Anonymous ID: fdb0f7 Nov. 5, 2018, 1:36 p.m. No.3744466   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Iran Doubles Down On Terror, Turmoil’ Against The West


Iran’s state-sponsored terror attacks have only escalated during the Trump presidency as the corrupt, murderous regime reacts to real pressure being applied by the administration, as opposed to the Obama appeasement. In Iran, when threatened by the resistance, the regime simply murders its opponents, so it is natural for the mullahs to think it is fine to do the same thing internationally. After all, Barack Obama didn’t care right?


The National Council of Resistance of Iran highlighted this dangerous trend last Friday at an event in Washington, D.C., where they released their new book, “Iran Doubles Down on Terror, Turmoil.” The work is an extensive overview and analysis of the rising threat from Tehran from terror operations in the West.


The most recent incident was thwarted by Danish security services in September and involved assassinating Iranian opposition figures on Danish soil.


Many Americans are not aware of the extensive attempts at violence that have happened in the recent past in the United States and Europe. With Iran being front and center in the Trump administration’s foreign policy, this situation is unacceptable – Americans must become cognizant of the danger. As the Left, and the Iranian sympathizers in the West, push the narrative that Trump’s policy against the regime is wrong, and provocative, the realization among Americans of the threat posed by Iran is something than needs to happen quickly.


Iran is the most significant existential threat currently facing America as we attempt to right the ship from the appeasement and betrayal of the Obama years.


A forceful opposition to this threat, along with simply realizing the danger, is urgently required.


The Washington-based political arm of the PMOI/MEK laid out the regime’s goals in executing these terror plots. They include delivering a blow to the engine for change in Iran, primarily the opposition, and boosting the moral of suppressive forces, mainly the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRCG).


The NCRI laid out several steps that need to be taken by the West during the event last Friday in D.C. These include: prosecuting all Iranian agents in Europe and the United States; expelling all Iranian terrorist agents from both sides of the Atlantic; shutting down Iranian regime embassies in the West; and sanctioning all entities involved in planning, training, facilitating, and funding terrorism.


The NCRI declared that Iranian terrorism will not stop and continues out of utter desperation; a unified, international response is needed.

Anonymous ID: fdb0f7 Nov. 5, 2018, 1:53 p.m. No.3744659   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Corrupt Media Is Lying About The Polls, Get Out And Vote


The corrupt media and their deceitful pollsters are working overtime. They are doing their utmost to make you think the Democrats are way ahead in the polls, that the president’s approval rating is in the low forty percent range, and that the blue wave is a foregone conclusion for the coming midterm elections.


Today I was listening to a major, Leftist media outlet and I was astonished at the outright lies that were being told.


First of all, the issue of the president’s approval rating is a perennial favorite of the Mainstream Media, used to defraud and deceive the American public, and the world for that matter. Donald Trump’s approval rating is not in the low 40s. You only can get that number if you poll a sample that is overweighted to people who don’t like Trump. Rasmussen, one of the more accurate pollsters in 2016, has Trump consistently around 50% approval, give or take a few percentage points. Trump’s approval rating has been GOING UP in recent weeks according to Rasmussen.


But Trump is not on the ballot you say? That is true; however, this election IS a referendum on the Trump agenda, and most Americans support the agenda, even if they don’t like the person himself.


Second, there are many races where polling has across the board shown the GOP significantly ahead, especially in recent days. However, the corrupt media will consistently call them ‘toss ups’ or leaning Democrat.


Finally, the coverage declaring Trump has given up and now focusing on the Senate, and ignoring House races, is also untrue.


Don’t believe it. The media is lying to you.


They are trying to discourage you and prevent you from casting your vote.


Don’t let that happen. Get out to vote and take ten people with you.

Anonymous ID: fdb0f7 Nov. 5, 2018, 1:57 p.m. No.3744702   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nestle Continues Stealing World’s Water During Drought


Nestlé is draining California aquifers, from Sacramento alone taking 80 million gallons annually. Nestlé then sells the people’s water back to them at great profit under many dozen brand names.


The city of Sacramento is in the fourth year of a record drought – yet the Nestlé Corporation continues to bottle city water to sell back to the public at a big profit, local activists charge.


The Nestlé Water Bottling Plant in Sacramento is the target of a major press conference on Tuesday, March 17, by a water coalition that claims the company is draining up to 80 million gallons of water a year from Sacramento aquifers during the drought.


The coalition, the crunchnestle alliance, says that City Hall has made this use of the water supply possible through a “corporate welfare giveaway,” according to a press advisory.


A coalition of environmentalists, Native Americans and other concerned people announced the press conference will take place at March 17 at 5 p.m. at new Sacramento City Hall, 915 I Street, Sacramento.


The coalition will release details of a protest on Friday, March 20, at the South Sacramento Nestlé plant designed to “shut down” the facility. The coalition is calling on Nestlé to pay rates commensurate with their enormous profit, or voluntarily close down.


“The coalition is protesting Nestlé’s virtually unlimited use of water – up to 80 million gallons a year drawn from local aquifers – while Sacramentans (like other Californians) who use a mere 7 to 10 percent of total water used in the State of California, have had severe restrictions and limitations forced upon them,” according to the coalition.


“Nestlé pays only 65 cents for each 470 gallons it pumps out of the ground – the same rate as an average residential water user. But the company can turn the area’s water around, and sell it back to Sacramento at mammoth profits,” the coalition said.


Activists say that Sacramento officials have refused attempts to obtain details of Nestlé’s water used. Coalition members have addressed the Sacramento City Council and requested that Nestle’ either pay a commercial rate under a two tier level, or pay a tax on their profit.