Why "swearing and lewdness" is not only allowed here, but absolutely required at times:
This place was selected by our leaders, with full & exact knowledge of how it works. They turned it into a literal battlefield, where ideas & beliefs are contested in full view of the world. Do warriors swear on the battlefield? We all know the answer. This is not a church or a place for "the way of a man with a maid….but now you must be a bold man of war…" (Iliad).
Further, is it not futile to question language when porn, gore, etc., are continually swimming all around us?
A man should be temperate, yes. But there are times when harsh language is needed for emphasis. IMO when someone who is literally attempting to kill us all is called a "bastard" or the like, we are doing what our leaders can not. They feel the same way, but must hold back to some extent for decorum. We thereby do POTUS (who also uses salty language when indicated) a favor (at times) by saying it. They ARE bastards. By calling them that, we are letting the world know that we have zero fear of them. We spit in their faces that we hereby announce our resolute determination to see justice done.