President’s Turkey Pardon Talk – Notes (11/20/18)
re-post from end of last bread
“I want to wish all Americans a very, very happy Thanksgiving. At this time of year, we reflect on the many blessing in our lives.”
Thanksgiving is a time of great American traditions. This is one of them, when one turkey gets a Presidential pardon. [But both will get pardons today.]
Honest Abe was the first to start this tradition of turkey pardons when his son Tad implored him to save the turkey. “Please, dad, please dad, save it!”
The two turkeys are named Peas and his alternate, Carrots. The winner of this vote was decided by a fair and open election on the WH website. This was a fair election. Unfortunately, Carrots refused to concede and demanded a recount. And we’re still fighting with Carrots. And I will tell you, we’ve come to a conclusion. Carrots, I am sorry to tell you, the result did not change. [As an aside] It’s too bad for Carrots.
After their good fortune today, both turkeys will now live out their days at Gobbler’s Rest at Virginia Tech. Peas and Carrots are part of a group of 50 exceptional turkeys called the Presidential flock.
“However, it won’t entirely be a rest. Even though Peas and Carrots have received a Presidential pardon, I have warned them [the turkeys] that House Democrats are likely to issue them both subpoenas. Nonetheless, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I will be issuing both Peas and Carrots a Presidential pardon. Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee that your pardons won’t be enjoined by the 9th Circuit. Always happens, they’re guaranteed.”
“All joking aside, this is a time for Americans to unite together in the spirit of love, understanding, unity, and joy, as one very proud American family. Our nation is doing well. We are now at the beginning of a national period of Thanksgiving….We’re all very thankful.”
We pray for those in need, especially those impacted by the devastating California fires.
We give thanks to God, who continues to shed His mighty grace upon this magnificent land….this is an incredible time in our country…Prosperity soars all over this land…We send our eternal gratitude to the heros who keep America safe, strong, proud, prosperous, and free.
Now it’s time to grant Peas and Carrots the pardon they’ve been waiting for. They are extremely lucky birds… God bless you all and God bless America.