HUMBUG (as in bah-humbug) n.: 1. something designed to deceive and mislead 2. an attitude or spirit of pretense and deception.
Humbug v: DECEIVE, HOAX vi: to engage in a hoax or deception.
Demand that people who confront you, give you their definition of words, terms and phrases. If you carelessly acquiesce to meaning "changes" in the war of words scattered at you from the "Bible" then you will remain a totally "thought-controlled" person and people.
People are continually controlled by introduced "thoughts". Since words are what conjure meaning and bear definitions, in physical form, they become manipulative tools for controlling thoughts in massive manner and thereby change the way people think about certain things. To accomplish this, the controller need only to change the MEANINGS of important words to fit their particular religious and/or political view, and invent NEW EMOTIONALLY-CHARGED TERMS to keep you confused and ignorant.
Eventually, all important words said by anyone will automatically convey the controllers' biased political/religious view and he will not even know difference. At this point it will become increasingly difficult for the opposition to construct an effective opposing argument because the words being used have been so effectively changed, defused, and/or made unpopular.