Please, take them down just like they took down [building 7]. Remove all of the key supports — boom-boom-boom — and then watch them collapse at [free-fall speed] !!! The courts, the ballot box, etc. are nice tools, but we are way beyond those remedies now. Q+, please green light some trigger time for the team so that they can [get it done] !
Please, take them down just like they took down [building 7]. Remove all of the key supports — boom-boom-boom — and then watch them collapse at [free-fall speed] !!! The courts, the ballot box, etc. are nice tools, but we are way beyond those remedies now. Q+, please green light some trigger time for the team so that they can [get it done] !
I hope [Non-Force] is the right play !!!! Complex [plans] can be very fickle. There is a certain elegance/simplicity in taking the shortest route to [victory]. I understand you concerns, but i believe that you would minimize collateral damage by starting with military tribunals and executions of [republican traitors]. This move would lay bare your honorable intentions.
You won with [K], but for 50% of the country SCOTUS is now 'suspect' (because of [K]).
Please, take them down just like they took down building 7. Remove all of the key supports — boom-boom-boom — and then watch them collapse at [free-fall speed] !!!
“Now comes the real TRUTH.” ‘Real truth’ is the complete truth — it is the key to a new/better path — I have ZERO confidence that [the people] will ever get the complete truth — knowledge is power — you, and all those like you, would have to give up power/control — there will always be a BS justification to hold something back — for our [good] of course — so that your kind can remain one up on the people — after all, the [unwashed masses] can’t handle the truth – right? Dare to be [really] different — have the courage and the faith in us that is necessary to treat us as [EQUALS]. Don’t be afraid of the consequences of [COMPLETE] truth/transparency — [they] got as far as they did by making those in power afraid to share the truth — [THINK DIFFERENT].
There is no lead shortage that I am aware of …… Q+, please green light some trigger time for the team !