WTF is going on here tonight this is a shit show!!!!!!!!!
WTF is going on here tonight this is a shit show!!!!!!!!!
So the CIA tells you something and you put more confidence it than CNN - got it
it is a full shit show we go toots, we got fuck jews, we got c a, we should invite the flat earthers just to get the full experience.
I am so new I just invented 4 shills in one post - jew, toots, FE - kinda like ebot
it is already a shit show lets get the full court press LOL
old news my daughter tells me I am living in the past all the time
Like quit acting like drama queens
it will happen or not
we tried
this board is on it's own
just more stringers?
anon it is not all shills I figure fake Q is just a disillusioned follower, Freddy I have no fucking Idea, The left is not creative enough to come up with either.
reconcile this
ok I get you are going to say this is proof. But the shitshow that proceeded it negates it and AZ was stolen.
sit in abox to see if alive or dead