Anonymous ID: bb5ad2 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.3348916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8986 >>9249 >>9451

>>3343761 previous Bread Notable: China losing trade war with US per CNBC




>> I don't think they're gonna just sit back and take this on the chin.


>>I have a feeling that with the clinton bush obama crime ring help, they have quietly been building up their arsonal.


>>Probably preparing for an invasion.


Lurking internet oldfag here. IMHO, you are correct on all three counts, but lets put some sources behind your suspicions, because it is important, in my opinion, to understand the long term CRITICAL reasons for "the wall". I am sure President Trump is aware of all of this, due to his age. It also helps us to understand WHY the globalists have kept Mexico in a state of drug war and shambles, when it would be in the best interest of the United States AND Mexico to have a healthy Mexican economy with a middle class, no drug war, no need to escape, good trade relations, as we have with Canada.


1) Assume you are correct on your invasion scenario. Would it not be wise to weaken the US economy first? Especially manufacturing? To weaken the very steel the defense department works with? Would it be wise to shut down American Steel manufacturing? To pre-plant microchips that would cause our military jets to fall out of the sky at the push of the enemy button? Maybe cut off communications between Americans who would end up fighting a gorilla war on the ground against the Chinese invasion? Would a disabling chip in American Cell phones help with that? Add the chipping of farm animals to that to get the location of the American food supply farms on a GPS system in preparation for a say...three day bombing run?


Note that we are now finding that all of these have been done.


2)Ask yourself then, if the Chinese, at the behest of the globalists plans actually have to start that invasion, what side do they invade from?

Many an old fag understood that they would have to invade from the WEST COAST, but NOT necessarily from the Heavily Armed West Coast of the United States AND..... the guns have to be confiscated first, because the hunting population alone in the United States is over 300% larger than the entire Chinese military.

(Thus the socialist, progressive, globalist constant push for disarming the population.)


Enter some old internet history. (Pic Related). This is a picture of the map of what was called the "NORTH AMERICAN HIGHWAY" actually started under the original terms of NAFTA, where China could send goods to the US by landing on the shores of Mexico. Wherever goods can be shipped, tanks can be shipped. Remember that.

If the tanks landed on the Mexican shore, they would be running up the Mexican Mainland across the border.


NOTE: By then, you would LOVE to have the United States Highway system to split our nation in half with this proposed highway that had only 8 exit ramps planned... effectively cutting off many ways for us to join in land defense. No source for this, but I happened to be in the Ohio state house testifying about NOT chipping those cows, when they started to build this huge toll highway in Texas, and I can tell you that they stopped building it when Texans started shooting people on the dozers. Memory is, two were killed. Of course the story was scrubbed, but, many an anon have kept the original map from the original NAFTA web site front page, for all of you to see, back before many of you were born.

They intended to split our nation in half from the bottom to the top by non crossable highway barrier, and they were planning to come in from the south.

This wall is not just for drugs, and immigration problems. It is to bottleneck their plans for invasion.


Now... about those "ports" the Chinese have been taking control of on the West Coast. What say anons about that? Second invasion front?

Anonymous ID: bb5ad2 Oct. 5, 2018, 10:50 a.m. No.3349249   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>>Texas’ first foreign-owned toll road handed to creditors.


I am SOoooo NOT surprised. Thank you Anon. Have not kept up with this for years. Last I looked, Ohio RT 80 Toll Rd was handed to Spainish Company. I think it is called Cintas? Recent visit to EU was interesting. Almost all highways are toll. We can NOT let a bunch of foreign nations take over the highways we built with our tax dollars…. to use for profit, and to make small business travel twice as expensive… or however expensive (((they))) need it to be. Small business pick up trucks and vans on the highway can be killed. The US economy is 80% small business.


Q, can we watch the "roads" as well as the "water"? Infrastructure critical. Freedom requires well maintained uncontrolled roads for healthy business and good defense. When we pay taxes for roads together, we are paying for the infrastructure of freedom.