it amazes me - completely two different focuses.
Universal and local. Yes you can change local but if you do not change 40 it goes right back bitch's. To change the world you have to change the global shit.
I am amazed no one seems to get that.
it amazes me - completely two different focuses.
Universal and local. Yes you can change local but if you do not change 40 it goes right back bitch's. To change the world you have to change the global shit.
I am amazed no one seems to get that.
your ready for night shift :) LOL
topo gave me clues. :)
you ready to do down the road โฆ
red dead all bursts into flamesโฆ.
you ready?
all inclusive.
I groomed that horse to loved it - flames.
You ready?
each dimension that is collapsed into 4D has a personality.
:) length width and depth all over time.
double slit is lol 4D
Fractal is multi
I am not sure how you all don't get it. Spin the axis some axis become major and some fractal. Basic pattern shit.
night shift gets what I said.
We are much more than we perceive.
We are divine as a given.
no and yes. The definition is of set. You define the set. If you think local and think you are at the perimeter of the universe you are limited. Real is consciousness.
Ask i will define in the way you can understand.
Yes I can move to 8 D normal for me. Bringing it back to this 4D is harder. If you cannot even fathom that each choice creates a new physical reality I am not sure you can understand.
Moron - quit looking for a savior!!!!!!!!!! The only savior is you.
I am weak on the math :)
yes the world is changing
Ask yourself why?
Are you learning? Are you growing personally?
LOL topo will take me from the unit change of distance over time to the consciousness over experience to the next stage two steps up from our reality.
That is the dimension of learning - that is the level two steps up in physical realities. That is growth and moving the consciousness to home.
in 8D you think she is hot and she comes :)
LOL unless she is 8 D and she glances at you judges the timelines and options she had to change those timelines and then decides if you are worth it or not.
shine on the bubble
it is all pearls before swine unless asked.
hang head