Also, you are allowed to parody, and that is not considered a violation.
Letter font is not exact (similar, but not exact) to GOT. Clearly the meme is using the similarities to convey Trump's freedom of speech as a classified work of art. This is called "parody".
Give us a break, HBO!
Q has not filled in any real blanks yet.
We already knew Grassely was looking to investigate women that falsely made statements against Kavanaugh.
We already knew the coasts, southern border, and sanctuary city areas are heavy Dem because of illegals.
We already knew that men were handing out money and were caring guns.
We already suspected that these men were possibly MS13 gang members.
I am happy Q is back, but hasn't answered the real questions that have been lingering on this board since Q's absence.
Q has yet to comment on Sayoc and Bowers.
Still waiting for some really good crumbs!
As far as Q's returning posts, it is all well and good for those that aren't frequenting this board, and I am not knocking Q; I am just saying that for the majority of Anons, any info that was dropped since Q's return is just old hash for us.