Russia where the communists killed the Russian ruling family seized power and the wealth.


Prior to this we did not pay taxes, we had tariffs on goods that paid for the government.


Is there anything else important that I missed?

Anonymous ID: f22187 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.3349012   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FOX Harris Faulkner talking about Baker's testimony. Perkins Coie-Sussman-Concocted evidence for FISA warrant- BOOM-No sauce-TV

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: 4329dd Oct. 5, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.3349014   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Homo commies

Peanut butter

Dogg and Baal

Hogg and Talmud queers

Gynotologists TwinkieOTUS



Anonymous ID: b32922 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.3349020   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fear porn. Not that serious given the case numbers. I would be more worried that they are mentioning Doxycycline since the last time they put that in people’s minds it was related to Anthrax.

Anonymous ID: f0b971 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.3349025   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Now this is transparency! NATO to deploy 45,000 troops near Russian border, calls it 'defensive'


Amid ceaseless accusations of Russian aggression, NATO will deploy 45,000 troops to Northern Europe in what will be the alliance's largest "defensive" exercise since the end of the Cold War.


Fifty aircraft, 70 vessels, and around 10,000 land vehicles will take part in NATO's Trident Juncture 18 drills, which are set to begin on October 25, with live field exercises continuing until November 7. Thirty-one allied countries and partners are slated to participate.


Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg described the massive military maneuvers as "defensive and transparent," adding that all members of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), including Russia, had been invited to send observers.


The drills will simulate the defense of a member state being attacked by a "fictional" aggressor, but the drills' set locations in Norway, Finland, and Sweden leave little to the imagination. Observers have noted this setting of this year's drills may have been prompted by the growing struggle with Russia for control of the strategically-vital Arctic.


The drills will also test the alliance's ability to operate in cold weather – but it appears that at least some NATO states failed to properly prepare their troops for the chilly Norwegian weather: Around 1,000 Dutch soldiers set to take part in the drills were asked to shop on their own for suitable warm underwear, with the Dutch government reportedly giving each soldier €1,000 (US$1,167) to stock up on warm undies.


Although it's not the first Trident Juncture exercise, this year's drills will be larger than anything seen since at least the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union. The Trident Juncture 2015 exercises, for example, involved 36,000 international troops accompanied by 60 warships and about 200 aircraft.


NATO has significantly increased its military presence and activity along the Russian border, including in the Baltic states and eastern Europe, since Crimea's reunification with Russia and the outbreak of conflict in eastern Ukraine in 2014. In the last few months alone, the alliance has held a number of high profile drills. In June, more than 18,000 soldiers from 19 countries took part in the two-week Saber Strike exercise, held in Poland and the Baltics. Then at the end of August, Latvia hosted the biggest war games ever staged on its territory since gaining its independence. Some 10,000 troops from more than a dozen NATO countries participated in the drills.


The number of NATO troops stationed in the region has also increased. Poland has offered the US $2 billion to establish a permanent military base on its territory, and in Norway, a contingency of US Marines has been increased from 330 to 770.


Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova commented earlier this week that "the escalation of NATO's military and political activity in the Arctic region, namely, in the immediate vicinity of Russia on the territory of northern Norway, hasn't gone unnoticed."


And while NATO gears up for its largest military drills in more than two decades, the alliance is also taking aim at Russia on the cyber front: A barrage of accusations against Russia over alleged government-ordered hacking was curiously timed to coincide with a NATO meeting on cyberwarfare.

Anonymous ID: fba78a Oct. 5, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.3349027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9049

Note the pic - this is the founder of the #WalkAway movement, Brandon Straka (The Unsilent Minority)‏ @usminority. His alternate hashtag till Nov 6th will be #StayMad.


More places for us to plant Q and memes.

Anonymous ID: 6eb040 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:38 a.m. No.3349029   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>-If this was written for 2018 November 2nd and 3rd will be dates to watch. Just before the election


By then it will be much too late…Most states have EARLY voting…In some places you can start voting next week….So to reach the most voters….this stuff has to happen much sooner!

Anonymous ID: 07d53f Oct. 5, 2018, 10:38 a.m. No.3349031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9185


More to it but that is the basic story. Look into Wilson creating the National Park System. Specifically what the second Nat. Park was.

To this day it remains 95% off-limits.

Anonymous ID: 151d98 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:39 a.m. No.3349047   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The patent for controlling what we see and think!

Mind control!

Anonymous ID: 5674e6 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:40 a.m. No.3349053   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Completely fake.


"ebot" is a node of the propaganda system. It is important– for what ultimate reasons we can only speculate at this point– for them to impose and gain acceptance of this bot. Hence, it spams incessantly, and more importantly. swarms of low-key bots make posts like this to try to dupe humans into thinking "ebot" is an accepted community member. The pattern of fakeness, however subtle in any given post, is so relentless and pervasive, that it is very obvious once you see it.


So don't fall for it. Just ignore "ebot", not that most humans would feel tempted to do otherwise. lol

Anonymous ID: 20b8aa Oct. 5, 2018, 10:40 a.m. No.3349059   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nambla member tries to defend his point. And the kids wants no part of it. (South Park)

<Sorry for no embed. Was not allowed to upload it to YouTube for "Copyright reasons".

Anonymous ID: ac3230 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:40 a.m. No.3349062   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q is bullshit.


While the left buses in thousands of people and pays them to hold up pre-printed signs and shirts for the media to project an illusion on the public, the right wing activists are being told to "just wait, trust the plan, it's going to happen, are you ready? really soon!" for 2 fucking years now. How do you not see this? It's a total con.


And the left is still importing illegals, refugees, "Hurricane victims" and more and registering them to vote, busing them from poll to poll, and banning you from every website that the mainstream media is forced to report on. Relegating you to this obscure forum that everyone pretends doesn't exist, out of sight and out of mind.


Are you people retarded? This is the most obvious suppression campaign I've ever seen.

Anonymous ID: a01847 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:40 a.m. No.3349069   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Victory or Death was the password given to the sentries if you wanted to get through to the landing area in New Jersey during the Delaware crossing.

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: 4329dd Oct. 5, 2018, 10:41 a.m. No.3349076   🗄️.is 🔗kun

And ebots


GREW and grew and grew

It went in and out of the convo frequently

Anonymous ID: b903bc Oct. 5, 2018, 10:41 a.m. No.3349078   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(Bread #4242)


>...Since the founding fathers warned against political parties… I can sauce their quotes if you need.

I would love to see those quotes. Hopefully, I won't miss them if you post them, but, regardless, it would be good for others to see them and entertain ideas of what alternate realities there could be.



>>we need more parties

The system is set up to make it impossible to start new parties.

Anonymous ID: 42b75a Oct. 5, 2018, 10:41 a.m. No.3349084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9113

Revised 2018 Leftist defination of rape:


rape - any action by the male gender that a woman finds offensive regardless of whether it was a physical or sexual assault and unequivocally irregardless if Facts prove the claims are True or False.

Anonymous ID: 5e69ad Oct. 5, 2018, 10:41 a.m. No.3349089   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don't think they would be panicking if they had this ace up their sleeve. Also, will not protect against state charges, and HRC is ass deep in NY crimes too.

Anonymous ID: f0b971 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.3349096   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Russian hackers’ mania spreads: Germany joins accusations against Moscow


Berlin has joined the accusatory chorus of Western countries claiming that it was “almost certain” that Russian military intelligence was behind the activities of the elusive Fancy Bear hacker group.


A day late for the party, Berlin has joined the barrage of accusations against Moscow, which – supposedly – “hacked” virtually everything.


“We have full confidence in the assessment of the British and Dutch authorities,” government spokesman Steffen Seibert said on Friday.


On Thursday, the UK and the Netherlands claimed that Russian state hackers were behind the attacks on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and other institutions.


The US, in turn, indicted seven “GRU operatives” for a series of alleged hacks, while Canada blamed Moscow for waging “malicious cyber-operations.”


“The government is also almost certain that the Russian GRU secret service is behind the APT28 campaign,” Seibert added.


The so-called APT28 hacker group, also known as Fancy Bear, has been repeatedly accused of having connections, or even being a unit of Russian intelligence. While little evidence is available to back up the bold claims, the main argument is that the group supposedly targets only those states and institutions which the Russian government doesn’t like.


It’s not the first time when Berlin has accused the Kremlin of waging massive hacking campaigns. The idea that Moscow might wish to tamper with the electoral process in Germany was first voiced by Chancellor Angela Merkel in November 2016.


“We already know that we have to deal with reports from Russia, also with cyber-attacks from Russian sources or even with the reports from which we are confronted to some extent with false information,” Merkel said at the time.


The government claims, however, were challenged in parliament, with an MP demanding some evidence to back up the accusations. In December 2016, Berlin was forced to admit that no solid evidence of such activities existed.


German intelligence has also claimed that the elusive “Russian hackers” carried out numerous “cyberattacks on the German Bundestag” over the past years. Then-chief of the German state security agency (BfV), Hans-Georg Maassen, however, admitted in September 2017, that it was “almost impossible for the intelligence services to find irrefutable evidence that Russia, for example, was behind the cyber-attacks on the Bundestag.”


Ahead of the 2017 general election, however, German spies sounded the alarm over imminent “Russian meddling” again. This summer, Berlin admitted it observed “a decline in Russian cyber activity possibly connected to the election.” While German spies did not bother to provide even a speck of evidence to pin this “activity” on Russia, they were not shy to give themselves a pat on the back, claiming that the said “decline” was a result of their efforts.



Anonymous ID: e8e336 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.3349102   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CA Silicon Valley Dem has stolen #IBOR… Internet Bill of Rights.

Anonymous ID: 92584f Oct. 5, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.3349108   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Not likely. We will NEVER get to hear that conservation. Shame but way it goes. It will be used as leverage against F and then disappear into the memory hole.

Anonymous ID: 1be971 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.3349115   🗄️.is 🔗kun


[Picture Repost]

A picture is worth a thousand words.

See EVIL in the face of FEINSTEIN?

See FEAR & EMOTION in the face of MURKOWSKI?

A phone was present.


Anonymous ID: 79358b Oct. 5, 2018, 10:43 a.m. No.3349120   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Solving the puzzles before the boards.

It's been a long time, but feels like just yesterday.

And now look how many are here.

Even MSM stumbling over words to explain.

Generations will hear about these days and what we've done.


Anonymous ID: 408297 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:43 a.m. No.3349121   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hmm. I remember at a roast once, that fat bitch Amy Schumer made a joke about Steve-O's recently dead friend–and wishing it had been Steve–and it didn't go over well with him.

You'd have thought being cabal pawns together, they'd have been all chummy over it. Laughing, even.

Perhaps his friend that died in that car crash was offed for speaking out/knowing too much/changing his mind.

They off him, Steve-O falls out with his masters and his fellow puppets for killing his friend, eventually gets that tattoo covered over, decides he was wrong. Only because it's now not working in his favor, of course, but such is the nature of people.

And still a cunt for going with it to begin with.

Just pieces falling together in my almonds.

Anonymous ID: c3f454 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:43 a.m. No.3349127   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If Sen. Lisa Murkowski was threatened as Q is suggesting, she belongs in jail. She had options to stop threats from effecting her vote. No sympathy- put me on the jury. I'm fed up with corruptions and excuses

Anonymous ID: 9d6a2e Oct. 5, 2018, 10:43 a.m. No.3349129   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chianne Feinstein the Chinese spy is doomed. Having dual citizenship lawmakers is asking for trouble anyway.

Dual Citizen = Dual Loyalty.

Anonymous ID: 76a700 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:45 a.m. No.3349158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9177 >>9181 >>9190 >>9193 >>9253 >>9279



Who has immediate access to phone data?


Either Murkowski is working with us or the NSA is on the job, or both.


Either way, I think someone like HUBER or HOROWITZ would have to would have to be involved. I don't believe it is the NSA's role to release information without working with the appropriate individuals with legal standing.





Anonymous ID: f0b971 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:45 a.m. No.3349159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9178

CEO of ‘Nonpartisan’ League of Women Voters Arrested at Anti-Brett Kavanaugh Protest


League of Women Voters CEO Virginia Kase was arrested Thursday at the U.S. Capitol for participating in an illegal anti-Brett Kavanaugh protest, along with hundreds of left-wing activists.


The League of Women Voters calls itself a “nonpartisan” organization, and is responsible for hosting hundreds of candidate forums in political races across the country this fall (and in every other election).


Far from downplaying Kase’s arrest, however, the League of Women Voters is celebrating it — though there are women on both sides of the issue of Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.


The League of Women Voters tweeted approvingly:


It also issued a press release Friday touting Kase’s arrest, specifically citing the need to influence the midterm elections:


“Opposing a Supreme Court nominee was an extraordinary step for the League, and our leadership believed that we needed to back those words with action. This situation is too important to sit silently while the independence of our judiciary is threatened,” said Kase, who was hired as CEO in July. “I may be new to the League, but this organization was founded by the women who fought for women’s suffrage. They marched in the streets, disrupted the status quo, and, yes, faced arrest and punishment to advance their cause. We honor their legacy by participating in our democracy through this civil disobedience.”


Last week the board of directors took bold steps for the organization in calling for a complete FBI investigation into all allegations of sexual misconduct and Thursday they went a step farther in officially urging the Senate to reject Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination.


“The process of the Kavanaugh hearings is unlike anything we have seen in the League’s 98 years,” said Chris Carson, president of the League. “This nominee has demonstrated that he does not possess fair and unbiased judicial temperament. I am proud of Virginia and our members across the country who are standing with her.”


On Thursday the League went a step farther by participating in the protests.


“I want to take the fear out of activism,” said Kase. “This is our Capitol. These are our Senators. This is our government. It is an honor to participate in our democracy and to live our mission: Empowering Voters. Defending democracy.”


“This is a critical moment for American women,” said Carson. “With midterms a few weeks away, this is the right time and the right moment to take a stand. Women’s voices will be heard all across the country and they will be the deciding factor in 2018.”


A Harvard/Harris poll released earlier this week showed that 31% of women who are registered to vote want to see Kavanaugh confirmed. 44% of female registered voters oppose his confirmation, and 24% are undecided.

Anonymous ID: f0b971 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:46 a.m. No.3349186   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Donald Trump: Brett Kavanaugh Protesters ‘Paid Professionals’ by George Soros


President Donald Trump dismissed the hordes of liberal protesters flocking to the Supreme Court and Capitol Hill on Friday.


“The very rude elevator screamers are paid professionals only looking to make Senators look bad,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Don’t fall for it!”


Trump commented on the protesters after over 300 over them were arrested by Capitol Hill police on Thursday.


“Also, look at all of the professionally made identical signs,” he wrote. “Paid for by Soros and others. These are not signs made in the basement from love!”


Some of the women who confronted Sen. Jeff Flake in the elevator and Sen. Mitch McConnell at an airport are from the Center for Popular Democracy, a protest group funded by Soros.

Anonymous ID: 9282a7 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:46 a.m. No.3349187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9205


Yes, please email Michael Sussmann an inspirational note (as I did yesterday) to help him through these troubling times of Treason and Sedition.

Anonymous ID: 9fcc1b Oct. 5, 2018, 10:47 a.m. No.3349191   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Galactic Federation ships are still cloaked for the mass population. You can usually uncloak a few scout ships voluntarily using CE-5 or pic related. Check the ET bread.

Anonymous ID: 258f94 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:48 a.m. No.3349205   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Yes, please email Michael Sussmann an inspirational note (as I did yesterday) to help him through these troubling times of Treason and Sedition.

Anonymous ID: 148f2c Oct. 5, 2018, 10:48 a.m. No.3349207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9240

So no anons are asking Q for a clarification on the bullshit last night? Just accepting a new Q drop with a pic we already knew of? Ugh, yeah i'm concernfagging, bite me

Anonymous ID: 84eb0a Oct. 5, 2018, 10:48 a.m. No.3349211   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think this was the year that people over the age of 40 figured out what doxxing is, and how to do it.

We can be a lot more evil than the kids about it, too.

That geezer access to things like Pacer, MLS and LexisNexis doesn't hurt either.

Anonymous ID: 63ac3b Oct. 5, 2018, 10:48 a.m. No.3349214   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fox news has used the word recently, re: the senators who were doxxed. Don't get too excited.

Anonymous ID: d078e9 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:48 a.m. No.3349219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9440

True..but…do you actually think the old lady was smart enough to record DF? Only way is if the Q team anticipated the convo. It's more likely the NSA captured it…which without a FISA warrant on DF, it does jack shit

Anonymous ID: 42b75a Oct. 5, 2018, 10:48 a.m. No.3349220   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Revised 2018 Leftist defination of rape:


rape - any action by the male gender that a woman finds offensive regardless of whether it was a physical or sexual assault and unequivocally irregardless if Facts prove the claims are True or False.

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: 4329dd Oct. 5, 2018, 10:49 a.m. No.3349228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9265

And ebots


GREW and grew and grew

It went in and out of the convo frequently

Did you know they fed the fallout victims candy and soda pop after the trinity test

Eat me drink me

Anonymous ID: abee53 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:49 a.m. No.3349231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9264 >>9296 >>9362



Hey ebot

If I take this…






And take RR out of it, because [RR] you know…


Then I am left with



And if I spell it backwards I get




So, Mr. MaxResDefault, are you Donald Trump?

Anonymous ID: f0b971 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:50 a.m. No.3349242   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'They don't do it for fun': Macron slammed for telling retirees to stop moaning about pension cuts

Emmanuel Macron is in hot water after telling his compatriots to stop moaning after a retiree complained about pension cuts. Politicians slammed the president for the lack of empathy, saying that people "don't do it for fun."


The French leader was visiting the Colombey-les-Deux-Églises commune in the north-east of the country when he was confronted by a group of locals. One pensioner addressed the centrist president complaining about pension cuts.


The president chose to respond with a bit of moralizing and referred to his formidable predecessor. "The grandson of the general [Charles de Gaulle] told me a little while ago" that his grandfather's rule was: "You can speak freely, the only thing we should not do is to complain."


Macron insisted that French wartime leader “had the right idea” and the country “would be different if everyone did the same.”


The former investment banker explained to his compatriots that people in France "don't realize how lucky" they are. "We are seeing more and more elderly people in our country in good health," he noted.


Much of the French public did not agree with Macron’s definition of “luck” and his political opponents didn’t mince their words. “Those who complain don't do it just for the fun of it but because they are the victims of non-stop tax rises and endemic insecurity,” Macron’s nemesis, and political rival during the 2017 presidential campaign, Marine Le Pen wrote on Twitter.


Macron's other presidential rival Nicolas Dupont-Aignan called the president's "arrogance" merely "unlimited.""How can he lie [to the French] by denying the decline of pensions?" he asked.


"Why do pensioners, the unemployed who struggle to find a stable job and the poor continue to complain? The head of State has to pull himself together," Valérie Boyer from the Republican Party wrote.


Thibault Fline, a counsellor who works at the National Assembly sarcastically noted that, according to Macron, if the French people stop complaining, they would "cross the street" and easily "find a job".

Anonymous ID: bb5ad2 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:50 a.m. No.3349249   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>>Texas’ first foreign-owned toll road handed to creditors.


I am SOoooo NOT surprised. Thank you Anon. Have not kept up with this for years. Last I looked, Ohio RT 80 Toll Rd was handed to Spainish Company. I think it is called Cintas? Recent visit to EU was interesting. Almost all highways are toll. We can NOT let a bunch of foreign nations take over the highways we built with our tax dollars…. to use for profit, and to make small business travel twice as expensive… or however expensive (((they))) need it to be. Small business pick up trucks and vans on the highway can be killed. The US economy is 80% small business.


Q, can we watch the "roads" as well as the "water"? Infrastructure critical. Freedom requires well maintained uncontrolled roads for healthy business and good defense. When we pay taxes for roads together, we are paying for the infrastructure of freedom.

Anonymous ID: 1962ad Oct. 5, 2018, 10:50 a.m. No.3349252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9347




18 U.S. Code § 2261A - Stalking



(1) travels in interstate or foreign commerce or is present within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or enters or leaves Indian country, with the intent to kill, injure, harass, intimidate, or place under surveillance with intent to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate another person, and in the course of, or as a result of, such travel or presence engages in conduct that—

(A) places that person in reasonable fear of the death of, or serious bodily injury to—

(i) that person;

(ii) an immediate family member (as defined in section 115) of that person; or

(iii) a spouse or intimate partner of that person; or

(B) causes, attempts to cause, or would be reasonably expected to cause substantial emotional distress to a person described in clause (i), (ii), or (iii) of subparagraph (A); or

(2) with the intent to kill, injure, harass, intimidate, or place under surveillance with intent to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate another person, uses the mail, any interactive computer service or electronic communication service or electronic communication system of interstate commerce, or any other facility of interstate or foreign commerce to engage in a course of conduct that—

(A) places that person in reasonable fear of the death of or serious bodily injury to a person described in clause (i), (ii), or (iii) of paragraph (1)(A); or

(B) causes, attempts to cause, or would be reasonably expected to cause substantial emotional distress to a person described in clause (i), (ii), or (iii) of paragraph (1)(A),

shall be punished as provided in section 2261(b) of this title.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: dcdf7b Oct. 5, 2018, 10:50 a.m. No.3349257   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Are you ready for arrests

I know it's almost been a year

I know I've been saying SOON ™

But this time I really mean it

Remember though

If nothing happens [again]

Then it was just disinformation



Anonymous ID: 3cb163 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.3349261   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It means, even in an in person conversation, one of the parties must know it's being recorded. If YOU are one of the parties in the conversation, you can record it legally.

Anonymous ID: 2cad80 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.3349267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9284 >>9331

Source of Flaming Hole in Northern Arkansas Remains Mystery


County officials in northern Arkansas are still investigating the cause of a mysterious hole in the ground that flared into a 12-foot-high flame.


MIDWAY, Ark. (AP) — Officials in northern Arkansas are investigating the cause of a mysterious hole in the ground that spouted flames into the air for more than 40 minutes.


Investigators have ruled out methane as the source of the fire that erupted from the hole on Sept. 17 in Midway, a community near the Arkansas-Missouri border. Farfetched suspicions, such as meteorites, have also been proven unfounded, Baxter County Judge Mickey Pendergrass told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette .


The judge acknowledged other theories, too: "As far as the spiritual Satan goes, we've ruled that out. … He didn't come up and stick his pitchfork in the ground and blow that hole out."


The flames flared up to 12 feet (3.6 meters) high from the hole, which has been on the private property for at least 10 years, Pendergrass said. Geologists scoped the hole with a camera and determined it was likely created by an animal because it extended horizontal before intercepting a nearby drainage ditch, according to an Arkansas Geological Survey report.


No utility or fuel lines in the area were determined to be leaking, Pendergrass said. Black Hills Energy technicians didn't detect any natural gas in the area.


Soil samples taken from the site haven't yet been analyzed by a lab.


"The soil samples should clear up any possibility of gasoline or anything else put down the hole or migrating groundwater contaminate such as gasoline," said Ty Johnson of the Geological Survey.


County officials were concerned that a leak could've ignited other fires around town.


"We've kind of relieved our fears about it being a danger to the surrounding neighborhood," Pendergrass said.

Anonymous ID: ac3230 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.3349270   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is like the 10th time Q has said something similar, and yet nothing has ever come out in years. When will you start demanding something actually happen or be released before you continue believing this?

Anonymous ID: ea1b92 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.3349273   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i once dropped s pair of panties and then ran away.

i don't know what was in them, but the smell was enough to knock a buzzard off a gut-wagon at 50 paces.

Anonymous ID: 9bb1ca found on 4chan Oct. 5, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.3349274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9298 >>9310 >>9345 >>9389

“So, I found this posted a week or 2 ago. The URL in pic related does indeed forward you to the main believe site. However, when I do a WHOIS now, the information is masked. Is there anyway to know for sure if this domain was registered to someone with a @clintonemail email address?


I keep seeing people say that Kavanaugh’s claims in his opening statements that this was done as revenge on behalf of the Clintons is a display of partisanship. However, we have a good idea that he’s exactly right and stating the facts is not a display of partisanship. But we don’t have a smoking gun. Is this a smoking gun or did some anon fake this? Do we have any paper trail tying a Clinton org to the Kavanaugh smear?”

Anonymous ID: ce1e5e Oct. 5, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.3349280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9315 >>9335 >>9411

Jackson Cosko

This guy is so royally fucked.

Facing 20 years in prison.


And wtf CNN… you can't do even basic research to see he worked for Rep Sheila Lee?

Anonymous ID: f0b971 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:53 a.m. No.3349288   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The American Economy Added Just 134,000 Jobs in September, Unemployment Drops to Lowest Level Since 1969


The U.S. economy added just 134,000 jobs in September and the jobless rate fell to 3.7 percent, once again hitting a low level not seen since 1969.


Despite fears that trade disputes and rising tariffs could weigh on the economy, hiring continues to grow. On Thursday, the government reported that new unemployment claims fell more than expected to 207,000.


Economists had predicted the economy would add 180,000 jobs and the unemployment rate would fall to 3.8 percent.


Average hourly earnings rose 2.8 percent compared with a year ago, in line with forecasts. The average workweek was unchanged at 34.5 hours.


September included hurricane Florence, which hit North Carolina and South Carolina hard. It’s likely that took a toll on jobs for the month.


Past months were revised upward, adding 80,000 jobs. August’s report went from 201,000 to 270,000. July’s jobs rose from an initial report of 147,000 to 165,000. The twelve-month average rose to 201,000 jobs from 190,000 before today’s report.

Anonymous ID: afd7b1 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:53 a.m. No.3349289   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>3348759 Democrat senator refuses to answer if Dems are using a stall tactic.

>>3348839 Danske Banks shares fall after money laundering scandal emerges.

>>3348849 Scientist: Google manipulates 25% of the world’s elections.

>>3348923 Former police officer charged in second case of Kik child exploitation this week.

>>3348922 Typhus outbreak in LA.

>>3348949 91 percent of Apple contributions went to Democrats.

Anonymous ID: 09c4bd Oct. 5, 2018, 10:53 a.m. No.3349293   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll


The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove.


The latest figures include 38% who Strongly Approve of the president is performing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -1. (see trends).


This is Trump’s highest Presidential Approval Index rating since early March of last year, shortly after he first took office.By comparison, Barack Obama earned a presidential approval index rating of -11 on October 5, 2010, in the second year of his presidency.

Anonymous ID: 879d0a Oct. 5, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.3349304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9336


How does this work (big picture)? It seem like each person has a other half controlling them. McCain/Graham, Flake/Coons, Difi/Murkowski. Is there some sort of blackmail yin yang?

Anonymous ID: ed8fad Oct. 5, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.3349308   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Real-Life Goodfellas: Meet The Mobsters Behind The Movie


"One of the aspects of Martin Scorsese’s Goodfellas that has elevated the film to the classic status it holds today is the intense realism of its depictions of the life in the Mafia. …

The story comes courtesy of the 1986 nonfiction bestseller Wiseguy that detailed the life of Lucchese crime family associate Henry Hill, as well as his comrades like James “Jimmy The Gent” Burke and Thomas DeSimone, and their involvement in the infamous Lufthansa heist.


This was, at the time, the largest robbery ever committed on U.S. soil. Eleven mobsters, mainly associates of the Lucchese crime family, stole $5.875 million (more than $20 million today) in cash and jewels from a vault at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport."


"Henry Hill, the central character in Goodfellas (played by Ray Liotta), was born in 1943 to an Irish-American father and a Sicilian-American mother in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, New York….


It was the drugs that brought Hill’s downfall when he was arrested on trafficking charges in April 1980. Initially, he wouldn’t fold to police interrogators, but amid growing suspicions that some of his own associates were planning to kill him in fear that he might put them in legal trouble, Hill began to talk.


In fact, it was Hill’s testimony about the Lufthansa heist that brought the arrests of many of the other men involved — and became the basis for Wiseguy, and thus Goodfellas.


After testifying, Hill was placed in the Witness Protection Program but was kicked out of after repeatedly revealing his true identity to others. He was, nonetheless, never tracked down and killed by his former associates, but instead died of complications related to heart disease on June 12, 2012, the day after his 69th birthday."


"Executions, Informants, And Flamboyance: The American Mafia In The 1980s"


"How Close Was Donald Trump To The Mob?"



Trump was building his eponymous empire of hotels, casinos, and high rises in the early 1980s in New York City and Atlantic City. In both places, the construction industry was firmly under the thumb of the mafia. And in both places there are literally concrete connections between La Cosa Nostra and Trump’s lavish projects. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Cay Johnston, who has covered Trump for decades, has written a very useful list of questions for Trump. Many focus on his ties to the mob. In addition in his 1992 book, “Trump, The Deals and the Downfall,” author Wayne Barrett lays out a slew of suspicious dealings and associations."


I think it is pretty CONCRETE!




Anonymous ID: 212dd1 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.3349313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9339 >>9344 >>9351 >>9393



▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/05/18 (Fri) 13:53:48 No.342


Important moment in time.


The picture will be the signifier.


The signifier will 'force' the Q.


The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).



Anonymous ID: c69d6b Oct. 5, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.3349318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9382

neu Q


▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/05/18 (Fri) 12:53:48 No.342


Important moment in time.


The picture will be the signifier.


The signifier will 'force' the Q.


The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).



Anonymous ID: 8b6ff6 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:55 a.m. No.3349320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9472

New Q


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/05/18 (Fri) 11:53:48 No.342


Important moment in time.


The picture will be the signifier.


The signifier will 'force' the Q.


The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).



Anonymous ID: 99fbef Oct. 5, 2018, 10:55 a.m. No.3349323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9380


Think FISA

If a warrant was issued based on CREDIBLE evidence of treason [Feinstein] it would be completely legal.

Who had a Chinese spy in their employ?


/They/ have it all.

Anonymous ID: 1962ad Oct. 5, 2018, 10:55 a.m. No.3349331   🗄️.is 🔗kun


One of the easiest ways to determine the elements that are burning is the color of the flame.


Manganese (II) Chloride - pale yellow-green


strontium chloride - red


sodium chloride - bright yellow-orange


lithium chloride - red


copper (II) chloride - bright green


calcium chloride - yellow-red


boric acid - nothing

Anonymous ID: 5e69ad Oct. 5, 2018, 10:55 a.m. No.3349333   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dude, if you knew the subhuman conditions present here, you'd know this was a natural outbreak of a plague. These people are pissing and shitting in their own beds.

Anonymous ID: abee53 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:56 a.m. No.3349338   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I think Q's PF drops 340 and 341

Are pointing out to us

That Feinstein is the frog

In a leapfrog

To hide the real source of the THREAT made to Murkowski


But access to NSA comms sweep databases

Negates the leap

Anonymous ID: 07dbda Oct. 5, 2018, 10:56 a.m. No.3349340   🗄️.is 🔗kun


C'mon big boy!

I got something you can sniff.

Just put your nose on the business side of this here barrel, and let me know when you start to sniff in.

I'll squeeze that trigger for ya. ;)

Anonymous ID: 3cb163 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:56 a.m. No.3349344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9391


>▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/05/18 (Fri) 13:53:48 No.342




>Important moment in time.


>The picture will be the signifier.


>The signifier will 'force' the Q.


>The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).



Anonymous ID: fba1af Oct. 5, 2018, 10:56 a.m. No.3349345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9494


no, once they make it private registration, you can't know without a) asking the registrant through the registered hosting agent b)subpoena


I'd take it at face value for your own information, because registrations have to occur before they can be made private. But it can't be confirmed at this point unless they make an error in renewing the private option at the exact same time when they have to renew the registration

Anonymous ID: 8757e3 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.3349365   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They don't want anything leaked. Otherwise, drop it as a .wav or .mp3 on a site, then post the link with the hash on one of the Chan's with no explanation. You know some anon would check it out.

Anonymous ID: 211fb4 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.3349366   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The VIPAnon who asked POTUS about Q is getting a (you) from Q

Anonymous ID: 8a56fb Oct. 5, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.3349375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9420

It could have been Di Fi's phone.


She has to be under investigation and surveillance for all her fuckery.


Maybe the mic was turned on by /ourguys/.

Anonymous ID: 76a700 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.3349379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9497

Per Wikipedia


Signified and signifier


A generic diagram from Saussure's Course in General Linguistics illustrating the relationship between signified (French Signifié) and signifier (French Signifiant)

The terms signified and signifier are most commonly related to semiotics, which is defined by Oxford Dictionaries Online as "the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation".[1] Ferdinand de Saussure, a Swiss linguist, was one of the two founders of semiotics. His book, Course in General Linguistics "is considered to be one of the most influential books published in the twentieth century".[2] Saussure explained that a sign was not only a sound-image but also a concept. Thus he divided the sign into two components: the signifier (or "sound-image") and the signified (or "concept").[3] For Saussure, the signified and signifier were purely psychological; they were form rather than substance. Today, following Hjelmslev, the signifier is interpreted as the material form (something which can be seen, heard, touched, smelled or tasted) and the signified as the mental concept.[4]

Anonymous ID: 7bc883 Oct. 5, 2018, 11 a.m. No.3349404   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Potus is gonna DECLAS and turn everything into turmoil!

They'll be jumping off bldgs./brdgs.

Right before the 3 O'clock news cycle today!

Just Watch!

Anonymous ID: 3aa60a Oct. 5, 2018, 11:01 a.m. No.3349419   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All that has to happen is for POTUS to twat the picture with VIP Anon. The media will lose their collective minds.

Anonymous ID: 0014a6 Oct. 5, 2018, 11:01 a.m. No.3349424   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hahaha, for me they're about douchebag anons making it easy for me to filter them. Haven't found a soul here who uses them and has anything intelligent to say

Anonymous ID: 8b08fe Oct. 5, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.3349436   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How long do you think they would be protesting if President Trump announced that the fines incurred from protesting will be used for the Kavanaugh defense fund.

Anonymous ID: 3cb163 Oct. 5, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.3349448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9467 >>9476

▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/05/18 (Fri) 12:53:48 No.342


Important moment in time.


The picture will be the signifier.


The signifier will 'force' the Q.


The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).




Which picture? The DiFi one? So I'm guessing Q means that in order to move forward and take down DiFi (before confirmation) they'll have to reveal part of the plan, thus proving Q is real.



Anonymous ID: cac1fb Oct. 5, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.3349449   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Well it is about time the Q team gets their day in the sun. You are the rock, the cornerstone……we should in the near future have national Q day.

Anonymous ID: e988b0 Oct. 5, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.3349451   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When they get autonomous cars in place they will be able to control where you go, when you can go, and how much they will charge you for the privedge of driving.

I am watching the water…for the flouride to be removed. I am watching the air..for the chemtrails to be gone. I am watching the food…to try to find natural, non-GMO foods to eat. I am watching toll roads and shaking my head wondering how they can charge highway use taxes on gas purchases on a toll road. More importantly I am watching for the mass arrests and roundup of the treasonous politicians.

Anonymous ID: 8c0b03 Oct. 5, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.3349457   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is it going to come out that Murkowski was threatened by Feinstein (with audio proof) before the final vote on Kav? Murkowski would claim that's why she voted NO on advancing his vote to the floor.


But then, she will vote YES to confirm him.


And Feinstein goes down.


Could it be?

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: ebf676 Oct. 5, 2018, 11:04 a.m. No.3349465   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Damn peanut butter saurkrauters destroyed whole towns after that fallout picnic with sugary snacks

Anonymous ID: 0f2177 Oct. 5, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.3349479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9503

>>3349237 She used to be something. That was then, this is now. No coming back from this braying, retarded statement, considering the context and what is being fought over. She slimed herself.

Anonymous ID: 2af653 Oct. 5, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.3349486   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/05/18 (Fri) 13:38:26 No.340


[Picture Repost]

A picture is worth a thousand words.

See EVIL in the face of FEINSTEIN?

See FEAR & EMOTION in the face of MURKOWSKI?

A phone was present.


Anonymous ID: a576c9 Oct. 5, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.3349487   🗄️.is 🔗kun


which part is 'fake and gay' except your particular self?

The screencap is decent with full street cred.

So I assume you find Q fake and gay.

Or you disagree without any substance whatsoever with posters opinion on the fate of Feinstein.

Which shall it be, shallow water poster?

Have you followed this, gone through the motions, do you really know what this is about?

dipshit welterweight assfag.

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: ebf676 Oct. 5, 2018, 11:06 a.m. No.3349495   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Damn peanut butter saurkrauters destroyed whole towns after that fallout picnic with sugary snacks and the bikini lagoon and those platinum spark plugs in Nevada

Anonymous ID: bb0fed Oct. 5, 2018, 11:06 a.m. No.3349499   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Christine Blasey Ford and the Implanted Memory Theory

Anonymous ID: 140cc0 Oct. 5, 2018, 11:07 a.m. No.3349509   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Whatever ....


The Question has already been asked and answered by Sarah Sanders.

You're pissing in the wind, hoping to prolong your bullshit.

You' will make some shit up and claim some necessary "security" reason for being denied by Trump.

Just like the last time.

But you have no worries ... many anons will still follow you like puppy dogs trained by Jim Jones.