Anonymous ID: b4911e Oct. 8, 2018, 4:23 p.m. No.3400022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0096 >>0117 >>0157 >>0341 >>0354 >>0359 >>0370 >>0495 >>0527


If you observe carefully, there is a clear pattern - it's cyclical and 'they' come in waves and alter their vector of attack quite obviously. Having observed from the very beginning, one thing to note is that there are some vectors in which they use either an actual team (more than 2 people) others where they have 2 people with a tab open in multiple windows/browsers so they can replay to themselves/each other to give the illusion that they have a larger number. But they always give themselves away. In fact, paying close attention, you can tell the script they use - and the concernfags/last strawfags are now using word for word the same script they have used before






It's quite amusing actually, in a pathetic way.

They're (still) not sending their best