Ok I’ll simplify.
Feinstein is married to richard Blum. He has tons of investments in China. Diane went And Richard Trumka also went. They worked on the union and the port control in CA. Namely port of Long Beach (CA).
This isn’t one simple issue- limited to computers- this is controlling the Port and what comes in. Union workers are happy and turn a blind eye to incoming cargo.
The Chinese are shipping arms and supplies into Ca and MX. Bill Clinton pushed for it as well during his presidency. This has been noted since the 90’s and now the Chinese cargo containers are carrying mosquitos. There is A LOT going on with feinstein & China. The tech companies are a big part of this, as she is tight with the Google execs and met Elon Musk “privately” on a pier in SF. She has power, thus uses her leverage in many different areas to infiltrate for the Chinese while Blum profits from it.
Investments and her power to keep China in business.