Anonymous ID: c4de2b Nov. 18, 2018, 12:07 a.m. No.3948379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8448



1947-1953 The Cold War


This is the period that established the Truman Doctrine which is the foundation on which globalism was built upon. The front was the fear instilled in the American people of Russia launching a nuclear attack on America and resulting in the wide spread adoption of Communism.


The Truman Doctrine used the tactic of containment by essentially buying influence of nations through "foreign aid". Of course the goals stated (stop the spread of Communism) was a cover for the actual goal (Global government)


This has been our foreign policy ever since, it's enslaved all of us to the needs of the nations around the world and it bought a huge amount of influence over other nations. The might of the US military was used to force value onto a fiat money system and the world had to accept it either by need or by threat.


This also led to the Korean War and permanent US military occupation all over the globe. We were used as the Cabals henchmen and stripped of real wealth, valor stolen and then used to enslave the third world under our flag, fake money backed by the strongest military known to man. The Cold War never ended and the Russians were not our enemy.


Our troops were used as hitmen, we lost a grip of our moral compass, our health, our identity, our individual freedoms stomped into the ground.


The Great Awakening is a restoration of all things this Nation stands for as originally intended by our Founding Father's and God who ordained them to build such a place as this.


The world will follow, we will defeat the enemy wherever they hide. This is a New Beginning.

Anonymous ID: c4de2b Nov. 18, 2018, 12:28 a.m. No.3948470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8486


So we actually supposed to believe that Space Force doesn't already exist? Puh-leaze when Trump reveals something in the works that means that shits been done and was just classified. The price tag makes no difference, we need Space Force and either price sounds just fine with me

Anonymous ID: c4de2b Nov. 18, 2018, 12:54 a.m. No.3948547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8577


I'll expand on that as well.


11/01/2017 was the first post by "Q Clearance Patriot"


Had some personal experiences, some unexpected habbenings that made me relook at some time frames I was focused on.


Resulted in the timeline being a 1:1:1 which by some using some maths came out to be 1 year, 1 week, and 1 day.


Now don't hold me to it, but I've been keeping a check on 11/19/2018 to coincide with 11/11/17 q drop.


That would be 1 year, 1 week, and 1 day delta, or essentially an 8 day delta not taking the year into account.

