Anonymous ID: ba53ba Nov. 17, 2018, 11:50 p.m. No.3948306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8334

This story might be a good one to meme and spread.

Maher is basically saying anyone who likes super heroes/comics is stupid, immature,child like.

I don't think geeks in the nerd universe will find his comments too appealing, and frankly quite insulting.

The intolerant left is hell bent on alienating everyone.

Also this sounds like another excuse for Hillary

Reasons Hillary lost, because of people who like comic books and super heroes, LMAO

Only if one considers Trump a super hero for good, and his story reminiscent of batman, kek

HMM Guess there is a point to be made there, kek

Maybe too many people associated Hillary with the Joker.KEK


Bill Maher faces fan backlash when the comedian appears to blame Stan Lee for Donald Trump getting elected and for making America 'stupid'

Bill Maher riled up comic book fans on Saturday when the comedian wrote a blog post critical of Stan Lee's cultural impact.

The Real Time host suggested the recently-deceased Spider-Man creator was responsible for kids continuing to read comic books into their adult years - and thereby wasting their 'smarts on stupid stuff'.

He even claimed comic book were responsible for America's current political climate: 'I don’t think it’s a huge stretch to suggest that Donald Trump could only get elected in a country that thinks comic books are important

In the blog post, titled Adulting, Maher takes aim at nerd culture.

The Religulous star implied that comic books should only be read by children and that he had long ago 'moved on to big-boy books without the pictures'.

He also blamed the immaturity of adults on comic book culture, writing that 'now when adults are forced to do grown-up things like buy auto insurance, they call it “adulting,” and act like it’s some giant struggle.