I came across this on IPOT a couple nights ago (unable to embed):
Evidently, the Santa Susana Field Laboratory – (Rocketdyne), where the fire first started, is where an experimental nuke reactor experienced a partial meltdown in 1959, necessitating the release of radioactive gasses:
Residents of the area report escalated instances of cancer and other diseases, which they attribute to a lack of cleanup of the nuclear residue. They formed a group to increase awareness of the situation and petition the State of CA to redouble cleanup efforts:
Then the Woolsey Fire started, and it's believed that nuclear toxins were spewed into the air:
"During a fire, there are two primary ways contaminants in the soil can get into the air.
Plants and brush suck up pollutants from the soil. When vegetation burns, it releases those contaminants into the air.
Some pollutants also exist in the soil in solid form, as small particles. When the soil heats up, these solids become gases or they vaporize. It's like putting a pot of boiling water on a stove; when the liquid gets hot enough, it turns to steam.
Something like the Woolsey Fire could potentially release substantial amounts of that contamination, according to Hirsch, and those airborne particles will travel as far as the smoke goes. Approximately half a million people live within ten miles of Santa Susana.
Dr. Jonathan Samet, the dean of the Colorado School of Public Health, has a more optimistic outlook. He says, "Yes, some materials would likely have been disseminated. The good news is that anything that might be in the smoke is going to be distributed across a very wide area."
Further Info from LATimes archives:
What does all this mean?
Is this Notable?
I have no idea - I'm just a simple Anon!