Anonymous ID: b026f7 Nov. 20, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.3973276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3925

Recent anniversary of "Jonestown" (People's Temple)

New tv specials galore.

(My Analysis)


Reminder: 1970's

While (Jim Jones - [spook]) was palling around with the San Francisco/California swamp creatures & pulling his shenanigans in the Guyanese jungle:

The C_A was conducting "Operation Condor" in South America >

Training & Activating "death squads" & launching Gov coups in various South American countries.


We were supposed to be worried about "The Russians" influence in our hemisphere - but all the while:

1: The rogue C_A was training & operating "Murder Inc." in Central & South America to solidify their hold on the human & drug trafficking trade. And to "Soften Up" the (Theater of Operation) for the "Next Wave" of the Globalist Cabal Collaborators = China.

2: In collaboration w/ "reconstituted" Nazi grps, MOS operators & UK - Intel.

3: Controlling the economies of said countries; Mining, Fruit, Timber, Livestock, Oil, Drug & Human trafficking.

3: Simultaneously: (Kissinger - 71) (Nixon - 72) > Ford > (Carter - P Canal to China) > (D. Feinstein - SF & Shanghai 1982) > Clintons - Chinese Buddies -> you name, they sold it) et al… They were "Opening" China to the West; having wound-down the Vietnam War.


The Bushes, under "Poppy" Bush, still ran things thru Dubya's presidency. So, South & Central America were still "ours"; resource-wise.


Looks like China's major moves on S. America came in the early 2000's.

Venezuela is a prime example, Ref: China's "Debt-Trap Diplomacy"

(China - Venezuela) - Trade (per year)

Hu Jintao + Hugo Chavez

(1999) = $500m

(2009) = $7.5bn


From 2009 things have taken off regarding China's investment in Venezuela. (Enter Hussein & the "Escalation"/"Acceleration" of Resources Transfer to The Cabal via China)

Oil → China likes to be paid in Oil.




Mil Tech

All the natural resources…


Drugs, People, Coups - Trading Latin America to the Chinese.

And we were, and are, expected to be all worked up → thinking, "The Russians are coming, The Russians are coming."–Venezuela_relations

Anonymous ID: b026f7 Nov. 20, 2018, 11:39 a.m. No.3973987   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>For yet another rabbit hole..check out the relationship between Jones and Harvey Milk.


I've posted extensively: Connections >

Jim Jones

Harvey Milk

Mayor Moscone

Willie Brown

Dianne Feinstein

Presidio Child/Ritual Abuse Scandal


Lots of connections