>>3669664 lb
Posse Comitatus Act
There is so much BS around this act.
After the Civil War, local law enforcement officers were making posses out of troops stationed in the area, effectively making the Fed pay for local law enforcement,
It was a resource issue. Under the first law, the military could be used if given permission by the President or Congress, since it was their resource.
As late as 1982, (first hand experience), a single Coast Guard officer on board a Naval vessel by assignment of the President through the chain of command, enabled the whole ship's complement to perform law enforcement duties under the authority of that Coast Guard officer.
So talk theory all you want. In real life, it happens. Look for those weasel words in the law like "without authority" etc.
And certainly in the event of National Emergency or Martial Law they can be used. It seems to me like we have been under these conditions for a number of years now.
There may be an EO declaring the 'invasion' a National Emergency, just to cover his bases if previous declarations, which have not been ended were questioned.