This post is part of an ongoing dig with multiple anons on the hidden organizations involved in caravan funding and support.
New Details on Soros Funding for Pro-Caravan Communist Groups La Familia Latina Unidos , Centro Sin Fronteras & Pueblo Sin Fronteras
See also attached video interview (Bill O’Reilly with Anna Paulina:
We know that Pueblo Sin Fronteras (PSF) works directly to bring the caravans to the US border, but it is part of a three-group coaltion that also involves La Familia Latina Unidos (LFLU) and Centro Sin Fronteras (CSF). See >>3888783 for background info on LFLU.
In previous posts on Soros funding for the caravans , the focus has been on the money coming from the CARA coalition (see >>3910097l pb and >>3947983 pb; see also chart above). In this post, the focus is on support coming from Soros to another pro-migrant group, the National Immigration Forum.
Bill O’Reilly recently focused on the same topic—how PSF’s sister/parent group LFLU is funded—in an interview with Turning Point’s Anna Paulina.
Paulina said that the parent/sister group Familia Latina Unidos (LFLU) received $2.5mil from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation in 2009, based on info from Influence Watch.
However, this is not quite accurate. If we look at the Influence Watch website, they refer us to a doc that shows a payment of $2.5mil by OSF in 2009 to the National Immigration Forum, not LFLU (see screenshot). Granted, there seems to be a close relationship between the National Immigration Forum and LFLU/CSF/PSF coalition: Influence Watch used its 990s to ascertain that it gave at least $60,000 to CSF. But we do not know whether they gave more than that, although there are obviously many in-kind ways to give without leaving a record. One thing is clear: the National Immigration Forum probably has a lot of discretionary funds, for it is has also received donations from the MacArthur, Ford, and Rockefeller Foundations.
Crazzfiles includes additional tantalizing info on more possible funding sources, such as the Immigrant Voters Win PAC, which received $3mil from Soros, which in turn financed America’s Voice, a pro-immigration group, “through a six-figure consulting re-imbursement” and the funding of top executives. It also introduces us to Viridiana Vidal, who is both an official contact person for Pueblo Sin Fronteras and an employee of America’s Voice—which means she is in an ideal position to serve as a link between the two groups. Thus, future digs on Vidal, America’s Voice, and Immigrant Voter’s Win PAC may prove fruitful.
Conclusions to Date:
There is obviously a lot of cash making its way to the caravan via PSF, but tracing it is a painstaking and difficult process because of obvious efforts by the MSM, Dems, and pro-migrant groups to obscure this information. But piece by piece, this information is being revealed. The goal of this dig is to put together enough pieces of the puzzle to show that (a) the caravans are definitely the product of a highly organized effort; and (b) which groups and individuals organized them and provide ongoing funding. At this point, it’s obvious that Soros’ Open Society Foundation is heavily involved, but there may also be significant funding coming from organized labor and other foundations such as those mentioned by Crazzfiles.
One last note:
La Familia Latina Unidos is technically defunct from a legal point of view, due to a failure to file Tax Form 990 with the IRS (which would reveal its funding sources) for three consecutive years. Why could that possibly be?