Anonymous ID: 84527b Nov. 21, 2018, 11:48 a.m. No.3986154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6165 >>6322


Does Soros Support the Trifecta La Familia Latina Unidos (LFLU), Centro Sin Fronteras (CSF), and Pueblo Sin Fronteras?


See also attached interview (Bill O’Reilly with Anna Paulina:


In previous posts on Soros funding for the migrant caravans , the focus has been on the money coming from the CARA coalition (see chart); this post focuses on the money possibly coming from or through LFLU or CSF that may makes its way to the group directly organizing the caravans, Pueblo Sin Fronteras (PSF). All three groups are essentially run by the same people, like one organization with different departments. It's the same people working on different aspects of a radical left-wing agenda that is frankly revolutionary and Communist in nature.


See posts 3888783 pb, >>3910097 pb, and >>3947983 pb; the funding chart above also shows the info collected to date.


Conveniently, two nights ago, Bill O’Reilly focused on exactly that topic—how PSF’s sister/parent group LFLU is funded—in an interview with Turning Point’s Anna Paulina.




Paulina said that the parent/sister group La Familia Latina Unidos (LFLU) received $2.5mil from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation in 2009, based on info from Influence Watch.




But if we look at Influence Watch, they refer us to a doc that shows a payment of $2.5mil by OSF in 2009 to the National Immigration Forum, not LFLU (see screenshot). Granted, there seems to be a close relationship between the National Immigration Forum and LFLU/CSF/PSF coalition, in that Influence Watch reported that the Natl Immigration Forum reported giving $60,000 to CSF, which Crazzfiles reports as also getting money from Open Society, MacArthur, Ford, and Rockefeller Foundations.




$60,000 is a fair chunk of change, but it’s not $2.5mil. But Crazzfiles includes additional tantalizing info on possible funding sources, starting with some info on Viridiana Vidal, a contact person for PSF who has previously worked for Telemundo and Univision, and currently works for America’s Voice, a pro-immigration group funded by Soros, who gave $3mil to the Immigrant Voters Win PAC, “becoming the PAC’s first and primary donor.” There is additional info on money and salaries paid to America’s Voice employees by that funding source. Plenty to dig on here; the rabbit hole is deep.


My conclusion at this point:

There is obviously a lot of cash making its way to the caravan via PSF. It comes from more than one source but Soros’ Open Society Foundation is right in the middle of the action. However, OSF tries to remain in the background so the funding can’t easily be traced. Influence Watch has additional info on funding that may be good for a dig; for example, it list the American Friends Service Committee as soliciting donation for the caravan. Dig?


One last note:

La Familia Latina Unidos is technically defunct from a legal point of view, due to a failure to file Tax Form 990 with the IRS (revealing their sources of income) for three consecutive years. Why could that possibly be?