Anonymous ID: 21ec45 Oct. 12, 2018, 4:39 a.m. No.3449756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9771 >>9795 >>9809 >>9885 >>9902 >>0180 >>0403 >>0442 >>0445


Yes using us as a battering ram of fear is working for Q and Trump. They can not come out and say they are using us as a tool in their toolbox because that would make some anons feel used. But those anons should remember its just your muhfeelz that your crying about. We are in a war against a group of morons that eat and torture hundreds of thousands of babies a year and we only get once chance to defeat them so Q is playing anything goes. Q is moving us like a chess piece.


Honestly we should be honored. We are being effective in this role. Q no doubt has forced the Cabal to give up lots of assets and information to give them some delays when they cry for it.


Q means to wear out the Cabal like the Indonesian Snake dance that Maddis watched. Keeping them up at a high strain of nervousness. We just so happen to be on the same ride. But it is nothing personal. Q is going for these fuckers throats. We have to accept our role. Learn as much as we can so we can tell our friends and family WHY the shit went down the way it did.

Anonymous ID: 21ec45 Oct. 12, 2018, 4:49 a.m. No.3449815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9824 >>9865


Jew you act like you have Jedi mind tricks. You cant lead your self out of a Tel Aviv faggot bath house. Which I hear you have on every corner.


You are shilling.


We have kicked out 50 deep state Republicans not even letting them run again. We are kicking out the sitting speaker of the house and sending him home like a little bitch. Jeff Flake is doing Trumps bidding to avoid a death sentence. His nigger pal John McCain is dead. We have 5 supreme Court justices now no blackmailed faggot swing votes for you jews anymore. We are on the cusp of winning tons of house seats and many senate seats. Russia is within rocket distance of Tel Aviv and has perhaps the most sophisticated anti air missiles in the world (no doubt MI made sure of that)


And your Jew corn ethanol faggotry is stupid. No one cares about your thoughts on American Corn you Palestinian Genociding Euro-turkish Khazar Grifters….

Anonymous ID: 21ec45 Oct. 12, 2018, 5:19 a.m. No.3450043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0089


Addict white people on painkillers. Remove the painkillers force addicts to seek heroin which just so happens the CIA has a whole captive country producing the poppy for them.


Then comes the Jew part. The part they live for. You get your Chinese lackeys to produce fentanyl and you put it not the heroin drug supply. Thousand and thousands of white people die and they dont blame fentanyl they put the statistics on Heroin when it is NOT heroin but fentanyl. And the Jew has what they want. The actual reduction in life span for whites….it went down two years running for the first time ever.


And they get to gaslight Americans that THEY are to blame. Maybe get more money for the Jew police state to fight Heroin? We dont need more cops. We need less Jews killing our people

Anonymous ID: 21ec45 Oct. 12, 2018, 5:22 a.m. No.3450059   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Jew Marine is back with his Jew corn. Trump pussy goy corn ethanol


corn, jew corn, pussy. Ethanol…jew corn…


Jew Marine we missed you!

Anonymous ID: 21ec45 Oct. 12, 2018, 5:52 a.m. No.3450255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0281 >>0319 >>0419


Yeah the shills started with butt corn, pussy corn, muh ethanol, Q larp.


But then something odd happened. Someone started posting more Jfk jr stuff. And Tel Aviv lite up like a candle. It was all hands on deck and every Jew they could raced to the war room to battle the three anons that kept talking about Jfk jr. Mind you we only said stuff like it might be true it would be cool to be true. We showed how it might be feasible.


But Jew marine and his brave JIDF fought us for two straight hours. Claiming the whole good name of Trump and Q depended upon all us rejecting right then and there any chance Jr was sneaking around waiting to destroy ZOG.


It was a running battle but we gave as good as we got. The Jew is still licking their wounds.


You can learn by what they attack and what they do not attack and how hard. Some one with a big nose does not like talk about JFK jr one bit.

Anonymous ID: 21ec45 Oct. 12, 2018, 6:02 a.m. No.3450322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0331 >>0398


Fucking spoopy spoopy. A mystery man named John talking to Kanye and labeled Q on transcripts. And mystery about Jfk jr…john john. R did say we would love his other disquise.


I am not saying….but I am saying….look whose back? John john is back tell a friend.

Anonymous ID: 21ec45 Oct. 12, 2018, 6:09 a.m. No.3450369   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah. You. It was wild their oddly strident resistance. Their refusal to admit they did not know if he was dead or not but then they filled the board with Elvis….(a jew…I know its crazy but elvis mom was buried Jew and elvis bragged to nixon he was an secret agent. And we know what that means. Joooo) sightings. They really put in effort. Like it meant something.


Like they could not allow the board to accept it was possible and that Trump was doing his normal clever troll pushing of something big. No they fought and fought. Then just got down to insults when they grew confused and exhausted.