>Sorry, but this is bullshit Q.
Could NOT agree more….
>Do you want this straightened out or NOT? Trump is trying to bring the farmers some relief, while the trade wars are going down.
Look I'll take one for the team and live with ethanol for a Short time to help with the tariffs and trade war with ole China…I get that we should help the farmers whom China is trying to hurt….
BUT I hate ethanol
I hate subsidies…
and I really hate ethanol subsidies….
That said, to beat China I can live with it for a bit…
But I don't come here for that…I came for JUSTICE and I ain't seeing any yet….
RR is still there.
Mueller is still there
No ONE has been arrested and in fact the Klinton crime syndicate is doing a nationwide tour …NOT Justice!
That is about it…NO arrests…SSDD
>I'm against this
YES, so am I….but willing to suck it up for 6 months to a year to win the trade war…
>If you think [Announcement Tonight] is about corn, there’s a place called Reddit, where you belong.
Sorry…in IOWA it is about Corn
>You are screaming about 15% ethanol
We are screaming that what they think is big f-ing news is ETHANOL and NOT Arrests or DeClassification!