Anonymous ID: f8320a Oct. 12, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.3452581   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3449756 ; >>3449763 On understanding the plan (commentary)


Previous bread deserves repeating IMHO. Out in the country, 20 years ago, I heard gun practice in October in prep for November hunting. This was normal in America.

After 9/11, sounds of gun practice slowly built to year round, and huge sound, big bullets accidentally firing over my head while doing maple syrup, building farm etc.

American Militias formalized their credentials, came above ground, started teaching HAM, medic training, etc. Practiced their skills coordinating various fire/hurricane/tornado relief efforts. Many came from the cities to farms, for target practice. No one knew when SHTF was coming. Preppers on hyper drive.

Suspect military intelligence was keenly aware of what was happening out in rural America with the visiting city folk. How could they not be? They had the intelligence to figure it out.


What was NOT known by the general population is what side our own military would be on when SHTF.


President and Q answered that question. Much anxiety has calmed. Gun practice much calmed.

I thank God, Q, White Hats, POTUS for this answer.


But, the problems still exist. The Criminals have to be surgically removed to avoid civil war and restore the Constitutional form of government that has made America the beacon of freedom she is still destined to be. Americans simply no longer believed they had the right to vote the criminals out due to wide understanding of voting machine corruption. Ballot box was moving to cartridge box, rapidly.

Remember, God is with us.

We must keep up without expectations of any arrests until the snake is ready to strike. We have one shot at non violent victory.

We are tools. Like Chess, next moves often depends on what the opposition does.

We are weapons of war using Q guided research to expose facts with critical timing using memes, alt media research, proof to a wary confused public.

We are soldiers of peace, learning to wield that Constitution like the weapon that it is.

We are medics, ready to help when the normies get confused, or start to panic.

Eventually this war will break out above ground anons.

Be ready for anything.

Be ready to change course. Be ready for a shaking in "muh feels". We have great leaders risking their lives to rip the head off this satanic snake and it's many nests around the country, even the world.