Anonymous ID: c8c9b7 Oct. 8, 2018, 4:22 p.m. No.3400005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0037


RR and Mueller are doing what they have always been expected to do by the Democrats.


In other words - the mafia expects the dirty cops to be playing on their side. Are they, though? RR offered up a resignation rather early in the game if he expected to be protected by the democrats and if he was playing to try and force POTUS into firing him to trip the 'obstruction' narrative.


Mueller has likely been referring cases to that new Marine Cyber intelligence unit as he comes across them with the angry democrats (who are probably angry because they are desperate to find collusion before they are sent to gitmo).


I would argue that Mueller and RR are dirty cops who have played for the mafia long enough to be trusted by the mafia… And now they have turned to be our dirty cops… And that was probably part of the plan all along (decades).

Anonymous ID: c8c9b7 Oct. 8, 2018, 4:37 p.m. No.3400312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0397


The investigation is illegitimate.


Which is exactly what we need. Let's say the police raid a pedophile's house on charges of disturbing the peace. A local judge throws the charge out because he's a kiddy diddler, too. However, evidence of CP was refered by a local prosecutor to a federal prosecutor. Or… Let's say a federal investigation is referring to a MILITARY investigation. The federal investigation gets tossed out, but the military one is perfectly fine, exists under a different hierarchy, and plays by slightly different rules for cases under their jurisdiction.


Meanwhile, Feinstein, who harbored a Chinese spy (a very valid target for a Fisa-1), is going around threatening people. If she talks to someone and they have a phone - that is a valid vector and that phone is now a valid target to be bugged six ways to sunday. And google/facebook/apple store everything.


Let your enemy build a digital deathstar… Then have specops claim the control room.