Anonymous ID: 99cb8a Oct. 12, 2018, 4:42 a.m. No.3449765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9815


lb >>3449676


Seems to me Q has some cognitive dissonance going on.


That is something anyone can get behind. Once you do, keep it to yourself, you faggot shill you.

A lot of pressure for anons to buy what we are selling, and trust the plan, and somethings like ethanol stands in direct conflict. Ethanol that big of a part of the plan, give me a break.


If Q's goal is for us to take our country back, then us saying exactly what we think is not shilling, we are doing our part, you are not forced to agree, but must put something of substance up to counter, MUH Faggots.


Some anons follow Q, some of us will help guide. If you are not up to task, then you can follow. We who can, shall lead.

Anonymous ID: 99cb8a Oct. 12, 2018, 5:10 a.m. No.3449964   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Basic obvious fact about America, the government colludes with multi national corporations to exert control and influence while using that leverage to force out the little guys,


YOU want MAGA? it was brought to by the little guy, and him doing well.