Anonymous ID: 95cd24 Oct. 5, 2018, 8:16 p.m. No.3358039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8636

china is cool if you can see past the rhetoric. chinese patriotism, culture, achievement, longevity, etc. are fairly remarkable. just remember we have to uphold our own individual cultural narratives that make place our homeland and people first. long term civilizational planning is their government model whereas ours is about short term appeasement of constituents, and I respect that too. i dont wanna kiss their ass, but just wanna give respect where respect is due… they did whoop our ass in WWIII afterall… although they are an economic threat and competitor, I don't believe they are any longer a military threat and that their government is working with ours to achieve global stability. we need china and china needs us so that we can each be our best individual selves as nations.