Anonymous ID: 6134a0 Oct. 9, 2018, 2:12 p.m. No.3412875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2900





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Anonymous ID: 6134a0 Oct. 9, 2018, 2:16 p.m. No.3412947   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Google Is Walking on the Razor's Edge – Cyber Security Expert


Google has said that in the next 10 months it plans to shut down its social network Google Plus after discovering massive security vulnerability. The network’s users have had their personal data exposed since 2015. The app reportedly got access to full names, email addresses, birth dates, gender, profile photos, occupation and other information.


The amount of users affected by this breach is estimated at nearly half a million. Sputnik has discussed the issue with Fow Chee Kang, associate director and cyber security managing consultant at LGMS.


Sputnik: What do you think about the fact that Google knew about these holes and this access to personal data and didn’t say anything to the public?


Fow Chee Kang: The things that come into my mind are revenue and reputational damage to the company;


Because when there’s anything related to user privacy or information leakage, they will be placed under the global highlight which would make them look very bad in the market. This has been proven in previous cases.


Sputnik: Doesn’t it make them look bad when they don’t say anything? And then they say "by the way, for the past three years somebody has had access to your data and we didn’t tell you because we didn’t want to ruin our reputation."


Fow Chee Kang: I will agree on that. But it seems like they’re walking on knife where they just want to buy on luck in this case, until they were exposed and in this case right now it’s been all over the news.


Sputnik: This is Google which everybody thinks of as the apex of search engines and tech companies, and here they are with this hole in data and it was allowing all of this information to be leaked. There are possibly half a million people that were affected by this; are there any legal ramifications for not reporting such things? We really don’t have much information on that; this tech stuff and private information is a new territory, and there doesn’t seem to be much legal support to understand who is responsible for this and if anybody should have to pay a fine or take responsibility for it? What does the law say regarding this? Can Google get sued?


Fow Chee Kang: This happened back in 2015, but if you talk about the regulatory requirements in the US, I’m afraid I might not be able to comment on that.


In terms of the release from the GDPR it has some requirements that say that if you are having these kinds of security vulnerabilities or bugs you must disclose it within 72 hours. This breach failed to comply to it. This was only compliance requirement so in this case I’m still not sure if this applies to them. But this is one of the things they may want to look into.

Anonymous ID: 6134a0 Oct. 9, 2018, 2:20 p.m. No.3413009   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Police find 500 videotapes in home of suspected serial rapist


Michigan police found nearly 500 videotapes in the home of a rape suspect and now have to modernize them in order to see if he is responsible for assaults going back decades, officials said.


Authorities found the tapes when they arrested Gilbert Conway in July on charges he raped six women between 2009 and 2018, authorities said. He's pleaded not guilty to 77 criminal counts, which include first-degree criminal sexual conduct and kidnapping.


Lawmakers in Genesee County, Michigan, on Monday signed off on spending $15,000 to $20,000 to help investigators convert Conway's Hi8 videotapes into a modern digital format.


Hi8 tapes were typically used in 1990s camcorders.


Genesee County prosecutor David Leyton said police could find “a whole lot more victims” of the 60-year-old Flint resident.


"We believe he videotapes the sex assaults while he commits them. Once we view them, we are going to try and identify additional victims," Leyton told WEYI-TV.


Police find hundreds of tapes of possible victims in serial rape case

1,000 wild horses to be rounded up in California, some could be sold for slaughter


Flint police and FBI agents will examine the footage once it’s all been converted, officials said.


"We're going to try to reach out to those victims if we can identify them and we're going to try and take statements from them and see that they were victimized."


Conway's lawyer, Archie Hayman, said he has not yet seen anything on the videotapes.


"As far as I know, Mr. Conway appears to be have been a hard-working individual with years of employment and a loving family man," said Hayman.

Anonymous ID: 6134a0 Oct. 9, 2018, 2:21 p.m. No.3413040   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is GMO corn the #1 cause of the Cancer Apocalypse?


The chronic sick-care system of America banks on at least 200 million people of all ages consuming pesticides daily in order to maintain peak capacity at doctor’s offices and hospitals. Have you ever been to the doctor or an emergency room and been the only person there, first to be seen and right away? Ever known anyone to be diagnosed with a disease or disorder and a medical doctor or the oncologist tells them to stop eating genetically modified foods right away, and come back for a check-up in a month? It just doesn’t happen; however, it’s no conspiracy that consuming bug-killing and weed-killing chemicals causes disorder of the human cells, brain and cleansing organs.


Science proves that eating and drinking chemicals causes catastrophic cancer of all kinds, so let’s attack this pandemic-style cell manipulator at the root level, instead of dosing the problem on the back end with more chemicals (pharmaceuticals and chemotherapy) and miserably waiting for a prolonged, yet still early grave.


Monsanto scientists figured out a long time ago how to kill rootworm beetles and pesky corn field weeds using poison that’s embedded into the DNA of the corn plant’s seeds, then Monsanto has the farmers spray that “Roundup Ready” corn with more poison, with complete disregard for human and animal health, soil nutrition, and the sustainability of our environment.

More than 90 percent of all U.S. corn contains cancer-breeding GM toxins from the inside-out


So what poisons do you regularly consume that are made with a type of corn that contains genetically modified pesticides inside the plant and on the outside? How much cancer-causing corn do you eat and drink every day? What if you could fill some beakers with just the carcinogenic portion of your products – would it be a couple ounces or a couple pints? Let’s take a quick look at the most common GMO-corn-ridden products most Americans consume during and between every single meal.


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Are you consistently eating or drinking these genetically mutated products? The following is just a portion of the GM-corn-laden foods and beverages out there: sodas, nearly all candy and gum, microwave popcorn, bread, breakfast cereals, canned and jarred fruits, baked goods, sauces, condiments, processed juice, salad dressings, sweetened yogurts, frozen pizzas, microwaveable meals, snacks, cereal bars, nutrition bars, coffee creamers, energy drinks, sports drinks, jams, jellies, and of course, ice cream.



Anonymous ID: 6134a0 Oct. 9, 2018, 2:39 p.m. No.3413379   🗄️.is 🔗kun

State Department: US Foreign Military Sales for 2018 Increased to $55.66Bln


US foreign military sales for 2018 increased by 33 percent compared to the previous year's total, the State Department's Political-Military Affairs said in a statement on Tuesday.


"The 2018 Foreign Military Sales #FMS numbers are in! $55.66 billion for Fiscal Year 2018, a 33 PERCENT INCREASE over last year's total of $41.93!" the State Department said in a Twitter post, adding that Defense Security Cooperation Agency Director Lt. Gen. Charles Hooper would reveal more details about the yearly total.


According to Reuters, the increase in foreign military sales came in part because the Trump administration rolled out a new "Buy American" plan in April that relaxed restrictions on sales while encouraging US officials to take a bigger role in increasing business overseas for the US weapons industry.


The largest US arms contractors reportedly include Boeing Co, Lockheed Martin Corp, Raytheon Co, General Dynamics Corp and Northrop Grumman Corp.

Anonymous ID: 6134a0 Oct. 9, 2018, 2:41 p.m. No.3413414   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mayor De Blasio Signs Law Establishing 'Third Gender' For NYC Birth Certificates


In what will no doubt be celebrated by millions of New Yorkers as an important milestone in the city's march toward a more inclusive future, NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio on Tuesday signed into law a bill that will make it much easier for transgender individuals and others who don't ascribe to one of the "traditional" genders to make sure their "correct" gender identity is reflected on their birth certificate and other identifying documents.


The bill creates a third gender - 'X' - that can now be listed in the place of male or female on birth certificates. De Blasio signed the bill at a ceremony flanked by his wife, First Lady Chirlane McGray, and a host of LGBTQ activists, several of whom spoke at the signing.


One trans activist said that while the bill might seem like a "small change", for trans and non-binary individuals, it's "monumental."


"This might seem like a small change, but it's monumental to many of us," said Tanya Walker, a trans activist who spoke at the bill signing ceremony. "We won’t longer need a doctor to decide what we know is our identity. We won’t have to be out again and again."


McGray celebrated the law, saying it would help more LGBTQ individuals live life with "dignity."


"Now New Yorkers will be able to have a birth certificates that reflect and affirm who they are and go through life with the same dignity," said First Lady Chirlane McGray at the ceremony.