Anonymous ID: fce181 Oct. 25, 2018, 3:15 p.m. No.3603809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3881

Conversation in Cycles: The Dynamics of Culture Sharing


Information Cycles

H.T. Odum’s ‘information cycle’ (Odum, 1996) is an evolutionary-ecological model of the processes of information maintenance and change. It is a general model, intended to apply to all forms of information. It has to this point been explored in emergy analyses of DNA, discourse, media, and education among others (Abel 2011; Odum 1996). The research presented in this paper is a behavioral, experimental study designed to collect data that can illuminate the dynamics of culture sharing in information cycles.


The paper is also attached as PDF.

Note how EMERGY is being applied in a number of different fields

Anonymous ID: fce181 Oct. 25, 2018, 3:20 p.m. No.3603881   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4121


Emergy Analysis of Biogas Systems Based on Different Raw Materials


Environmental pollution and energy crisis restrict the development of China, and the utilization of renewable technology is an effective strategy to alleviate the damage. Biogas engineering has rapidly developed attributes to solve environmental problems and create a renewable energy product biogas. In this paper, two different biogas plants’ materials were analyzed by emergy method. One of them is a biogas project whose degraded material is feces (BPF system), and the other is the one whose degraded material is corn straw (BPC system). As a result, the ecological-economic values of BPF and BPC are $28,300/yr and $8,100/yr, respectively. Considering currency, environment, and human inputs, both of the biogas projects have the ability of disposing waste and potential for development. The proportion of biogas output is much more than fertilizer output; so, fertilizer utilization should be emphasized in the future. In comparison, BPF is better than BPC in the aspects of ecological-economic benefits, environmental benefits, and sustainability. The reason is the difficulty of corn straw seasonal collection and degradation. Thus it is proposed that BPC should be combined with the other raw materials.


PDF is attached

Anonymous ID: fce181 Oct. 25, 2018, 3:29 p.m. No.3603976   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Proof that Comey is /ourguy undercover.

And now it is safe enough to begin unveiling.


Recall how Trump opened the last rally in Wisconsin

With a call for unity between ALL AMERICANS

And a warning against divisiveness.


Now Comey tweets a statement that seems to be complete

And all the liberals who read it agree, strongly

It is now implanted in their minds.

Then, 72 minutes later Comey continues

And points the finger straight at Trump

Telling everyone…


POTUS is setting a STRIKING example for America

Anonymous ID: fce181 Oct. 25, 2018, 3:42 p.m. No.3604121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4185 >>4219 >>4299


The Energy Return on Energy Invested


ERoEI for Beginners


It is assumed that ERoEI >5 to 7 is required for modern society to function. This marks the edge of The Net Energy Cliff and it is clear that new Green technologies designed to save humanity from CO2 may kill humanity through energy starvation instead. Fossil fuels remain comfortably away from the cliff edge but march closer to it for every year that passes. The Cheetah symbolises an energy system living on the edge.


As if it were not already complicated enough, the embodied energy portion of the EROEI analysis is an area that needs much more attention. Emergy analysis as developed by H.T. Odum and others is an attempt to create a framework to set boundaries and enable consistent results in puzzling out the embodied energy of materials. While it is better than using GDP and money as proxies, it is by no means easy. We’ve never had to worry about it till now, so in essence a new science is in the process of being created.


You can see where their work has progressed to over at “A Prosperous Way Down” website.

Anonymous ID: fce181 Oct. 25, 2018, 3:49 p.m. No.3604219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4257



Seven Sustainable Technologies


What if we are on the verge of a Dark Age, 5 centuries without any modern technological civilization. No computers, no Internet. What can we preserve and how? Conversely, what are the essentials to carry along in a starship to colonize a distant planet after 10 or 20 generations of travel?


the contemporary culture of apocalypse fandom was also, more broadly, about the increasingly frantic attempts being made to ignore the future that’s looming ahead of us. Believing that the world as we know it is about to crash into ruin, popular as it is, is only one of several strategies put to work in those attempts. There’s also the claim that we can keep industrial civilization going on renewable energy sources, the claim that a finite planet can somehow contain an infinite supply of cheap fossil fuel—well, those of my readers who know their way around today’s nonconversation about energy and the future will be all too familiar with the thirty-one flavors of denial.


Those are tight constraints, but I’ve identified seven technological suites that can be sustained on a very limited resource base, produce goods or services of value even under dark age conditions, and could contribute mightily to the process of rebuilding if they get through the next five centuries or so.


as Arnold Toynbee pointed out, is that the decline and fall of every civilization follows the same track down but the journey back up to a new civilization almost always breaks new ground. It would be equally accurate to point out that the decline and fall of a civilization is driven by humanity in the mass, but the way back up is inevitably the work of some small creative minority with its own unique take on things. The time of that minority is still far in the future, but plenty of things that can be done right now can give the creative minds of the future more options to work with.

Anonymous ID: fce181 Oct. 25, 2018, 3:52 p.m. No.3604257   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Energy and Emergy of the Internet


Recent years have seen a flurry of energy-efficient networking research. But does decreasing the energy used by the Internet actually save society much energy? To answer this question, we estimate the Internet’s energy consumption. We include embodied energy (emergy)—the energy required to construct the Internet—a quantity that has often been ignored in previous work. We find that while in absolute terms the Internet uses significant energy, this quantity is negligible when compared with society’s colossal energy use.