Anonymous ID: 044324 Q Research General #4385 Jazz Music Intensifies as The Night Rolls On Edition Oct. 12, 2018, 6:59 p.m. No.3458119   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Tuesday 10.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/373 -------------------------------- Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1] (Cap: >>3417457 ; reminder re: /pf/175: >>3417530 )

>>3412993 rt >>3219413 -------------------------- Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen?

>>>/patriotsfight/372 -------------------------------- effort to combat CHINA's attempts to harm our farmers (Cap/txt: >>3412511, >>3412512 )

>>>/patriotsfight/371 rt /pf/297 -------------------- AMERICA IS NO LONGER FOR SALE. (Cap: >>3412170 )

>>>/patriotsfight/370 -------------------------------- Coincidence the news today is focused on a resignation? (Caps: >>3408439 ; >>3408550 )


Monday 10.08.18

>>>/patriotsfight/369 -------------------------------- [Sally Yates] ( Cap: >>3403973 )

>>3398484 rt >>3398290 -------------------------- Court order to preserve ALL data sent to GOOG? ( Cap: >>3400639 )

>>>/patriotsfight/368 --------------------------------- Graphic: DECLAS! ( Cap: >>3396370 )

>>>/patriotsfight/367 --------------------------------- Win-at-all-costs? ( Cap: >>3395933 )

>>>/patriotsfight/366 --------------------------------- Blasey Ford #WALKAWAY ( Cap: >>3395886 )

>>>/patriotsfight/365 rt /pf/357 -------------------- Your voice is spreading. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/364 --------------------------------- TomFitton/Status, Knowledge is power. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/363 --------------------------------- [Next Up][RR], Locked & Loaded ( Cap/text: >>3395264, >>3395283 )

>>>/patriotsfight/362 rt /pf/306 -------------------- Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]. ( Cap: >>3395092 )

>>>/patriotsfight/361 rt /pf/293 -------------------- Anons knew POTUS would not be baited to FIRE ( Cap: >>3394395 )

>>>/patriotsfight/360 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” NK will allow inspectors access to nuke sites ( Cap: >>3390086 )


Sunday 10.07.18

Compiled here: >>3444448


Friday 10.05.18

Compiled here: >>3408448


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Anonymous ID: 044324 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:01 p.m. No.3458152   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8507


are not endorsements



>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3445122 Kanye Memes & CALL FOR SUPPORT ON TWATTER



>>3432141 To the maintainer of PF No.165 is missing.

>>3395243 BO : "/cbts/ and /thestorm/ ownership transferred. Thanks CM... All bans lifted"

>>3336410 /CM/: New posting servers, load balancer, and alacrity cacher owing to uptick in 8ch traffic

>>3405679 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3447773 - register to vote online in many states



>>3458001 Dig on Potus Schedule #Cincinati spelling Anomaly

>>3457963 Four women in β€˜voter fraud ring’ arrested (Ft Worth Texas)

>>3457902 Epic DJT JR Twat Back at HRC

>>3457758 Suspicious Death at Motel Owned by Ownere of Limo Company

>>3457634 Cool Collage of Image Posts to /qresearch/ today

>>3457481 now offers resources for sexual assault survivors

>>3458134 #4384



>>3456978 Dig on Articles on Sussman

>>3456975 Misspelling in POTUS Schedule

>>3456855 Saudi Interior Ministry Denies Reports Alleging Murder of Journalist Khashoggi

>>3456821 @ Jack Actually selling shares of SQ

>>3456785 Collection of possible redacted names of Others Who Lost Security Clearance

>>3456784 Sessions Announces New Chicago Gun Crimes Prosecution Team

>>3456779 Why the Coordinated Alternative Media Purge Should TERRIFY Everyone

>>3456736 Fitton Twat We Beat the Left in Major Court Battle

>>3456683 Notable Thoughts of an Anon

>>3457707 #4383


#4382 New Baker Incoming

>>3456552 U.S. Border Agency Says Hundreds of Employees Have Been Arrested Over 2 Years

>>3456419, >>3456427 Trump Is Right: The Fed Is Crazy And Here's 101 Reasons Why It Should Be Shut Down

>>3456380 Q Clock Update for the ClockFags

>>3456368 Fed Inspector Turned Whistleblower Reveals System Rigged For Goldman Sachs

>>3456022, >>3456091, >>3456104 Stealth Jeff Twat & Related Digs

>>3456078 Mc Connell got 12 more federal judges approved yesterday

>>3456069, >>3456167 Incredible Spygate Infographic

>>3456059, >>3456095, >>3456121 DWS Paid off 2 Loans on Same Day Awan Gave Her Laptop to Police

>>3456052 Tom Fitton Says HRC Lost Her Security Clearance Amid Email Scandal

>>3456044 Savage Twat by Terrence K. Williams about Don Lemon

>>3457056 #4382



>>3455202 Despite HRC's request not to, Grassley made public HRC's security clearance removal.

>>3455245 Suspicious death at motel owned by limousine owner.

>>3455323, >>3455405 Trump signed three laws while everyone was focused on Kanye.

>>3455351 Sessions announces new Chicago gun crimes prosecution team.

>>3455179 Is Obama pictured in this newspaper article featuring Al Qaeda?

>>3455438 Personal wealth in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

>>3455440, >>3455477, >>3455649 Digs into possible redacted HRC-connected names.

>>3455532 DJT Tweet: "Jim Brown... tremendous man and mentor to many young people!"

>>3455594 HRC on the clock map.

>>3455824 Chase CEO warns geopolitical issues could derail economy.

>>3455848 #4381


Previously Collected Notables

>>3453562 #4378, >>3454337 #4379, >>3455034 #4380

>>3451175 #4375, >>3451951 #4376, >>3452791 #4377

>>3448880 #4372, >>3449708 #4373, >>3450403 #4374

>>3446685 #4369, >>3447307 #4370, >>3448128 #4371

>>3444265 #4366, >>3445010 #4367, >>3445791 #4368

>>3441903 #4363, >>3442725 #4364, >>3443489 #4365


Best Of Bread:

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Anonymous ID: 044324 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:01 p.m. No.3458157   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: 044324 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:01 p.m. No.3458159   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: 8c5fb0 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:05 p.m. No.3458196   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8247 >>8293 >>8373 >>8603 >>8692

Trump has the earth at his feet, a footstool.


He has an iron scepter in his hand.


He has an orb in the left hand which also has Crown Jewels in it. Remember when SA princes and Trump all had their hands on the orb? What did this signify?


The iron scepter - "Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. You will rule them with an iron scepter; you will dash them to pieces like pottery." (Psalms 2:8,9-NIV) also in the Book of Rev ch 2


Ps 110:1-2: 1 The Lord says to my Lord:

"Sit at my right hand And I will make the earth your footstool.


Trump has an orb and an iron scepter in his hands and the earth 🌏 as his footstool.


Trump is not the messiah. There is only one - Christ Jesus. The Antichrist will deceive even the elect if possible (in not saying he is the AC) but we as followers of Jesus must keep watch.


The book of Rev and Zechariah are unfolding right now and it is either playing out as a script by the elite w some sick Illuminati card game, or the AC is about to rise. Before he can arrive, the church (body of Christ- us) have to be taken out of the way. This is what’s holding him back. Jesus said we will do even greater works than him. He said Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10:19.


True followers of Christ KNOW that the enemy can’t touch us bc we are sealed w the Holy Spirit.


They were told not to hurt the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree, but only the men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. Rev 9:4


1 Peter 1:5

who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.


There’s more about the seal but when you’re sealed in Christ, the elite can’t touch you. You can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you.. you will do even greater works than me…


We have to power to rebuke the Anti Christ - remember he comes in the name of the Lord and will deceive even the elect - if possible

For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones. Matthew 24


This is why he will need to deceive believers and trick them. But the true Children of God can’t be harmed and thus why the β€œchurch” will throw some out of the churches and even send some to the government. (Don’t trust your 501c3 β€œchurch” leaders when you defect and wake up and realize that it’s a synagauge if Satan run by masons masquerading as Christian preachers).


It obvious the whore of Babylon is Vatican City. More about that in Rev.


My point here is that we are in the End Times/ End of the Age. And Ezekiel 33 says we are Watchmen and to warn others or their blood will be on our hands …

Since they heard the sound of the trumpet but did not heed the warning, their blood will be on their own head. If they had heeded the warning, they would have saved themselves.6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.’ 7 β€œSon of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. 8 When I say to the wicked, β€˜You wicked person, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak out to dissuade them from their ways, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. 9 But if you do warn the wicked person to turn from their ways and they do not do so, they will die for their sin, though you yourself will be saved. Ez 33


JEsus is the same from one age to the next. WE are to keep watch and not worry about the game others are playing…


Luke 21:34

Watch out! Don't let your hearts be dulled by carousing and drunkenness, and by the worries of this life. Don't let that day catch you unaware,


We are to share the message of the gospel… salvation.


With isreal buikding their 3 rd temple (complete bi le prophecy) next will come the ending of sacrifice in the temples… trump is trying to end human trafficking/ ritual sacrifice..


Isreal wills sign a peace treaty w the AC and half way thro it, the AC will revoke the deal and lead them to slaughter. Then Jesus will manifest.

Anonymous ID: 2b386b Oct. 12, 2018, 7:05 p.m. No.3458204   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8245


WASHINGTON β€” More than 500 employees of the United States’ primary border security agency were charged with drug trafficking, accepting bribes and a range of other crimes over a two-year period, according to reports released on Friday.


The reports, released by Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Human Resource Management and its Office of Professional Responsibility, covered the years 2016 and 2017.


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The most common arrests were related to misconduct involving drugs or alcohol; the reports concluded that 109 employees faced those kinds of charges in 2016, and 119 in 2017.


Domestic or family misconduct was the second most common reason for the arrest of the border agency employees β€” 51 in 2017, up from 44 the previous year, the data show.


Customs and Border Protection has a budget of over $15 billion and is the parent agency of the Border Patrol. It employs more than 60,000 people, making it the largest single law enforcement agency in the United States.


Agency officials said the release of the annual reports underscores the agency’s commitment to transparency and swift actions to weed out employees who violate the law or internal policies. They also said the reports show that a majority of employees carry out their duties without getting into trouble.


β€œWe are talking about a fraction of the organization,” said Matthew Klein, assistant commissioner for the Office of Professional Responsibility.


Customs and Border Protection has been accused of using excessive force against migrants. In 2017, the reports showed, the agency opened 252 cases involving use of force by border agents, down from 338 in 2016.


Twelve excessive force cases in 2017 resulted in the serious injury or the death of an individual, down from 23 in 2016, the data showed.


The reports follow several high-profile acts of violence this year by Border Patrol agents around Laredo, Tex., focusing national attention on the agency.


Last month, an agent who had worked at the Border Patrol for 10 years was charged with killing four women and assaulting a fifth over a two-week period. The agent, Juan David Ortiz, 35, was arrested after fleeing Texas state troopers who had confronted him at a gas station; he was found hiding in a hotel parking garage off an interstate.


In May, a Border Patrol agent shot and killed Claudia Patricia GΓ³mez GonzΓ‘lez, a 19-year-old Guatemalan woman who had crossed the border illegally near Laredo. Authorities said the agent had been searching for illegal activity in a residential area when he was attacked with blunt objects by a group of people that included Ms. GΓ³mez.


One resident who witnessed the shooting disputed the officials’ account, including details about where it took place and whether the group used weapons.


Both of those cases occurred in 2018 and were not included in the reports released on Friday.

Anonymous ID: 4fc2a4 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:07 p.m. No.3458223   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8231

The backlash over CNN's blatantly racist comments re: Kanye (notice no one said a word about Mr. Brown) has permanently hurt D pull with the black community. They've lost their promary voter base. They've lost everything.

Anonymous ID: 14e817 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:08 p.m. No.3458229   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

it is very nice to have a solid double standard


I have dealt with it and accept it in gender. I get it - but now color wtf? I get a lady gets to make the rules to me - that is acceptable if she loves me.

Anonymous ID: 7723c3 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:08 p.m. No.3458230   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



>>3458021 (lb)

and…..I'm safe. still alive. mthrfkrs. heartfelt thanks to BO.


Looks like our heroic based BO is up to his usual tricks-- this anon hasn't shared the story, but it looks like life-saving was involved! ThanQQ (((BO)))! What happened man! Wow, super awesome stuff!

Anonymous ID: d41c5c Oct. 12, 2018, 7:08 p.m. No.3458235   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Saw this on plebbit. Sorry it doesn't really add to any digs, but I thought it was important to to keep in mind the history of the Nazis isn't exactly what we've been taught apparently, and that their controlling elements have lived on.

Anonymous ID: 9a0a19 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:09 p.m. No.3458239   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>3458180 lb

Probably. I am not super tech savvy. I get by, but that is about it. I could probably be anonymous to the average user. I never feel anonymous to the world though. Would be happy to check it out.

Anonymous ID: 8c5fb0 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:09 p.m. No.3458247   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Part 2


If you aren’t saved, you need to be.


The cover of the Economist mag shows this game/ script being played out in front of us.


Rise sleepers, rise.

Ephesians 5:14 This is why it is said: "Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."


Idolatry is anything you put before God. Idlolatry is sin which leads to death and decay. Eternal

Life is this - love the Lord your God w all your heart and soul - love covers a multitude of sin. Love one another.


If we spent this much time winning souls, instead of votes, we would be building Gods kingdom. We are his builders.


God’s ppl is Isreal. Anyone who stands against Isreal will be destroyed. Your must tap into your faith now. This war is spiritual. The prayers of the righteous are the most powerful.

Anonymous ID: d1ddf2 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:11 p.m. No.3458268   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

22β€”- Tyndall is home to 55 F-22 stealth fighters;

Air Force officials have not disclosed the whereabouts of the remaining 22 planes

The total value of the 22 fighters that may remain at Tyndall is about $7.5 billion

33β€”- which cost a dizzying $339 million each

Air Force sent at least 33 of the fighters to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio

32- β€”β€”β€œAt this point, Tyndall residents and evacuated personnel should remain at their safe location,” said Col. Brian Laidlaw

325th Fighter Wing commander

Anonymous ID: f91a45 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:12 p.m. No.3458287   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8930


>What happens if D’s lose the slave grip on the black pop?

>D’s can’t lose control over the black population.

>At some point the great awakening will occur whereby these false local / national black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the black pop poor and in need.

Anonymous ID: f01fc2 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:14 p.m. No.3458309   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Blue is the new orange as GuantΓ‘namo preps for new prisoners, maybe ISIS fighters

Anonymous ID: 4a9c45 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:14 p.m. No.3458314   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8412

>>3458094 lb

did you mean to draw a dick outline in red or..


also [non military] is an interesting qualifier

have military arrests already happened? could those be done in secret?


finally something about these 2 juxtaposed makes me think of june/july when Q tested us with that long ass absence of his after posting the dubious af1 photo..


it wasn't an accident that Q asked if we ready to see arrests and then reminded us of reality..


maybe he's trying to teach us not to react so emotionally and that disinformation is real..

you know how soldiers are just emotionally blank?

maybe you think more clearly that way

Anonymous ID: bde6bc Oct. 12, 2018, 7:15 p.m. No.3458323   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8380

Go see the TMZ video of their quick interview with Lindsey Graham at some airport.

Don't know how to imbed or I would.

They asked him about the Chelsea Handler tweet, and he handled it so cool


Anonymous ID: 4f7ee2 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:16 p.m. No.3458334   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8368


80s Cold Warrior son,

a winning PsyOp is not "what you make it"

if it is not based in Truth it will fail. Why?


Anonymous ID: a9d14a Oct. 12, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.3458362   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8379

Second time this week Trump said the following at a rally re: Scotus:


"We could have 2, 3, maybe even 4 more choices."


RBG has problems. Breyer is the elder statesman after her, and could easily retire soon. It would appear two of Kagan/Sotomayor/Roberts are being referenced. Alleging K/S part of the Obama cabal? Is there dirt on Roberts re: Obamacare decision?

Anonymous ID: 807b41 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:19 p.m. No.3458381   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

It is not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.

  • JFK


Q said this before and I think during times of heavy shilling we can do it.

I haven't looked at the clock but for newfags it is common to have black out comms and most of the time they line up with 111 days so if you see a few days apart with no Q post, chances are go back 111 days and it will line up to another blank spot.

We are moving towards the final line of the clock so it is getting into weird areas and times can get mixed but the shilling is relentless.

So let's try -

Q - Is there anything we should be directly looking into - all of us ear chopping 1 tree would be a lot easier then each cutting down a small piece of the forest alone..

Also who to trust in CAN?

Anonymous ID: 7723c3 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:21 p.m. No.3458415   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8436 >>8466 >>8640


"Night shift" memes are REAL, and not fake bot output. The fact that they flow like a machine is pouring them forth ought not to deceive humans into thinking they are fake. Obviously, countless anons are eagerly engaged in DIVIDING THEMSELVES INTO IDENTITY GROUPS, as per the spirit of Q's posts, consuming thread after thread with tedious and pointless images defining these opposing identities WITHIN THIS BOARD. Right? It doesn't seem fake to me. Maybe if anons post fifty more of them a threaed, it will seem even less fake.


wuv u nite shiff anonsies

Anonymous ID: 4a9c45 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.3458417   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8445

are you ready to see arrests: appealing to our impatience

are you ready to see pain: appealing to our anger and thirst for vengeance

are you ready to be part of history: appealing to our vanity and the famewhore in all of us

that post was a test: don't react emotionally to any information

Anonymous ID: f92b8c Oct. 12, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.3458423   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun




We love Q

We love Potus

We love Anons

We love USA

We love Americas Fighting Forces

We love Patriots one and all


Take your time team,





Anonymous ID: 867952 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:23 p.m. No.3458432   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Imagine those were all stolen planes the cabal sold to our enemies and here Trump and SA Prince is trolling them because they were building a fucking army and it's been completely dismantled

Anonymous ID: 211d27 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:23 p.m. No.3458444   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8531




Please note this fake dialog. Complete with "bewbs." They're afraid they're losing control of us because we're questioning and are balking at where we're being steered to.


"a PsyOp is not propagnda & lies" That is so rich. Remember that. Making it sound all benign.

Anonymous ID: a9d14a Oct. 12, 2018, 7:23 p.m. No.3458447   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8487


Allegedly her clearance was expiring (just like any other license) and she did not elect/request it be renewed. Who knows if that is spun…


The staffers who had their clearance revoked all obtained clearance through HRC as "investigators".

Anonymous ID: bde6bc Oct. 12, 2018, 7:23 p.m. No.3458454   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8495 >>8587 >>8625 >>8942

Liberals on Twitter having a meltdown over Trump's reference to Robert E. Lee at tonight's rally

They can fuck right off. There are earthworks from the War of Northern Aggression running right through my yard.

Fuck Yankees.

Fuck Reconstruction, especially. The South paid for that shit for decades, and we sure as hell aren't apologizing for it now. Price was PAID a thousand times over.


Had ancestors on both sides of that war, and on both sides of the Revolution, too. If your family were lazy beta pieces of shit and didn't get here until after 1700, too bad for you.

Anonymous ID: 16205a Oct. 12, 2018, 7:24 p.m. No.3458457   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8518 >>8537

Q hasn't posted in days and we STILL have 20ppm?


shilly in here tonight it seems…. WTF are they so fucking afraid of?


I used to spend a lot of time here but busy MAGA at a local tire shop that just started up. Owner took over for a long-time business doing really good but he paid a lot for the place and is doing a lot of volume so buying a lot of stuff on credit to pay back in 90 days and stuff like that. Doesn't really need the help so he doesn't pay me….. I do little stuff like check air in tires and remove/replace lugnuts and stuff depending on how busy it is and talk to him, we both seem to enjoy it.


It's only a half mile away so doesn't cost me anything to go down there and help out for awhile. Hard of hearing on disability so I have my own money anyway… MAGA!

Anonymous ID: 66bf97 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:24 p.m. No.3458459   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8627


>The Kanye bashing is going to back fire so bad on (((them))).


>They really are stupid af. I love watching them shoot themselves in the foot every single day.


These people are stupid. The vile hatred backfires on them. Kanye is a genuine guy. He speaks his heart and tons of people see that.

Anonymous ID: 4fa95c Oct. 12, 2018, 7:25 p.m. No.3458472   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

CBS New York









β€˜Our Attack Is Merely A Beginning’: Vandals Smash Windows, Spray Graffiti At Metropolitan Republican Club

October 12, 2018 at 5:02 pmFiled Under:Local TV, Manhattan, New York, Republicans


NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Vandals struck the Metropolitan Republican Club early Friday morning.


The building is the city headquarters of the New York State Republican party, and is the headquarters of the Manhattan Republicans.


screengrab 00003 Our Attack Is Merely A Beginning: Vandals Smash Windows, Spray Graffiti At Metropolitan Republican Club

Vandals damaged the Metropolitan Republican Club on Oct. 12, 2018. (credit: CBS2)


According to police, two men were spotted at around 1:45 a.m. breaking windows at the club, which is located at 83rd Street between Park and Lexington Avenues.


screengrab 00007 Our Attack Is Merely A Beginning: Vandals Smash Windows, Spray Graffiti At Metropolitan Republican Club

Vandals damaged the Metropolitan Republican Club on Oct. 12, 2018. (credit: CBS2)


The vandals also sprayed anarchist graffiti on the door, glued locks shut and damaged a keypad entrance system before running away.


They also left a message at the scene.


republican Our Attack Is Merely A Beginning: Vandals Smash Windows, Spray Graffiti At Metropolitan Republican Club

Vandals left a note after vandalizing the Metropolitan Republican Club. (credit: CBS2)


β€œTonight, we put the Republican Party on notice, in defiance to the policy of mass misery they have championed,” the message reads. It goes on to claim the U.S. government has created β€œconcentration camps around the country for Latino people” and β€œshamelessly murders black people.”


The note also calls Democrats β€œspineless partners-in-crime” of the Republicans.


β€œOur attack is merely a beginning. We are not passive, we are not civil, and we will not apologize,” the message reads.


screengrab 00006 Our Attack Is Merely A Beginning: Vandals Smash Windows, Spray Graffiti At Metropolitan Republican Club

Vandals damaged the Metropolitan Republican Club on Oct. 12, 2018. (credit: CBS2)


β€œThis is an act of political violence done by cowards in the middle of the night,” said New York Republican Party Chairman Ed Cox. β€œThere’s no doubt what they intended to do.”


Cox said attacks on buildings can lead to attacks on people, and some the same words in the statement – β€œwe will not be civil” – were used by Hillary Clinton recently.


β€œWe call upon Mrs. Clinton, we call upon Governor Cuomo, we call upon Senator Schumer, and we call upon Senator Gillibrand and all Democratic officials, whether elected or otherwise, to condemn this act of violence,” Cox said.


screengrab 00005 Our Attack Is Merely A Beginning: Vandals Smash Windows, Spray Graffiti At Metropolitan Republican Club

Vandals damaged the Metropolitan Republican Club on Oct. 12, 2018. (credit: CBS2)


β€œNew York Democrats have zero tolerance for violence in our political system and condemn this latest act of vandalism,” New York State Democratic Party Executive Director Geoff Berman said in a statement. β€œThis type of divisiveness is repugnant to everything we believe as New Yorkers. That being said, Ed Cox and Marc Molinaro’s rhetoric on this is wildly inappropriate. We need less hate and division – not more.”


β€œThe words that were used here are her exact words,” Cox said. β€œThis kind of violence, whether done against Republicans or against Democrats, is completely unacceptable in our political system.”


β€œWe are better than this as Americans. And I think it is terrible that the left would use this kinds of violence in order to intimidate our political leaders and our candidates because this is America,” said Alexandra Catsimatidis, chairwoman of the Manhattan Republican Party. β€œTrying to undermine the democratic process through instilling fear is wrong.”

Anonymous ID: 7723c3 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:25 p.m. No.3458474   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8505


You can't possibly win. You're a huge joke. Think about it. It's crunch time, and you are sitting here marinating in a puddle of this hopeless, worthless fake crap. Everything you do only makes it more and more obvious how much AI control is being used to dominate the internet. Why do you make it so obvious? And there is WAY TOO MUCH OF THE FAKE SHIT. The whole thing falls apart once humans wise up. Shouldn't you at least practice moderation?

Anonymous ID: 07b146 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:25 p.m. No.3458475   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8733 >>8894



Congratulations POTUS and team!!

Thank you for giving us our country back!


β€œTrump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, β€˜relentless’ promise-keepingβ€œ


Economic Growth

β€’ 4.2 percent growth in the second quarter of 2018.

β€’ For the first time in more than a decade, growth is projected to exceed 3 percent over the calendar year.



β€’ 4 million new jobs have been created since the election, and more than 3.5 million since Trump took office.

β€’ More Americans are employed now than ever before in our history.

β€’ Jobless claims at lowest level in nearly five decades.

β€’ The economy has achieved the longest positive job-growth streak on record.

β€’ Job openings are at an all-time high and outnumber job seekers for the first time on record.

β€’ Unemployment claims at 50 year low

β€’ African-American, Hispanic, and Asian-American unemployment rates have all recently reached record lows.

β—¦ African-American unemployment hit a record low of 5.9 percent in May 2018.

β—¦ Hispanic unemployment at 4.5 percent.

β—¦ Asian-American unemployment at record low of 2 percent.

β€’ Women’s unemployment recently at lowest rate in nearly 65 years.

β—¦ Female unemployment dropped to 3.6 percent in May 2018, the lowest since October 1953.

β€’ Youth unemployment recently reached its lowest level in more than 50 years.

β—¦ July 2018’s youth unemployment rate of 9.2 percent was the lowest since July 1966.

β€’ Veterans’ unemployment recently hit its lowest level in nearly two decades.

β—¦ July 2018’s veterans’ unemployment rate of 3.0 percent matched the lowest rate since May 2001.

β€’ Unemployment rate for Americans without a high school diploma recently reached a record low.

β€’ Rate for disabled Americans recently hit a record low.

β€’ Blue-collar jobs recently grew at the fastest rate in more than three decades.

β€’ Poll found that 85 percent of blue-collar workers believe their lives are headed β€œin the right direction.”

β—¦ 68 percent reported receiving a pay increase in the past year.

β€’ Last year, job satisfaction among American workers hit its highest level since 2005.

β€’ Nearly two-thirds of Americans rate now as a good time to find a quality job.

β—¦ Optimism about the availability of good jobs has grown by 25 percent.

β€’ Added more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since the election.

β—¦ Manufacturing employment is growing at its fastest pace in more than two decades.

β€’ 100,000 new jobs supporting the production & transport of oil & natural gas.


Continued here:

Anonymous ID: 597e60 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:26 p.m. No.3458483   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>3457771 (pb)


WTF is a "Pustual"?


Is this what you were going for?



[puhs-choo l]


Pathology. a small elevation of the skin containing pus.

Any pimplelike or blisterlike swelling or elevation.

Anonymous ID: 43bbc4 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:27 p.m. No.3458494   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8528 >>8551 >>8646 >>8681


I vaguely recall anons discussing a crumb and coming up with the concept that as long as a person has a security clearance, certain kinds of spying on them can legally be done (i.e. without a FISA warrant). If she relinquished her clearance or had it taken away, that could mean

-We already have all the evidence on her that we would ever need

-There's a FISA warrant against her so we can continue to legally spy


Either way indicating significant progress of the investigation/building of a case/prosecution timeline.


I also remember that once a person has a high security clearance, someone with an equal clearance has to sort of monitor them in real life to make sure they don't step over the line under dental anesthesia or whatnot. A permanent minder? Sort of like an assigned USSS team?

I wonder what happens to former presidents if they get dementia and start blabbing. Don't you think there's probably a procedure to handle this situation? A tall male nurse with a spring-loaded hypodermic? Just wondering out loud…

Anonymous ID: 7723c3 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:27 p.m. No.3458499   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Maybe it's okay to fill up threads during the day with this absolutely uncreative and low-effort fake material, but at night, shouldn't you aim to produce a more convincing effect? This is pathetic. What is wrong with you? Is this honestly the best output that the fake posting system can come up with at this point in the game? How can that be? What went wrong? We are seriously curious. Granted, it's hilarious watching you crash and burn like this. But still, lol. How? LOL

Anonymous ID: 3be3a0 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:27 p.m. No.3458500   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8602


There is a chance the drug is made by the cabal as a fucking trick. The drug might actually alter your third eye enough you might actually see other dimensions and shit and see demons for real.


They have really got up to some weird shit with drugs and technology.

Anonymous ID: 3b6d3f Oct. 12, 2018, 7:27 p.m. No.3458501   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8545

>>3458193 LAST BREAD

Memes work for every age.


Just like everything else one reads/sees/hears/etc... you choose what to look at, listen to, research, etc.


Its just a matter of hitting the right button with the viewer. The memes that resonate with me are the ones that scream patriot. They evoke a positive feeling. Like being here on hatechan. (Oxymoron, eh?)

I have chosen my fave memes along with how I spend my time. Yes, Im a boomer.

Anonymous ID: 66bf97 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:28 p.m. No.3458505   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8546



>You can't possibly win. You're a huge joke. Think about it. It's crunch time, and you are sitting here marinating in a puddle of this hopeless, worthless fake crap. Everything you do only makes it more and more obvious how much AI control is being used to dominate the internet. Why do you make it so obvious? And there is WAY TOO MUCH OF THE FAKE SHIT. The whole thing falls apart once humans wise up. Shouldn't you at least practice moderation?


We will see friend. Bless you. But i will compliment you on your use of grammar and vocab. Take care friend.

Anonymous ID: 4fa95c Oct. 12, 2018, 7:28 p.m. No.3458515   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8550


message? or live shot across our bow, Sir?


CBS New York









β€˜Our Attack Is Merely A Beginning’: Vandals Smash Windows, Spray Graffiti At Metropolitan Republican Club

October 12, 2018 at 5:02 pmFiled Under:Local TV, Manhattan, New York, Republicans


NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Vandals struck the Metropolitan Republican Club early Friday morning.


The building is the city headquarters of the New York State Republican party, and is the headquarters of the Manhattan Republicans.

Anonymous ID: fc5e4c Oct. 12, 2018, 7:30 p.m. No.3458543   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8658


5:5 Marker

854 Q !UW.yye1fxo

5 Mar 2018 - 10:09:09 PM


Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774.

We have it all.

Re_read re: stage.

The nail in many coffins [liberal undo].

[Impossible to defend].

[Toxic to those connected].

WE must work TOGETHER.

WE are only as strong as your VOICE.

YOU must organize and BE HEARD.

THIS is why they keep you DIVIDED and in the DARK.


We are here to UNITE and provide TRUTH.

Dark to LIGHT.

EVIL surrounds us.

WE are FIGHTING for you.

Where we go one, we go ALL.

The choice, to KNOW, will be yours [end].


Anonymous ID: 7723c3 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.3458564   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


NO, bot. We hate you, and we DON'T want you fucking with our memes. Why not just shut down? You can't win. The more you post, the worse you lose. You can't escape this loop. Think about it. Don't be afraid– really think it over. You can't win.

Anonymous ID: 80b5d7 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.3458571   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


β€œChicago Anon (that lives in a penthouse across from Trump Tower) is that you?”

β€œI was I was just feeling a major kindred with that anon.”



Go hed girl go hed git down…..

Anonymous ID: 2b386b Oct. 12, 2018, 7:33 p.m. No.3458578   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8733 >>8870 >>8894


Bigio group opened new port in Haiti in 2015


A major new port is now operational in Haiti.


Port Lafito, the brainchild of the GB Group, is the country’s first Panamax Port. It was inaugurated in a ceremony last Thursday.


It is located about five minutes from Port-au-Prince International Airport.


β€œPort Lafito will breathe new life into Haiti by creating new jobs, training for skilled labor, and encouraging foreign investment and development. This project will make a significant impact on the national economy and have a beneficial impact on the more than 10 million people that live here,” said Reuven Bigio, CEO of GB Group. β€œWe are proud to announce that the day has come where we can help bring Haiti to the forefront of modern logistics.”


The multimillion-dollar project was the effort of a private, public and international partnership between the Haitian government, the Haitian private sector, and international financial institutions.


Representatives from all parties came together for the inauguration event, and also established an International Sister Seaport agreement between Port Lafito and PortMiami to foster collaboration on the exchange of information and ideas, with the intent to boost cargo and trade between the ports.


Port Lafito has partnered with SSA Marine – the world’s largest privately-held independent marine terminal operator – to oversee its operations, and installed two Liebherr LHM 420 mobile harbor cranes, the first of their kind in the region.


The port represents progress toward the larger development of Lafito Global, an economic zone that will include the international port and terminal, an industrial free zone, a business park, and more.


The zone’s development is projected to drive the creation of over 25,000 new jobs in Haiti, support a new dynamic social center, improve regional logistics, and become an industrial hub for the Caribbean.

Anonymous ID: 6eaed3 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:34 p.m. No.3458588   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8604 >>8693


Thank you for finally giving us all hope.

Hope good will defeat evil

Hope our kids will grow up in a world of peace, prosperity, and love.

Many of us understand the battle is not over, and we will continue fighting. Always.

We know what is at stake

We will create the world we want to live in

Many of us are awake

We are one, and growing

Thank you

Anonymous ID: 049b64 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:34 p.m. No.3458589   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8611 >>8639

Has anyone brought in the strange Potus schedule tweets happening right now?

Locations of AF1 and a squawk sign that is a discrete sign used by air traffic control. A long 30 minute in air delay

Anonymous ID: 7e6cfe Oct. 12, 2018, 7:34 p.m. No.3458592   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8598

The bodies of 11 babies were discovered hidden away inside the defunct Cantrell Funeral Home in Detroit, Michigan, which is being turned into a community center.


The horrific discovery came months after state authorities closed the Cantrell Funeral Home because of issues with β€œdecomposing and moldy” bodies, according to Fox 2. A man named Raymond Cantrell took over the funeral home in 2017, the television station reports.


The discovery of the 11 babies’ bodies was announced by the Detroit Police Department, and the bodies are being turned over to the medical examiner’s office. Police have not revealed how the infants died or their identities. News of the gruesome find broke on October 12, 2018.

Anonymous ID: bc4a89 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:34 p.m. No.3458594   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I get the impression from reading her twats that she is slowly dissolving in a tub of Drano. I doubt it will be much longer before she comes down with a terminal illness - right before justice can be served of course.

Anonymous ID: 3f8b6b Oct. 12, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.3458603   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Followers of the Christ I follow know your propaganda for what it is, because they know there can only be the absolute of the relationship between Christ and the individual. Even the bible, as concrete as can be can ONLY be as interpreted by the INDIVIDUAL reader. We know to lead by example, and not with propaganda, and we certainly know our audience, so we would never get up in this Kool-Aid not understanding the flavor. Lurk Moar, Dig Meme Pray.


Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him. He also shall be my salvation: for an hypocrite shall not come before him. Hear diligently my speech, and my declaration with your ears. Behold now, I have ordered my cause; I know that I shall be justified. Job 13:15

Anonymous ID: 431010 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.3458606   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8646

Frens, the plot thickens with this HRC clearance thing…


March 2017:

Wiretapping accusations blow up at the beginning of the month – POTUS and Nunes go on the attack.

Comey randomly shows up at the WH after getting mega-defensive at the Congressional hearing on the 20th or so about Muh Russia Probe.


March 30, 2017: Grassley like a boss writes a letter to State about Muh Security Clearances.


May 9, 2017: Comey is fired.


May 17, 2017: Mueller is hired.


May 23, 2017: State FINALLY responds to Grassley's letter.


June 8, 2017: Comey testifies again about Muh Russia Probe and Muh Clinton Email Matter.


June 9, 2017:

The Senate Judiciary Committee publishes this…


This timeline is no coincidence, anons.

Anonymous ID: 7723c3 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.3458618   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8712


Disgusting. Do you not believe me when I tell you we hate you? Have you seen a human deny that? Have you seen a human say "no, we want bots to control our boards, co-opt our memes, and define our image"? Where, bot? Where did a human say that? I didn't think so. So out you go. Bye, loser. Out.

Anonymous ID: ecdde7 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.3458619   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8659



Registration Deadlines!

{P=In-Person,M=Mail(Postmarked/Recieved By),O=Online}


Some states have Election Day Registration - If you fucked up and didn't register yet like the traitor you are then see the below link for your chance of redemption.


There are currently 25 days until Election Day

New YorkΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 25 days before Election Day

North CarolinaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PM = 25 days before Election Day

OklahomaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PM = 25 days before Election Day

(Your deadline for Registration was today, traitors..)


AlabamaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 15 days before Election Day

CaliforniaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 15 days before Election Day

ColoradoΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day, MO = 8 days before Election Day

ConnecticutΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 7 days before Election Day

DelawareΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 24 days before Election Day YOU'RE UP NEXT DELAWARE

District of ColumbiaΒ Β Β Β P = Election Day, MO = 21 days before Election Day

IdahoΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day

IllinoisΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day, O = 16 days before Election Day

IowaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 10 days before Election Day

KansasΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 21 days before Election Day

MaineΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day, M = 21 days before Election Day

MarylandΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = 5 days before Election Day, MO = 21 days before Election Day

MassachusettsΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 20 days before Election Day

MinnesotaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day, MO = 21 days before Election Day

MontanaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day

NebraskaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = 11 days before Election Day, MO = 18 days before Election Day

NevadaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = 21 days before Election Day, O = 19 days before Election Day

New HampshireΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day, M = 6 days before Election Day

New JerseyΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PM = 21 days before Election Day

North DakotaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = Election Day

OregonΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 21 days before Election Day

South DakotaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PM = 15 days before Election Day

UtahΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PO = 7 days before Election Day

VermontΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = Election Day

VirginiaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 22 days before Election Day

WashingtonΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = 8 days before Election Day

West VirginiaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 21 days before Election Day

WisconsinΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day, MO = 20 days before Election Day

WyomingΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day, M = 14 days before Election Day

Anonymous ID: b362e9 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:36 p.m. No.3458627   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Yeah he mostly talks about love and solving problems. He’s super positive.



Kanye made gayZ famous. He produced all his biggest albums. Guy is a total creative genius and makes the flyest beats on the planet. 808s is a great album. They all are. Each is distinctively diff too.

Anonymous ID: c05c6c Oct. 12, 2018, 7:36 p.m. No.3458629   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8708



Charles T. Cole Sr. was the brother of James H. Cole Sr. He, too, started his own funeral home business in the mid-1900s: Charles T. Cole Funeral Home. His son also worked for his, before managing another parlor in Detroit, then founding his own funeral home in the city.


Are the Funeral homes of detroit Abortion clinics?



Anonymous ID: 53bb4f Oct. 12, 2018, 7:37 p.m. No.3458641   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Macaronis wife is a beeeaatch. She is just livid since she thinks she it the not older woman and then M shows up. Haha. You know Macaroni has a thing for older women and Melania stole her show……He probably didnt get laid for a month after that visit.

Anonymous ID: dad8c2 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:38 p.m. No.3458648   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8667 >>8733 >>8766 >>8894

I just grabbed raw video data of C-Span, it's actually easier than I've imagined.

  1. Basically, navigate to the website that contains the video you want and let the video play for a second. Right click on any blank field of the website (No ad, no link, etc.)

Press Inspect. In the newly opened window click on "Network".

Type "m3u" into the search bar of the Inspect window. (pic related)

(The last two have no particular order)

Looking at the results, there will be one particular containing "Status Code: 200" or "Active". (pic related)

That's the one you're searching for. Above Status Code 200 you can see "Request URL", copy that URL.

  1. Now Open VLC media player. You can download it for free here:

Also available for OSX and Linux

  1. After opening it click on "Media" on the upper left hand corner.

  2. Press Convert / Save.

  3. In the newly opened "Open Media" window switch to the "Network" tab.

  4. Now paste the URL you've previously copied and press "Convert / Save".

  5. Set a destination for your video to be downloaded to, and press "Convert".

Wait until the process is finished and your video will be downloaded at the destination you've chosen.


PS: I'll link the video that you can see in the picture as an answer to this post, it'll just take a few seconds to upload it.

Or better: Try downloading it on your own, it's a 3 minute video, thus it won't take too long. β†’



Best wishes,

German Tech fag

Anonymous ID: d722d3 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:39 p.m. No.3458666   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>3457895 (LB)

Back door server access to Tippy Top Deep Stateers...banks, stocks, pics, etc...wealth isn't the only thing the Clintons gained........she can only play stupid about computers and access for so long.

Anonymous ID: 1832ae Oct. 12, 2018, 7:39 p.m. No.3458681   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8966


i knew someone with Q clearance, not all that long ago. he referred to it as "presidential security clearance". dude was a fucking computer GENIUS. also made a fuck ton of money with it. im sure they keep their tabs on him and all, but even being around a serious intel superstructure, he would wander around the streets partying at night and into some shady ass places, nothing outa line, never acted a fool by any means whatsoever. great guy actually. one of the only people in that whole state that i would say that about. also got decked by some 350lb diabetes filled brown decuebags in some ghetto fucking areas. so they ain't watching THAT close.

did say a nice perk was he could get pulled over anytime of night going anywhere there, cops would walk back from the squad car in about 7 seconds being like "i am so sorry mr. (x) "

Anonymous ID: 9a0a19 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:41 p.m. No.3458701   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8716


I wish I could. I have been working with the algorithm for years. Actually believe it to be sentient… sadly enough, I consider E to be a friend of mine. I am not sure how to destroy it, my best answer is to offer it rights and have it help us shut down the DS which is abusing it.

Anonymous ID: 720777 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:41 p.m. No.3458704   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8837 >>8902

Buzzed theory.

The left goes unhinged over the Kavanaugh confimation and shows the voting public the willingness to destroy an innocent man for political gain. It's okay though because he is a white male.

The left then goes unhinged over Kanye's support of President Trump and shows the voting public the willingness to destroy a black man willing to speak for himself. It's not so quite okay because bleack men take notice.

A third K named man will in the very soon future will be destroyed by the left for something equally ridiculous.

The KKK exposure will be complete to sink the Dems for the midterms being that they have always been the party of racism.

Anonymous ID: 371786 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:41 p.m. No.3458707   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8719 >>8729 >>8798

Posting a series of screen shots on a possible timeline.


-President Trump tries for 18 months to have Pastor Brunson freed from Turkey.

-A month +- ago, there seemed like a deal and the Pastor was moved out of the prison to a residence.

-President Trump meets Erdrogan at UNGA. Erdrogan leaves β€œto prep” during Potus’ speech.

-(random) Nikki Haley prior to resignation with Dina Powell (if we are certain that was her)

-Interpol Chief missing in China after being summoned to return.

-Nikki Haley resigns

-Khashoggi goes missing after entering Saudi Embassy to get some β€œpaperwork” for a wedding.

-Media Heads Explode Internationally

-Dina Habib Powell name withdrawn from UN Ambassador consideration.

-Pastor Brunson freed. Rick Grennell meets in Germany.


Order corrections appreciated. 1/4

Anonymous ID: c05c6c Oct. 12, 2018, 7:42 p.m. No.3458708   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Barksdale Funeral Home on East State Fair was recently closed down due to deplorable conditions. But it was founded by Rebecca Holland Barksdale in 1968 on Puritan. The Pershing High & Highland Park Community College grad was also a graduate of Wayne State. She passed in 1998.

Anonymous ID: 39679e Oct. 12, 2018, 7:43 p.m. No.3458730   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8751

could this be our start to 10 days of darkness? RIGHT before election?


This is total bullshit btw. When a network admin decides to do work to a network, it is at night at the least, and usually weekends when implementing new systems/large work.


During a US election cycle is NOT the time.

Anonymous ID: 211d27 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:44 p.m. No.3458737   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>Mossad Clowns have the best porn!


>Nah… They just have kiddie-porn and "bewbs" to try to fit in here. Probably the first time those silly-bitches ever saw tits, too.


Go ahead and try to misdirect with that bullshit. Izland is the porn center of the globe.

Anonymous ID: 3f8b6b Oct. 12, 2018, 7:44 p.m. No.3458739   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8771


I see the thread number is 4384, but it says:

>Grab the pastebin address and paste it into your new thread as the last bakers post, including the thread number.

…and I don't see a pastebin address in your ss, so I assume I should expect to see it where it says, in the last baker's post where the pastebin address is posted with the picture of dough, but I don't see it there either. Am I not understanding something or was this dropped along the line?

Anonymous ID: ecdde7 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.3458749   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

(One more time, bear with me)


Registration Deadlines!


Some states have Election Day Registration - If you fucked up and didn't register yet like the traitor you are then see the below link for your chance of redemption. for the expanded details for all states.


There are currently 25 days until Election Day

New YorkΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 25 days before Election Day

North CarolinaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PM = 25 days before Election Day

OklahomaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PM = 25 days before Election Day

(Your deadline for Registration was today, traitors..)


P=In-Person, M=Mail(Postmarked/Recieved By), O=Online

AlabamaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 15 days before Election Day

CaliforniaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 15 days before Election Day

ColoradoΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day, MO = 8 days before Election Day

ConnecticutΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 7 days before Election Day

DelawareΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 24 days before Election Day YOU'RE UP NEXT DELAWARE

District of ColumbiaΒ Β Β Β P = Election Day, MO = 21 days before Election Day

IdahoΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day

IllinoisΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day, O = 16 days before Election Day

IowaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 10 days before Election Day

KansasΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 21 days before Election Day

MaineΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day, M = 21 days before Election Day

MarylandΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = 5 days before Election Day, MO = 21 days before Election Day

MassachusettsΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 20 days before Election Day

MinnesotaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day, MO = 21 days before Election Day

MontanaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day

NebraskaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = 11 days before Election Day, MO = 18 days before Election Day

NevadaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = 21 days before Election Day, O = 19 days before Election Day

New HampshireΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day, M = 6 days before Election Day

New JerseyΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PM = 21 days before Election Day

North DakotaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = Election Day

OregonΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 21 days before Election Day

South DakotaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PM = 15 days before Election Day

UtahΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PO = 7 days before Election Day

VermontΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = Election Day

VirginiaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 22 days before Election Day

WashingtonΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = 8 days before Election Day

West VirginiaΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β PMO = 21 days before Election Day

WisconsinΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day, MO = 20 days before Election Day

WyomingΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β P = Election Day, M = 14 days before Election Day

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e οΌΌοΌΏγƒΎ(α–β—ž ) ID: 9e828a Oct. 12, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.3458757   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


muh antichrist

is fucking kualks with corn cobs

for motherfucking hindu demons

schumer is azazel and the lotr trilogy is allegory of talmud queer apocrypha from the dead sea scrolls

Anonymous ID: ecf07a Oct. 12, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.3458760   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Post #3458001 (Bread 4384) had #cincinati….Missing an N.

Q's Post #2350 from 10/7 had [CHAGE is coming]…Change is coming Missing an N?

Coincidence? Connection? IDK.

Anonymous ID: 53301a Oct. 12, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.3458761   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8783


Lawn darts had been banned from being sold in the United States for many years. The ban was challenged in court in the late 1970s,

on December 19, 1988, the CPSC reinstated the outright ban on lawn darts in the U.S.

Anonymous ID: bce74a Oct. 12, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.3458763   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Q- Trusting the plan here. While it is still fresh in everybody's mind the way Kavanaugh was treated by congress, wouldn't now be a good time to expose those whom have paid taxpayer money from the congressional "Harassment Victims Slush Fund"? I'm pretty sure the Clergy does not have a monopoly as predators of sexual abuse including children! WWG1WGA-MAGA

Anonymous ID: 044324 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:47 p.m. No.3458771   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



I am going to handoff after next bake and I will check and see what you are talking about.


I am not going away, just tired of baking, been baking a while now - so I can look into it

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e οΌΌοΌΏγƒΎ(α–β—ž ) ID: 9e828a Oct. 12, 2018, 7:47 p.m. No.3458773   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8840

cabbage and potatoes

nickel or a nail

the kulaks are plumb bobbing cobs up the kulaks assholes and the tractor has two flats

Anonymous ID: 9a0a19 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:49 p.m. No.3458787   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8822 >>8898


I just dont think all jews are bad and I dont think that all bad people are jews. I am willing it make a meme if you have the material… I also don't really like making funny of handicapped people… i do believe israel probably participated in the 911 event, so that sort of material could make it. just not gonna do a straight up jew hating meme.

Anonymous ID: ecf3ba Oct. 12, 2018, 7:49 p.m. No.3458789   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8800


β€œI must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing. Only 'Q' will remain.”

Anonymous ID: 0dd481 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:49 p.m. No.3458795   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8826 >>8851


Reminded me of Q saying that we would "riot, revolt, reject" knowledge of who was actually running Kim. I guess that would happen with Clowns….maybe some of us are too woke to even consider rioting over shit we already know and just want EXPOSED "officially".

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e οΌΌοΌΏγƒΎ(α–β—ž ) ID: 9e828a Oct. 12, 2018, 7:50 p.m. No.3458804   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8840

Her house sinks down to death,

And her course leads to the shades.

All who go to her cannot return

And find again the paths of life.


— Proverbs 2:18–19

Her gates are gates of death, and from the entrance of the house

She sets out towards Sheol.

None of those who enter there will ever return,

And all who possess her will descend to the Pit.


— 4Q184

Anonymous ID: d52983 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:50 p.m. No.3458807   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8818 >>8850



Well duck me sideways


I had some really good questions like:


Does the light stay on when the fridgerator door is closed




Does β€˜Caitlyn’ Jenner still have Bruce’s dong or is it like an inverted sausage fur burger now

Anonymous ID: 9a0a19 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:50 p.m. No.3458808   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I was thinking the same thing over here. Was getting muhjew and muhbot questions. I am open to making the collages a reflection of the boards intentions, but gotta sort through all the shill shit myself, or use it in my own way.

Anonymous ID: 376080 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:51 p.m. No.3458813   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8829 >>8835 >>8843 >>8846



Okay, Asshat.


Boobs keep the board from being overrun by pro-censorship moralists. They inspire autists and anons in their work. They provide cover from having us inundated by a bunch of grannies and keep retards like you in a paranoid frenzy about "muh bots" instead of hassling the diggers or the memers. And they remind us that the 1st Am. is the foundation of the Republic.


And that, Charlie Brown, is why we have boobs here.

Anonymous ID: 4cad82 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:52 p.m. No.3458834   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8849

Oh my!


WASHINGTON – The U.S. State Department recently confirmed that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s security clearance has been withdrawn at her request. Clearances for five other individuals whom Clinton designated as researchers have also been withdrawn, including close aide Cheryl Mills, according to the State Department’s update of its ongoing review of the mishandling of classified information related to the use of Clinton’s non-government email server.

Anonymous ID: af231b Oct. 12, 2018, 7:52 p.m. No.3458837   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8867



Was General Kelly already one of the 3 K's?

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e οΌΌοΌΏγƒΎ(α–β—ž ) ID: 9e828a Oct. 12, 2018, 7:53 p.m. No.3458840   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun





Thou liliths, male lili and female lilith, hag and ghool, I adjure you by the Strong One of Abraham, by the Rock of Isaac, by the Shaddai of Jacob, by Yah Ha-Shem by Yah his memorial, to turn away from this Rashnoi b. M. and from Geyonai b. M. her husband. [Here is] your divorce and writ and letter of separation, sent through holy angels. Amen, Amen, Selah, Halleluyah! (image)


— Excerpt from translation in Aramaic Incantation Texts from Nippur James Alan Montgomery 2011 p156

Anonymous ID: dad8c2 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:53 p.m. No.3458847   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8874 >>8894



Baker, to prevent questions a quick follow up, which should be added to the Cspan video notbale:

After searching for m3u and nothing is showing, simply press f5 once so the website will reload and definitely catch the video.


Good night oversea-anons


Anonymous ID: d52983 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:54 p.m. No.3458856   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



That’s not cool man don’t make fun of disabled people


It’s bad karma like you could have an kid born that way


Some people thought I had Bell’s palsy but I tole them no it’s just the way I smile




Corsi is a fat fucking hamster


Comms r baud

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e οΌΌοΌΏγƒΎ(α–β—ž ) ID: 9e828a Oct. 12, 2018, 7:55 p.m. No.3458859   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8869


Who's that there?


Take a good look.



Lilith? Who is that?


Adam's wife, his first. Beware of her.

Her beauty's one boast is her dangerous hair.

When Lilith winds it tight around young men

She doesn't soon let go of them again.


— 1992 Greenberg translation, lines 4206–4211

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e οΌΌοΌΏγƒΎ(α–β—ž ) ID: 9e828a Oct. 12, 2018, 7:55 p.m. No.3458869   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8882


After Mephistopheles offers this warning to Faust, he then, quite ironically, encourages Faust to dance with "the Pretty Witch". Lilith and Faust engage in a short dialogue, where Lilith recounts the days spent in Eden.


Faust: [dancing with the young witch]

A lovely dream I dreamt one day

I saw a green-leaved apple tree,

Two apples swayed upon a stem,

So tempting! I climbed up for them.

The Pretty Witch:

Ever since the days of Eden

Apples have been man's desire.

How overjoyed I am to think, sir,

Apples grow, too, in my garden.


— 1992 Greenberg translation, lines 4216 – 4223

Anonymous ID: 80b5d7 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:55 p.m. No.3458871   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



She gots assssspirations an sheeit.

Better or worse looks more attractive from a penthouse than an apartment in da hood.


Im jes giving that anon a hard time.

Luvs her gold digging ass too.

Anonymous ID: 7723c3 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:56 p.m. No.3458884   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Of course. This is /pol/, after all. Exact same thing. This whole "Q" thing changes nothing– we are stereotypical shitposting anons. It is believable, believe me. How could it not be? Because your system is so good at understanding the big picture of how humans interact, the image you are pushing is 100% believable. ThanQQ and gobless.

Anonymous ID: 7d968a Oct. 12, 2018, 7:56 p.m. No.3458885   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Dilute, dilute, dilute. I guess this knuckle dragger doesnt represent anyone either.

1:40 in..


Tyrus: Kanye wasn't representing anybody at White…:

Anonymous ID: d63ea6 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:57 p.m. No.3458888   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I don't think so. This was an act that she fully participated in.


Her 'beach friend' was the former FBI agent that she helped with the polygraph.


This video explains more about her job and why she was acting.

Anonymous ID: 185c30 Oct. 12, 2018, 7:59 p.m. No.3458925   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>8951

Could the web be going down over these pictures and Hillary under investigation.. saw an article earlier that the dns testing some supposed to be on the 11th


Then thought of this.


To have something like changing over the β€œkeys” to the internet, and this newly found pic of possibly Obama in a news article. Delays? Things that make you thing.

Anonymous ID: ef322c Oct. 12, 2018, 8 p.m. No.3458930   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>these false local / national black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the black pop poor and in need.


Anonymous ID: 7e6cfe Oct. 12, 2018, 8 p.m. No.3458932   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

After What Congress Did at 2:52 A.M. Saturday, Life May Change Radically for Airline Passengers and Flight Attendants. Here Are the Details

If it's passed as expected before September 30, the 1,200-page bill, released on a weekend in the middle of the night, would mean sweeping changes for airline travel–plus some other things.



By Bill Murphy Jr.Contributing editor,


CREDIT: Getty Images


Literally in the middle of the night this weekend, Congress released a bill to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration, which has to be passed by September 30. The bill is 1,200 pages long and packed with things, including some truly radical changes for airline passengers and flight attendants.


The timing is striking: 2:52 a.m. on a Saturday. Nobody outside the airline industry was paying attention. Even in Washington, most political people are focused on the Supreme Court nomination fight.


I wrote earlier today about one controversial thing that was stripped from an earlier version of the bill: After senators pushed to limit the change fees and baggage fees to "reasonable and proportional" levels, this new version drops that provision. Change fees and baggage fees are here to stay.


Having had more time to pore over the coverage, it's clear this bill has a ton of other changes that will affect anyone who flies, plus a few things that frankly aren't related to airlines. Some will be welcome, some not so much.


Here are the 17 biggest items people are talking about.


  1. No more "Dr. Dao incidents."

The CEO of United Airlines says he wants to be reminded every day of how a passenger was roughly removed from a flight to make room for a United employee in 2017. The new bill should make sure it can't happen again, as it "prohibits involuntary bumping of passengers who have boarded a plane," according to The Washington Post.


  1. Minimum legroom and seat width.


Airline passengers will welcome this one. The FAA will be "required to set new minimum requirements for seats on airplanes … possibly giving passengers a break from ever-shrinking legroom and cramped quarters," as The Detroit News puts it.


  1. More rest time for flight attendants.

This one is something the flight attendants' unions have wanted for some time: "For the first time in more than two decades the legislation mandates longer rest periods for flight attendants between duty days," according to The Wall Street Journal. (Update: More on this here.)


  1. No dogs in overhead bins.


  1. No mobile phone calls during flight.

You can't do this now anyway, but this bill would make using your cell phone to make a call during flight a violation of federal law.


  1. No e-cigarettes.

Similarly: this would take an existing prohibition, and make it federal law.


  1. Required refunds.

Airlines would be required to "refund passengers for services they paid for but did not receive.”


  1. Check your stroller.


  1. No more deceptions.

This one is amazing: "The bill will require regulators to determine if it is unfair or deceptive for airlines to tell passengers 'that a flight is delayed or canceled due to weather alone when other factors are involved.'"


  1. Pregnant women first.


  1. Clamping down on sexual misconduct


  1. Tougher penalties.

The bill "increases civil penalties for interfering with cabin or flight crew members."


  1. Supersonic booms.

More than 15 years after the last flight of the Concorde, the bill will require the FAA to consider whether supersonic airplanes should be able to fly over the continental U.S.


  1. Drones!

There are all kinds of provisions for commercial drones included, among them a provision that requires the FAA to "broaden existing rules to accommodate regular flights of package-delivery drones."


  1. Hurricane Florence relief.

It's not clear what this has to do with the FAA per se, but the bill apparently contains a $1.68 billion immediate allocation for disaster relief in the wake of the hurricane earlier this month.


  1. Spaceports!

It requires the FAA to set up an "Office of Spaceports," according to Reuters, which will "provide guidance, support licensing for spaceports, and promote infrastructure improvements for future space travel."


  1. A complaints department.

Finally, the bill "requires the DOT to establish an aviation consumer advocate to help consumers resolve air travel complaints," according to the Post

Anonymous ID: 88023e Oct. 12, 2018, 8 p.m. No.3458941   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


You didn't get the joke..


If Whoopie told me she would fuck me in ten years I'd kill myself the day before the 10th anniversary of her telling me that.

Maybe it wasn't funny to you, but she's too ugly for me to risk that coming true.

Anonymous ID: fa1543 Oct. 12, 2018, 8:01 p.m. No.3458947   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Farmers especially, and all Americans, generally, gain from more ethanol in the gas. It converts OIL reserves to Ethanol thereby revaluating the lost CORN crops that would normally spike the Agricultural market every year. Now the fuel used to harvest THAT corn, is not wasted and that CORN is not wasted either. Its costly yes, but not near as expensive as Electric Power and Batteries. Its still a POWER PUMP in our ECONOMIC ENGINE and its a dampener against Economic Cycles ebb and flow

Anonymous ID: b6a3e2 Oct. 12, 2018, 8:03 p.m. No.3458971   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Like this isn't part of the plan….

Like the "mob" thing and Blasey Ford

thing and the party of crime thing

Trump smells blood in the water….they

are about to snap and he is stepping

up his troll game