Going to be very interdasting to see what Vietnam commies do if DJT goes into a shooting war with ChiComs in the Spratlys and Paracels.
Public sentiment in Vietnam is adamant that the islands (some of them anyway) come (back) under Vietnamese control. However most of their commie overlords in Hanoi are on the ChiCom payroll and have been for a long, long time.
If the Hanoi commies lend military support in a hypothetical US-China war in the islands, they will score big points with their own people, but will anger their overlords in Beijing.
If the Hanoi commies do nothing during a US-China war over the islands, they will lose face among their people and I'm not sure DJT would be inclined to turn any of the islands over to Vietnam to administrate.
TL;DR the whole scenario looks ripe to discredit the Hanoi commies and help the Vietnamese #MVGA.