Thank you, Baker!
The post itself is nothing but a "commercial" for the ged format – and the gramps program for that matter )i.e. the tool).
Seems to be a program/software for family trees (haven't checked it and don't know it, but heard about the GED format)
It's probably not notable (max. to add in the "tools" section), unless someone comes up with useful family connections (which the post itself does not/little).
A GED-format (format to describe family connections) by itself is not notable – does that (and had been used back then to trace Merkel/Kazmierczak family).
It's really just a "technical" advertisement for the GED format …
Never mind, if I weren't into formats and data, I wouldn't know myself. Wondering why anyone would post this technical shit here at all …
Not saying anything about the usefulness of the GED format or gramps (even though I doubt that the avarage anon will know what to do with it) – just trying to help the backer.
Waiting for it to happen – but certainly still not losing faith though.