Anonymous ID: 41a9e9 Oct. 27, 2018, 1:54 p.m. No.3629034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9688

I think Q gave us a drop with 4 weeks of BOOMs

And then 3 more weeks that are decisive


3 Jun 2018 - 12:58:29 PM


BOOM. week starting Mon 1 Oct - 3rd day

BOOM. week starting Mon 8 Oct - 11th day

BOOM. week starting Mon 15 Oct - 19th day

BOOM. week starting Mon 22 Oct - 27th day

A WEEK TO REMEMBER. week starting Mon 29 Oct

DARK TO LIGHT. week starting Mon 5 Nov - election

BLACKOUT NECESSARY. week starting Mon 29 Nov - POTUS in Europe



After the election, the Hatch Act limits are gone and arrests can begin, while POTUS is safe.



That was James Baker's testimony



That was Kanye's speech in the Oval Office which has begun the collapse of the Dems



This week will be BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM

Numerous unveilings, many of which indicate clear crimes

Leading up to someone crying Uncle on the 19th



That week should be many happenings leading up to a crescendo

That ties it all up into a neat understandable package

It will be magical.


The 27th BOOM was clearly the Queen's announcement.

Now wondering whether there was a BOOM on the 19th that I missed because it was also outside the USA.


Next week will definitely be a week to remember with the number of Trump rallies planned, sometimes two per day. If you have been following these, you will notice his message is escalating with each rally. I expect the pace of that to increase.


Then on election week the DARK Deep State is expelled from the deep DARK swamps of DC, and the Red Tsunami brings the LIGHT. Could also mean that Vincent Fusca (Latin for Winning Dark) will reveal himself to be JFK Jr.


On the 9th or 10th, Trump leaves the USA to be in Paris on the 11th for the big MILITARY PARADE commemorating the Armistice. A good week to arrest everyone and unseal all the indictments, however BLACKOUT NECESSARY to prevent public panic. Fortunately, there will be lots happening with Trump in Paris, talks with Putin, and likely a surprise visit somewhere.

Anonymous ID: 41a9e9 Oct. 27, 2018, 1:56 p.m. No.3629053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9453



Peale was the minister at the NY church that Frederick Trump and his family attended every Sunday. I believe that this is where Trump's character was formed and also explains much of what we read in The Art of the Deal.

Anonymous ID: 41a9e9 Oct. 27, 2018, 1:58 p.m. No.3629071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9196


Some people are so totally obsessed with the Jews

That they didn't notice that the Cabal

Are Nihilists

Jew is an irrelevant detail

It is NIHILISM that brough the world COMMUNISM


And the NEW WORLD ORDER based on nihilist ideals

Like political correctness


Now the founders wanted a Novus Ordo Seclorum


But they had a very different view of it.


The Nihilist/Social Darwinists/Scientific Monists

Have infiltrated everything in society to push their view

Of my way or the highway

When you tell me my way or the highway your opinion

Stops at your property line

A society can live with that


But the Nihilists want the elite to make the decisions

And IMPOSE them on everybody

So that the people become sheep who obey orders


I don't really care whether they call themselves liberals or progressives

Or capitalists or fascists or feminists or activists

If they are proposing a NIHILISTIC view of society and politics

Then they are wrong


There must be debate, ALWAYS

There must be disagreement, ALWAYS

There must be competition, ALWAYS

Because that is what uplifts us and makes us strive to succeed.


Nihilists were a subgroup of the Nazis


Technocracy was a nihilist political philosophy that sprouted in North America as a reaction to Communism.


Zbigniew Brzezinski took their plans to the Rockefellers and they used it as the basis of the Trilateral Commission. Technocracy was created by mostly engineers, and the Trilateral Commission was where the elite wealthy powerbrokers adopted the plan and made it their own.


If you want to see where they were coming from, read this


The parallels to the Europeans and their Club of Rome with Limits to Growth should be obvious.


Watch the Water


When Q says most people are good he also means in the Cabal because a lot of well-meaning people got sucked into this. The real evil comes from the cult of con-artists who are the people who learned the art of the con, thousands of years ago, and passed it down in their families. They mastered the art of living high, while others do all the productive work.

These bloodlines have infiltrated just about any organization with power in the Western World, and they have RIGGED the system. The cult of co-artists is MATRIARCHAL. They are ruled by WITCHES which is why POTUS keep exhorting us on a WITCH HUNT to identify the man behind the curtain because that man is actually a woman (or women).

Anonymous ID: 41a9e9 Oct. 27, 2018, 2:08 p.m. No.3629186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9214 >>9238 >>9302 >>9337 >>9410 >>9425



I expect Q to post again on November 11th

Because the election is over

And this is a highly symbolic event

That is connected to the Cabal

WWI started with the assassination of a high-ranking Cabal leader

In the Habsburg bloodline which, if you read the messages

In the film V for Vendetta is the leading bloodline

Of the Illuminati.

His car's licence plate said Nov 11/18

Which is the exact day the war ended

Trump will meet Putin there.

I expect there will be something symbolic planned by the Cabal

And Trump and Putin will disrupt that

Or rather, turn it around and use it against the Cabal

Anonymous ID: 41a9e9 Oct. 27, 2018, 2:23 p.m. No.3629337   🗄️.is 🔗kun



First, the NorseFire logo from V for Vendetta

2nd the arms for the hose o Habsburg Lorraine

The two barred cross of Lorraine is found on many arms in countries that were formerly part

Of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

3rd compare Georg von Habsburg with George Soros. These men are related. The Habsburgs are a Catholic monarchy.

4th Mary Vetsera, 17yo mistress of Crown Prince Rudolf Habsburg who died at Mayerling. I believe that Bismarck used her to create a Moonchild named Adolf Hitler to unify the two Germanys. Adolf's grand-daughter now rules Germany

Anonymous ID: 41a9e9 Oct. 27, 2018, 2:28 p.m. No.3629379   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Technocracy News is a site that has been trying to unveil the Technocracy NWO plans for many years. There is some good stuff on here