Yeah, that's a keeper, right there. Firewatch, get that out in the 4:30 memo.
Boobs for the Baker
Because if you can't handle boobs, what makes you think you can handle Liberty?
I prefer the classics.
Hey,, the boobs were legit!
Sometimes I post boobs I find on liberal girls' accounts. Because it's socialist to share.
Me, neither. I post boobs because they have a purpose.
And I don't have to prove my humanity to anyone. The "muh bots" slide is an old one.
Okay, Asshat.
Boobs keep the board from being overrun by pro-censorship moralists. They inspire autists and anons in their work. They provide cover from having us inundated by a bunch of grannies and keep retards like you in a paranoid frenzy about "muh bots" instead of hassling the diggers or the memers. And they remind us that the 1st Am. is the foundation of the Republic.
And that, Charlie Brown, is why we have boobs here.