Israel doesn't bother me so much now that we are not going to fight their wars anymore.
What bothers me is the "American" Jews that run our media and control the population through lies.
Jewish lies. That bothers me.
Israel doesn't bother me so much now that we are not going to fight their wars anymore.
What bothers me is the "American" Jews that run our media and control the population through lies.
Jewish lies. That bothers me.
Funny you bring it up again megajew.
Because you kvetched and had an apoplectic fit the day the meme went mainstream.
Calling it MK Ultra and a Psyop. HA!
Have some more faggot.
Beyond the fact that you are team megajew…
Your fucking memes are so fucking bad they need to stop.
Just awful.
You got it…Team Megajew…Enjoy!