My kind, gentle, hard working grandfather Passed away almost 4 years ago. All my life he wanted to see ethanol become the fuel. He talked about it constantly even when I was very small and too young to know what the heck he was talking about. He is looking down on POTUS right now and smiling through the tears of joy. This one's for you Grampa!
put the GMO corn in our gas tanks not the bodies of the poor! People are starving because they want them kept as slaves. Give the man a fish and he will eat for the day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Q, is HRC giving a warning to others of military tribunals unless they win midterms in her Oxford interview today? Is she activating some action to take place that will stop the mid terms from happening? Why bring up evil acts of Repubs all focused on 18 years ago?
Jesse Waters " You don't go full Maxine Waters EVER" when referring to HRC going Maxine for her call of civil unrest