Anonymous ID: 35381a Oct. 8, 2018, 4:46 p.m. No.3400419   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0434


Hans Litten says:

September 12, 2018 at 7:47 am


In January of this year, New York Attorney Aaron Siri found himself in the novel situation of being able to depose Dr. Stanley Plotkin. For anyone who knows Paul Offit to be the henchman of the modern vaccine industry, Stanley Plotkin is the Godfather. He is a vaccine inventor, patent holder, spokesperson, consultant, and multimillionaire. He works for all four main vaccine manufacturers and coins the evasive talking points you’ve heard about the safety, efficacy, and necessity of vaccines.


In an effort to set precedent in a family law case, Paul Offit involved himself in a headline-making custody battle between a non-vax mother and a pro-vax father. Together with the brain trust at Voices for Vaccines, they decided to put their highest scientific advisor on the stand as a vaccine expert witness: Dr. Stanley Plotkin.


As with any expert, the opposing lawyers had the chance to depose Dr. Plotkin. A deposition is out-of-court sworn testimony and anything the deposed person says can be used against them later in court, should they contradict themselves on the witness stand. And for eight hours one cold January morning, Aaron Siri put Stanley Plotkin through a meatgrinder.


Dr. Plotkin was asked to read through package inserts for two brands of hepatitis B vaccine, and confirmed that the infants in the trials were monitored for only four and five days. However, he felt certain that somewhere, undocumented in the insert and unavailable to the public, kindhearted researchers must have monitored these infants for many months more because, he admitted, autoimmune disease does not present itself in five days.


Dr. Plotkin argued on record that a well-known study which found the DTP vaccine did more harm than good was of no use in the vaccine safety world, because it wasn’t a randomized trial with a control group. I’ll wait while you think that through because there isn’t an infant vaccine in America that had a randomized trial with a control group—we’re constantly told such a study would be unethical.


My personal favorite admission is when Dr. Plotkin testified that “probably most vaccine reactions” are reported to VAERS, and he was then made to read a study commissioned by HHS that concluded less than 1% of adverse reactions are reported to VAERS.

Stanley Plotkin was forced to admit that over his career he’d tested his vaccines on mentally retarded children, orphans, and babies born to female inmates. He was also cornered into confessing that he’d written a letter to the editor of “Ethics on Human Experimentation” endorsing his practices so that vaccine companies aren’t testing on “fully functioning adults and on children who are potentially contributors to society.”


It’s so much easier to sweep orphans and handicapped children under the rug when they’re injured by vaccines, isn’t it?

Needless to say, the very next morning Dr. Stanley Plotkin withdrew from testifying as an expert witness on vaccines—he no longer felt confident to speak about the safety and necessity of the products that made him a millionaire.