Anonymous ID: e5ad69 Oct. 27, 2018, 2:07 p.m. No.3629166   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Death toll climbs to 11 in Pittsburgh synagogue mass shooting


The death toll for the shooting against people who had gathered for a baby-naming ceremony at a Jewish synagogue has risen to 11, local officials confirmed Saturday. No children were killed, Pittsburgh Public Safety Director Wendell Hissrich said at a press conference, tearing up during his remarks.


Bob Jones, FBI Pittsburgh Special Agent, said that suspect Robert Bowers did not appear to have been known to law enforcement before the shooting Saturday. He promised the FBI would look at "everything in the suspect's life" including his home, motor vehicle, and social media accounts. "This is the most horrific crime scene I have seen in my 22 years with the Federal Bureau of Investigations," Jones said. "Members of the Tree of Life Synagogue conducting a peaceful service in their place of worship were brutally murdered by a gunman targeting them simply because of their faith." He added that the gunman's full motive wasn't known but that officials believe he was acting on his own.


Bowers, 46, allegedly entered the synagogue yelling that "all Jews must die." He was described to local CBS affiliate as a white male, heavyset, with a beard, and armed with an AR-15 as well as multiple handguns. Officials have him in custody at the hospital.


President Trump declared the attack an " anti-Semitic act." Four officers were shot as they worked to rescue the people inside the synagogue, called the Tree of Life. Two other people were injured, according to local officials. They did not find any evidence of explosives. Chief Scott Schubert said that the four police officers who were injured were in stable condition. "We can't forget the victims inside the synagogue who lost their life," he said.

Anonymous ID: e5ad69 Oct. 27, 2018, 2:14 p.m. No.3629240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9657

Mexico offers caravan migrants benefits to stay; thousands refuse


ARRIAGA, Mexico (AP) — Several thousand Central American migrants turned down a Mexican offer of benefits if they applied for refugee status and stayed in the country's two southernmost states, vowing to set out before dawn Saturday to continue their long trek toward the U.S. border.


Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto announced what he called the "You are at home" plan, offering shelter, medical attention, schooling and jobs to Central Americans in Chiapas and Oaxaca states if they applied, calling it a first step toward permanent refugee status. Authorities said more than 1,700 had already applied for refugee status. But after one of the caravan's longest days of walking and hanging from passing trucks, the bulk of the migrants were boisterous Friday evening in their refusal to accept anything less than safe passage to the U.S. border.


"Thank you!" they yelled as they voted to reject the offer in a show of hands in the town of Arriaga. They then added: "No, we're heading north!" Sitting at the edge of the edge of the town square, 58-year-old Oscar Sosa of San Pedro Sula, Honduras concurred. "Our goal is not to remain in Mexico," Sosa said. "Our goal is to make it to the (U.S). We want passage, that's all." Still 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) from the nearest U.S. border crossing at McAllen, Texas, the journey could be twice as long if the group heads for the Tijuana-San Diego frontier, as another caravan did earlier this year. Only about 200 in that group made it to the border.


While such migrant caravans have taken place regularly over the years, passing largely unnoticed, they have received widespread attention this year after fierce opposition from U.S. President Donald Trump. On Friday, the Pentagon approved a request for additional troops at the southern border, likely to total several hundred, to help the U.S. Border Patrol as Trump seeks to transform concerns about immigration and the caravan into electoral gains in the Nov. 6 midterms.


Defense Secretary Jim Mattis signed off on the request for help from the Department of Homeland Security and authorized the military staff to work out details such as the size, composition and estimated cost of the deployments, according to a U.S. official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss planning that has not yet been publicly announced. Stoking fears about the caravan and illegal immigration to rally his Republican base, the president has insinuated that gang members and "Middle Easterners" are mixed in the group, though he later acknowledged there was no proof of that.

Anonymous ID: e5ad69 Oct. 27, 2018, 2:22 p.m. No.3629330   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rupert Murdoch could pull off amazing coup: Buying Fox regional sports networks back from Disney at a discount of billions


"New Fox," the company that will exist after Disney completes its $71.3 billion deal for the majority of Fox, may end up buying back 22 regional sports networks from Disney. The deal could be another coup for Rupert Murdoch, who may end up making billions by buying back the networks. Netflix recently praised New Fox for its renewed focus on news and sports; a purchase of the regional sports networks would fit that strategy.


The front-runner to buy 22 regional sports TV networks from Disney is the same company that sold them in the first place. "New Fox," the company that will remain after Rupert Murdoch sells $71.3 billion worth of 21st Century Fox assets to Disney, is the leading contender to buy back the RSNs it "sold" to Disney as part of the larger transaction, according to people familiar with the matter. Those networks broadcast the games of 44 professional teams from Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association and the National Hockey League.


Formal offers haven't come in yet. As Sports Business Daily reported, Disney only recently sent out its bid book to prospective buyers. News that Fox was considering buying back the channels was previously reported by The Information. But people familiar with the process, who asked not to be named because the negotiations are private, say New Fox is the most serious buyer for all the networks. That's a cleaner outcome for Disney than selling the networks piecemeal, which would bring in smaller buyers and private equity firms.


Disney is a motivated seller because it can't get its larger deal for Fox done without divesting the networks. The Department of Justice forced Disney, which owns ESPN, to sell the networks to alleviate concerns about too much sports programming power in the hands of one company. In fact, the networks might never even change hands, depending on when Disney's larger deal of Fox closes. Winning back the sports networks would be a coup for Rupert Murdoch, who could get the RSNs at a lower price than the value at which he sold them to Disney — a price that was driven up nearly $20 billion by Comcast's rival bid for the bundle of Fox assets. There may also be beneficial tax benefits to Murdoch, related to tax-deductible amortization, one of the people said.

Anonymous ID: e5ad69 Oct. 27, 2018, 2:34 p.m. No.3629441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9657

Shadow-Banning Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg: We're All Digital Ghosts Now


Just about the only bulwark against being silenced by the modern-day tech-corporate-NKVD-Stasi is Patreon. If you do a search of shadow banning, you'll find sites that claim to help you identify whether Twitter or Instagram has shadow banned your account. The basic idea of shadow banning is to spoof the shadow-banned user into believing their public posts are visible to all while in reality the posts are visible only to the user or in some cases to the users' followers.


Wikipedia's definition of shadow banning is: "Shadow banning (also called stealth banning, ghost banning or comment ghosting) is the act of blocking or partially blocking a user or their content from an online community such that it will not be readily apparent to the user that they have been banned." Here is's description: "Shadow banning is controversial because it allows an administrator or moderator to effectively become a censor and prevent specific users from interacting with other members of an online community on an equal basis." Shadow banning and outright banning are only the tip of the iceberg: everyone who posts content on the web or social media is subject to much more subtle and completely opaque controls on how much of your digital presence has been ghosted–not just in social media communities but in searches and how links to your site/content and re-posts of your content are handled by the tech cartel that controls what's visible and "found" on the web and social media. This cartel is dominated by Google and Facebook. Google controls over 90% of all search: what search results are displayed, the weight given to links (the page-rank assigned to websites) and a variety of other factors that can be depreciated, removed, omitted or blocked by algorithms and/or human censors (a.k.a. administrators) without recourse and without the site or user being informed.


We are all digital ghosts now, and how much of your digital shadow is visible to the world is secret / opaque. If you violate company policies or applicable censorship laws (as interpreted by the company attorneys), the corporation will notify you that your account has been frozen or banned. In these instances, users and content creators are informed of their purported violation. But this visible part of web / social media censorship is only the tip of the iceberg. Most of the censorship is invisible and undetectable. Here's an example of how this might work.

Anonymous ID: e5ad69 Oct. 27, 2018, 2:42 p.m. No.3629516   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Musk Boasts That Funding Secured Tweet Was "Worth It", Calls FBI Investigation "Total BS"


On Friday evening - the same day that it was reported that an FBI investigation into Model 3 production numbers was "intensifying" - Elon Musk again took to Twitter to taunt regulators, not only proclaiming that his $20 million fine from the SEC was "worth it" but also that the ongoing FBI/Department of Justice investigation into the company was "total BS". After that, he announced his intention to start buying $20M in stock as soon as Monday of the upcoming week. usk led off on Friday with a conversation about Twitter, calling the criticism on the social media network "brutal" and saying that "likes" were rare. Then, when asked by another user about the "like" ratio on his "funding secured" Tweet, Musk responded it was "worth it".


After that, Musk also went on a separate thread, seemingly boasting with confidence that the Department of Justice would be unable to find evidence that Musk or his team knowingly misled investors about production targets. Musk turned his sights to a Tweet put out on Friday by Fox Business News reporter Charlie Gasparino. After the Wall Street Journal beat Gasparino to the punch on the story about the FBI/DOJ looking into Model 3 production numbers, Gasparino obligatorily chimed in, calling it "not really that much of a story" and stating that a "law enforcement source" told him the Feds would have to find tangible proof that Musk was lying about the Model 3 production schedule. He called the FBI's task "not impossible, but really difficult". To which Musk responded, "Exactly, this is total bs. What part of 'production hell' sounds like a sure thing?!"


Musk then stated "The FOIA on this will be solid gold. Can’t wait."Then, when asked about whether or not Musk bought $20M in stock while it was increasing in value this week, he told a Twitter user that he hadn't yet, but he would. When another user suggested he would buy stock during the "next open period", Musk responded "Exactly. That's Monday."


In a separate Twitter exchange that night, Fred Lambert, head of Tesla PR arm blog electrek took to Twitter and called Tesla's price reduction of the Model 3 performance version a "shitty thing to do" that was "punishing early adopters". After Musk claimed the company would "make it right", he announced his departure from Twitter for a couple of days.


Recall that as a result of Musk's settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission, he is required to have all of his future correspondence on Twitter approved by the company. We assume that certainly includes Tweets about Musk's intention to buy stock on the open market. It's obvious to assume that last night's tirade was not looked over by anybody. Musk may have been emboldened by the company's recent quarterly earnings, which shot the stock up more than 20% during the week. However, questions remain about the company's operating expenses and SG&A spend for the quarter as skeptics wait patiently for Tesla to release its 10-Q filing for the quarter.

Anonymous ID: e5ad69 Oct. 27, 2018, 2:50 p.m. No.3629615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9630

$7.6 Million Reward Offered In Case Of Murdered Canadian Billionaire


The family of a murdered Canadian billionaire and his wife have offered as much as C$10 million ($7.6 million) for information in their slayings last year, claiming that police bungled the investigation from the beginning according to Bloomberg.


Barry and Honey Sherman, 75 and 70, were found hanging by belts near a basement pool by a real estate agent walking through their Toronto mansion on Dec. 15. An autopsy revealed the cause of death for both to be "ligature neck compression," meaning strangulation. Police initially believed it was a "suspicious" murder-suicide. The Shermans are believed to have possessed a fortune worth nearly $5 billion thanks to Barry Sherman's Apotex, a Canadian pharmaceutical giant that specializes in producing generic copies of popular drugs. At the time of his death, Sherman and his company were embroiled in multiple lawsuits.


Later, a source with direct knowledge of the parallel probe told CBC Toronto in January that private investigators believe that the billionaire Toronto couple was murdered by multiple killers. "Regrettably it has become clear to them that despite the active pursuit of search warrants and exploring other investigative avenues, police resources have neither been properly managed nor effectively utilized," said Sherman family attorney, Brian Greenspan.


The reports sparked outrage from the couple’s four adult children, who issued a statement saying their parents’ characters were “totally inconsistent with the rumors regrettably circulated in the media,” and urging police to do a thorough investigation. The Sherman family hired Greenspan, a Toronto criminal defense lawyer who had previously represented the likes of Justin Bieber and Naomi Campbell, to advocate for the family. Greenspan assembled a team of retired police detectives to conduct a separate investigation and began pushing back publicly against the idea that Sherman was responsible for the deaths. -Bloomberg


Forensic investigation

The Sherman family hired a pathologist to conduct second autopsies of the deceased, which revealed "narrow markings on both victims' wrists," according to Bloomberg. The evidence suggested that the couple was tied up at some point despite no bindings found at the scene. Barry's legs were also found crossed in front of his body in a position unlikely to be found in a suicide. The private investigators hired by the family informed the police that their conclusion of murder-suicide could not be correct. On January 26, over a month after the bodies were found, homicide detective Susan Gomes revealed to the press that the Shermans "were in fact targeted," and declared the deaths to be homicides after "six weeks of evidence and its review." On Friday, Greenspan said the police had erred in several aspects of the investigation including not assessing and securing the crime scene properly as well as failing to notice initially that the bodies were staged. They also missed at least 25 fingerprints and palm impressions that private investigators later found, according to Greenspan. -Bloomberg

"There are circumstances where rewards have worked and we believe it may work here," said Sherman.


Note: This is an update on Canadian Pharma Couple found murdered in Dec, 2017