Tachi, very tahiki. Thyme to Spear-mint. Take a hike to TimbuktuEYE R.A.Mint. Clowns are 'posed 2B joyus. Pink says it best-ish, I guessish.
Tachi, very tahiki. Thyme to Spear-mint. Take a hike to TimbuktuEYE R.A.Mint. Clowns are 'posed 2B joyus. Pink says it best-ish, I guessish.
So on who's advice did Papa talk to Bon?
Gfys, I'm an E11even, I deux what I please, psyoffs like yourself make me throw up, I won't back down to pond scum such as yourself.
Why bother replying, that would mean yourpond scum matters and informing you now, yourpond does no matter.